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Point Program and College R eview. POIN T PROGRAM This answers the questions : What and how will we achieve our objective of developing our product and service offering ?. CONTENTS : History of Point College Strategic plan in Point College
PointProgram and College Review Sari Gustafsson 3.9.2013
POINT PROGRAM Thisanswers the questions: What and howwillweachieveourobjective of developingourproduct and serviceoffering? • CONTENTS: • History of Point College • Strategic plan in Point College • Internationalisation and projects • Point’s governance and management system Sari Gustafsson 2013
POINTCOLLEGE HISTORY • Porvoo international College • established 2012 • Formedfrom the merger of twotraditionalcolleges: • 1958 established • Porvoonkauppaoppilaitos • Borgå handelsläroverk • Porvoo Commercial College • 1989 established Porvoon terveydenhuolto-oppilaitos • Trilingual: Finnish, Swedish, English 1995 • Yrityspalvelu – Företagsservice 1991 • Porvoo International Services 1998 • QBA 2003 Sari Gustafsson 3.9.2013 Sari Gustafsson| JK ja hallitus5.9.2012
DIPLOMAS Grundexamen inom företagsekonomi, merkonom Grundexamen i informations- och kommunikationsteknik, datanom Yrkesexameni försäljning Yrkesexameninomföretagsekonomi Yrkesexamenför företagare Yrkesexamenför dokumentadministration och arkivväsen Yrkesexameni informations- ochbibliotekstjänst QBA - VocationalQualification in Business and Administration Liiketalouden perustutkinto, merkonomi Tieto- ja viestintätekniikan perustutkinto, datanomi Sosiaali- ja terveysalan perustutkinto, lähihoitaja Myynnin ammattitutkinto Taloushallinnon ammattitutkinto Tieto- ja viestintätekniikan ammattitutkinto Yrittäjän ammattitutkinto Lasten ja nuorten erityisohjaajan ammattitutkinto Vanhustyön erikoisammattitutkinto Päihdetyönammattitutkinto Maahanmuuttajien ammatillisen koulutukseen valmistava koulutus EDUCATION ACCORDING TO NEEDS Sari Gustafsson 3.9.2013
POINT PROGRAM AS A PART OF THE SCHOOL ORGANISATION OPERATIONSRESULTS 2. OPERATIONAL PRINCIPLES AND STRATEGY Operationsstrategy New operating practices Improvequality 6. CUSTOMER RESULTS Profitability 1. Leadership 5. PROCESSES Wide-rangingaccountresponsibility and reportingtools 3. Staff Inspiringemployeepolicies New operating practices 7. STAFF OUTCOMES Content and participativestaff New operating practices in Board and leadergroup Furtherdevelopment of client-centredprocesses 9. KEY PERFORMANCE RESULTS Effectiveness, worklife-centred and active prevention of exclusion Improvewellbeing of educationenvironment Inspiring and responsiblechange management Learning and teachingprocesses 4. PARTNERS AND RESOURCES New operating practices in ERP Functionality of premises 8. COMMUNITY RESULTS Operational and strategicbenefitsfromprojects INNOVATION AND LEARNING Sari Gustafsson 3.9.2013
STRATEGY Sari Gustafsson 3.9.2013
Owner’seducationalpolicies, Educational and researchKESU 2011-2016 POINTSTRATEGY (vision,operational and strategicobjectives) POINT STRATEGY HIERARCHY • Curriculum/plan common parts and variousappendices, including prevention of dropouts, informationtechnology in teaching, the On-the-joblearningsystem, specialsupportmodels, cooperationbetweenschool and home, schoolrules,substanceabuseprograms, teasing prevention plans, variousjobdescriptions • Pedagogicalpolicies, adulteducationoperationalpolicies • Staffprogram* (comparability and equalityplan) • Qualityprogram *Sustainabledevelopmentprogram (environmentalstrategy and locationplan) • Internationalisationplan • Communication and ITplan • Crisis, safety and rescueplan • Teachingplans. educationplans, schoolprograms, diplomas, courseprograms • Financial and operationalplans, Pointprogram, evaluation of operations and results (shortterm and long term) Strategiclevel Operationallevel • Project and developmentprograms and projects • Educational, teaching and otheroperationalyearlyplans and classtimetables • Practices and processes Sari Gustafsson 3.9.2013
STRATEGIC DIAGRAM. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO THE ORGANISATION’S RESULTS? MISSION Whyarewehere? VALUES Whatdowebelieve in? VISION –OUR INTENTIONS Whatwouldwelike to become? Mission statement Whatshouldwedo? STRATEGY How doweachieveourobjectives?Concreteoperationalobjectives MONITORING STRATEGY How dowemeasureachievedobjectives? Qualitywork and metrics. STRATEGIC PROJECTS Whatshouldwedo? Strategicproject portfolio. PERSONAL OBJECTIVES Whatshould I do? STRATEGIC OUTCOMES COMMUNITY EFFECTS SATISFIED CUSTOMERS EFFICIENTPROCESSES MOTIVATED EMPLOYEES Sari Gustafsson 2.9.2013
POINTVISION (HOW DO WE MAKE THE TRANSFORMATION); ”WINNING POINT!” CUSTOMER/STUDENT: A Pointstudent is a participative, international and activepioneer! REVITALISATION SKILLS OF STAFF: Fair play and responsiblerenewal! ORGANISATION AND MANAGEMENT: Clear, caring and fair! Point is the top choice in my owneducationfield and a visibleleader! FINANCE AND PREMISES: Successfuloperations and sensibleuse of premises! Sari Gustafsson 2.9.2013
VISION 2020: WINNING POINT VALUES WE ARE CLIENT-NEAR WE VALUE ADAPTABLE PROFESSIONALS WE WORK RESPONSIBLY AND COST EFFECTIVELY MISSION STATEMENT Weprovideourclientswelfare and competitiveskillsbyofferinghighquality, appealingwork-orientededucation and developmentservices. MISSION Point is a vocationalschoolingtrendsetterpromotingemployment in an internationalisingworkenvironment. Sari Gustafsson 3.9.2013
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2012-2015 Wecreateconditions for a goodstudy and workenvironment. Wepromotestudyskills, studying and qualityteaching in threelanguages and internationally. Wesupportstudentspersonallymanagingtheirownlives and weoffersupportservices (studyguidance, remedialteaching) to encouragegoodlearning. Wearebuildingappealingadulteducation and working life serviceswhilealsodeveloping a qualitydiplomaachievementsystem. Wepromote the well-being and knowledge of ourstaff and makeproperuse of theirknowledge. Weundertakefunctioninglocal and international cooperation(includingdevelopingteachingcontent) with stakeholders in working life, the publicsector, othereducationalinstitutions and ourowners. Ourorganistionstructure and leadergroupsupporteconomical and efficientoperations and well-beingduringtimes of change.Weappreciateopennessand transparency in ourworkcommunity. Weoperateaccording to sustainabledevelopmentprinciples and understand the environmentalimpact of ouractions. Sari Gustafsson 3.9.2013
Wepromote social responsibility (eg. SORAguidelines). Wepredicteducation and workplaceneeds. Weuseall the premises and equipment at the college efficiently. Wereduceuse of paper and increaseuse of electronictools. Weincrease the individual and groupenjoyment of learningusingthemedays and projects, amongstothers. Wedeveloptransparent operating processes and client-centredcontrol and supportservices.Administration is electronic and streamlined. 1. Learning and workenvironment Wepreparespecialsupport and guidancemodels to implementgeneral procedures. 7. Sustainabledevelopment and environmentalimpact 2. Learning support and teaching Wepredictchanges in financingsystems. Weincreasestudentsparticipationusingmultipleteachingmethods and creativesolutions. Wenote the viewpoints and objectives of ourowners and creategoodadaptationcapabilities for the future. Wekeepup to date with the teaching and learningenvironments. Strategicand operationalobjectives 2012-2013 6. Efficientstructures and management Wehave a clear management and workinggroupsystem.Wedeveloporganisationstructures and jobdescriptionswhennecessary. Weensureteachershavegood pedagogicalcapabilities(HH-education). 3. Adulteducation Weusevariousefficienteducationimplementation, financing and worklife-friendlymodels. WeensurethatPointis represented in working life and the publicsector. 4. Staffwell-being and knowledge 5. Internationalisation and workorientedapproach Westrengthen the Pointbrand. (eg. theme days) Wepromoteentrepreneurship and welfare; takingwork-life and internationalisation into account. Wedeveloppeople and knowledgeleadership (incl. regularperiods in worklife, staffplanning). Wedevelopregionaleducationalcooperationand vocationalskillscommittee and advisoryboardsactivities. Weimprove the individual and general workatmosphere,occupationalsafety and responsibleoperational culture. Wedevelopappropriate and profitableprojectconcepts. Wemakeuse of IT and strive for open communicationat work with the assistance of Intranet and supervisors.. Sari Gustafsson 3.9.2013
INTERNATIONALISATION OBJECTIVES • Support the brand-building of the college as an international, multilateral, highquality and influentialplayer. • Supportbothstudent and staffmotivation and improve the quality of education. • Offer the studentsconditions to beemployed in an international and/ormulticulturalworkplace (languageskills, social skills, cultural and workplaceawareness). • Respond to regional labour needsthrougheducation. • Increase the international knowledge of the regionalcommunity and companies. • Associate with variouslanguagegroups,national and Finnishrepresentatives with the help of projects and educationalevents(domesticinternationalisation). • Implementprojects and international activitieswith our international networkthatsupportstrategic priorities. Sari Gustafsson 3.9.2013
POINT INTERNATIONALISATION MODEL AND PROCESS PROJECT OPERATIONS: New operating models, partners and parallellearning with peers STUDENT MOBILITY: From Finland overseas and viceversa NETWORK COOPERATION: Teacherexchange New ideas STABLE ACTIVITIES: International workplaces and partnerschools IMMIGRANTS International education QBA& MAVA Teachingplancontents and teachingmethods Three teachinglanguages, cooperation and limitlessoptions Multiculturalstudentmaterial and staff Sari Gustafsson 3.9.2013
Point College Project Portfolio - 2012 • Administrated and coordinatedbyDevelopmentManager • 20projectsaltogether • 12projectswithinVocationalEducation Department • 8projects In AdultEducation Department • 5 international projectsfinancedby Leonardo da Vinci NordicCouncil of Ministers and Finnish National Board of Education • Value of Project Portfolio € 440 000
SomeEuropeanProjects: INTO PRACTISE – CENTRAL BALTIC INNOVATION TOOL FOR PRACTISE • Duration: 1/2009 – 12/2011 • Target regions: Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Sweden • Financing: € 890 000 (Central Baltic Interreg IVA Programme) • Description: Encouraging innovativeness in vocational and polytechnic/university education environment. VETWORK - Working Life Connections of Vocational Education and Training • Duration: 4/2005 – 6/2007 • Target regions: Finland, Estonia • Financing: € 520 000(Interreg III A Programme of Southern Finland and Estonia) • Description: Promoting competitiveness and working life contacts in vocational education and training
VEERA-WERAN WOMEN ENTREPRENEUR NETWORK • Duration: 10/2005-3/2007 • Financing: € 20 000 (Nordic Council of Ministers) • Target regions: Finland, Sweden, Russia and Lithuania • Description: Erasing obstacles of international co-operation by delivering knowledge, experiences, contacts and training. PARTNERSHIP EAST • Duration: 4/2007 – 12/2007 • Financing: € 111 000 (Interreg III A Programme of Southern Finland and Estonia) • Target regions: Finland, Estonia • Description: Planning and piloting new models of co-operation to support tourism branch. NOVGOROD TRANSFER • Duration: 1/2002-12/2003 • Financing: € 340 000 (Interreg III A Programme of Southern Finland Coastal Zone) • Target regions: Finland, Russia, Estonia • Description:Supporting cross border entrepreneurship, business support systems and youth employment in fields of construction industry, timber cultivation and tourism.
POINTCOLLEGE- Processmodel and management system Executive Board Strategic leading ManagingDirector/ /Principal Social and Healthcare trainingprogrammes Viceprincipal 1 2.Business and Administrationtrainingprogrammes Viceprincipal 2 3.AdultEducation/ Adult Training programmes AdultEducationManager 4. Developmentservices and projects DevelopmentManager i ANTICIPATION OF THE COMPETENCES AND WORKIN LIFE NEEDS Rapporting and qualiti management Students, customers and working life STRATEGY, VISON AND VALUES • Economy • HRM /HRD • ICT • Property • Nutrition StudyCounceling Studentwelfare Student Office Communication and marketing CONTINUING DEVELOPMENT PROCESS, FEEDBACK AND EVALUATIION OF RESULTS Sari Gustafsson 3.9.2013