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Electronic Data Exchange Standards in FFELP Tim Cameron Project Manager, Meteor Mark Putman

Electronic Data Exchange Standards in FFELP Tim Cameron Project Manager, Meteor Mark Putman CTO, NCHELP. Session Agenda. Overview of Current Electronic Standards & some Future State Considerations Meteor Update. Current Student Loan Data Exchange Standards. Originations. CommonLine

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Electronic Data Exchange Standards in FFELP Tim Cameron Project Manager, Meteor Mark Putman

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  1. Electronic Data Exchange Standards in FFELP Tim Cameron Project Manager, Meteor Mark Putman CTO, NCHELP

  2. Session Agenda • Overview of Current Electronic Standards & some Future State Considerations • Meteor Update

  3. Current Student Loan Data Exchange Standards

  4. Originations • CommonLine • History • v.4 • v.5 • Common Record CommonLine (CRC) • Common Account Maintenance (CAM)

  5. Enrollment • NSLDS Enrollment • Total Enrollment Reporting Process (TERP) • Replaced paper (SSCR) processes

  6. Interim Servicing • Periodic and Event Driven Reporting • CAM • NSLDS Lender Manifest • NSLDS

  7. Repayment Servicing • Periodic and Event Driven Reporting • CAM • NSLDS Lender Manifest • NSLDS

  8. Claim Filing • CAM (in support of the Common Claim Initiative)

  9. Post Default • NSLDS • National Database of New Hires (NDNH) • Assignment • New 11/1/2007 Regulationseffective 7/1/200834 CFR 682.409(c)4(viii)

  10. METEOR

  11. The Meteor Project Components • The Meteor Software • The Meteor Network • The Meteor Federation

  12. In the beginning…. • Pre-Meteor Environment • Lenders, Guarantors, Servicers, Schools and others all offer independent web services • Access requires multiple logins • FFELP Providers Solution • Spring 2000: In response to Federal Modernization Blueprint, NCHELP members move to create an information network to provide aggregated financial aid information.

  13. In the beginning…. • Foundation Principles • Open Source • Open Collaboration • Freely Available • Controlled Participation Network • Policy and Technology Decisions

  14. Meteor Features Access real-time, student-specific financial aid information from multiple sources with an intuitive user interface and navigation Currentlyprovides information on FFELP and alternative loans (capability exists to include Direct Loans & Perkins Loans)

  15. Meteor Today • 14 Points of access to the Network • 20 Data providers • Several customized implementations • Leading the way for transitive trust in higher education financing

  16. Participant Types & Meteor Process Flow

  17. Meteor Participants • Organizations that implement the Meteor software • Access Providers (AP) • Authentication Agents (AA) • Data Providers (DP) • Index Providers (IP)

  18. The NSC as the Meteor Index Provider • 100% (over 25 million) of FFELP guarantee volume • 100% (over 6.5 million) of Direct Loan Program accounts • Over 19.2 million FFELP servicer accounts • Over 2.9 million Perkins/Private/Alternative Loan servicer accounts

  19. The Meteor Process Authentication (by AP or AA) Access Provider Data Providers Users One Student/Borrower or Financial Aid Professional orAccess Provider RepresentativeorLender Two Index Provider Three

  20. Meteor Access Providers

  21. Meteor Real Time Data Providers

  22. Meteor Authentication Objectives & Process

  23. Meteor’s Authentication Objectives • Provide a flexible, easy to implement authentication system that meets the needs of the provider organizations and their customers. • Ensure compliance with the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), federal guidelines, and applicable state privacy laws.

  24. Meteor’s Authentication Objectives • Assure data owners that only appropriately authenticated end users have access to data. • Ensure compliance to participant organizations internal security and privacy guidelines.

  25. The Meteor Registry • Each participant is required to register, sign a participation agreement, and submit policies and procedures surrounding their authentication process. • The Meteor Team Leads review the policies and procedures and assign a Level of Assurance • Meteor uses a centralized LDAP server to contain: • Public keys of all participants • Network status information (active, pending, suspended) • Contact Information

  26. Meteor’s Authentication Requirements • Access provider must ensure appropriate authentication for each end user and provide traceability back to that user • Access provider must provide central authority with 30 day advance notice of changes to authentication policy • Access provider must agree to appropriate use of data

  27. Campus Based Authentication

  28. The National Student Clearinghouse School Based Authentication • Schools that have entered into an electronic services agreement with the NSC will act as Authentication Agents. • NSC will review the school’s authentication policies & procedures • Students campus issued credentials will be utilized to access Meteor and other NSC services

  29. Meteor v3.3 & Software Customization

  30. Highlights of Version 3.3 • New security features • Usability and other navigation improvements • Restores NSC LoanLocator services for borrowers

  31. Meteor Customization

  32. Meteor Customization • Style sheet changes • Integration of data into other online services

  33. Meteor network data is presented in NELA branded style sheets

  34. Mapping Your Future’s Online Student Loan Counseling • Integration of real-time data • Advice on borrowing conservatively and maintaining debt • Debt/salary wizard • Optional budget calculator • School customization options

  35. USA Funds Exit Counseling • Using the XML data provided in a Meteor inquiry response, USA Funds populates their exit counseling loan screens with real-time data from the Meteor Network

  36. Other Customization Options • How Could You Use Meteor Data? • Integration into Debt Management Solutions • Integration into CSR/Call Center Solutions • What’s the Catch? • Need prior approval from M.A.T. • Need to implement Meteor Access Provider

  37. Online Award Letter Pilot • Will serve as a debt management tool • Borrowing history presented BEFORE a new award is accepted • Ensures that borrower is aware of the potential impact of increasing his aggregate loan(s) amount • Total current outstanding • New total outstanding with the addition of the new loan • Repayment scenarios based on aggregates

  38. For More Information…. • www.MeteorNetwork.org • Audio presentation • Interactive demonstration version of the software • Link to the Meteor project site

  39. Tim Cameron Project Manager, Meteor (954) 565-7229meteor@nchelp.org Mark Putman CTO, NCHELP (913) 724-6655mputman@nchelp.org Thank You!

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