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This article discusses the challenges faced in Libyan higher education, including lack of motivation among academic staff, outdated teaching methods, and poor student backgrounds. It also explores opportunities to improve by introducing modern practices, matching courses to job markets, and enhancing academic management.
Higher Education Policies;Challenges and Opportunities Prof FathiAkkari Libya Open university
Challenges Academic Staff Lack of motivation Lack of leadership qualities Poor management skills Old fashion teaching methods Limited language and IT capabilities
Challenges Students lack of languages poor academic background poor motivation large numbers of students
Challenges Courses Old fashion contents Emphasis on quantity Lack of management subjects Poor language training Lack of proper lab facilities No or weak team work training courses do not match job market
Challenges Learning support Limited access to libraries No proper practical sessions Use of notes Huge class numbers no textbooks
Challenges Academic management Traditional manual methods Lack of IT skills Mostly from security background Unable to enforce regulations No language skills
Opportunities Inject new blood Improve teaching skills Introduce international practices Match courses to job markets Enforce regulations at all levels Offer better language training Introduce management and IT to all
Opportunities Libya Open University Reach large number of students common subjects use distance learning for