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Life. Cycles. Life Cycles. Do you look the same as you did when you were younger? Or the same as your parents? Of course not! As you get older, you go through changes. Most living organisms change as they get older. They pass through changes from birth through death called life cycles.
Life Cycles
Life Cycles • Do you look the same as you did when you were younger? Or the same as your parents? Of course not! • As you get older, you go through changes. • Most living organisms change as they get older. • They pass through changes from birth through death called life cycles.
Life Cycles of Animals • Every type of animal has its own unique life cycle. • For example, insects, fish, and birds are born from eggs. • The babies of mammals are born live from their mother. • Most animals grow bigger and when they reach adulthood, they reproduce (have their own children.) • Many insects go through a special process called metamorphosis. • In this process, the insect changes its form.
What is Metamorphosis??? • Metamorphosis refers to the way that certain organisms develop, grow, and change form. • Metamorphosis actually means "change".
Two Types of Metamorphosis • COMPLETE METAMORPHOSIS - has FOUR stages. • INCOMPLETE METAMORPHOSIS - has THREE stages
Egg • The female lays eggs.
Larva • Larva hatch from the eggs. They do not look like adult insects. They usually have a worm-like shape. • Caterpillars, maggots, and grubs are all just the larval stages of insects. Larvae molt their skin several times and they grow slightly larger.
Pupa • Larva make cocoons around themselves. • Larva don't eat while they're inside their cocoons. • Their bodies develop into an adult shape with wings, legs, internal organs, etc. • This change takes anywhere from 4 days to many months.
Adult • Inside the cocoon, the larvae change into adults. After a period of time, the adult breaks out of the cocoon.
Butterfly • Butterflies, like other insects, lay eggs. • Some butterflies are very selective about where they lay their eggs. • Out of each egg comes a worm-like larva. • We call a butterfly larva a caterpillar. • Caterpillars eat leaves as they grow. • The larva then develops a hard case known as a pupa (chrysalis). • Some moths wrap their pupa in silk, known as a cocoon. • Inside the pupa, it forms wings and other adult parts. • After a period of time, an adult butterfly with beautiful wings comes out of the pupa. • To remember these stages, think of the letters…… E-L-P-A: egg-larva-pupa-adult
The change that a butterfly goes through is called complete metamorphosis. Life cycle of a monarch butterfly: 4 minutes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AUeM8MbaIk
Beetle • A beetle has a life cycle similar to that of a butterfly. • A female beetle lays hundreds of tiny, oval eggs. • One beetle larva, or grub, comes out of each egg. • It looks like a worm with segmented skin and legs. • The grub has a powerful chewing mouth. • Each grub eats large amounts of leaves of grass as it grows. • As the grub sheds its skin several times. • The larva then changes into a pupa. • Out of the pupa comes an adult, with legs, antennae, and wings, completing metamorphosis.
What about Frogs? • Frogs undergo a different type of COMPLETE METAMORPHOSIS. • From the egg emerges a tadpole, which lives in the water, breathes with gills, and has a tail. • As the tadpole grows, lungs and legs form, and the gills and tail are absorbed into the body. • Finally, the animal leaves the water and lives mainly on land, as a frog.
Egg • A female insect lays eggs. These eggs are often covered by an egg case which protects the eggs and holds them together.
Nymph • The eggs hatch into nymphs. • Nymphs looks like small adults, but usually don't have wings. • Insect nymphs eat the same food that the adult insect eats. • Nymphs shed or molt their exoskeletons (outer casings made up of a hard substance called chitin) and replace them with larger ones several times as they grow. • Most nymphs molt 4-8 times.
Adult • The insects stop molting when they reach their adult size. By this time, they have also grown wings.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=BTJhVkEW9fU&feature=fvwp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SJDckOG2J I
Question # 1 • What are the two types of metamorphosis? • Complete • Incomplete
Question # 2 • How many stages are there in incomplete metamorphosis? Answer: 3
Question # 3 Name the stages of incomplete metamorphosis? • Egg • Nymph • Adult
Question # 4 • How many stages are there in complete metamorphosis? Answer: 4
Question # 5 - Name the stages in complete metamorphosis. • Egg • Larva • Pupa • Adult
Question # 6 Identify the cycle as complete or incomplete metamorphosis.
Question # 7 Identify the cycle as complete or incomplete metamorphosis.