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BASIC THEMES OF ISLAM. Allah’s Mercy. Narrated by Hazrat Maavia (raa) said the Prophet (saw):. “For whomsoever Allah (swt) decides to do good, makes him ‘ knowledgeable ’ with His Guidance” (Bukhari & Muslim). Guidance to Right Path. “As for those who strive hard in Us (Our Cause),

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  2. Allah’s Mercy • Narrated by Hazrat Maavia (raa) said the Prophet (saw): “For whomsoever Allah (swt) decides to do good, makes him ‘knowledgeable’ with His Guidance” (Bukhari & Muslim)

  3. Guidance to Right Path “As for those who strive hard in Us (Our Cause), We will surely guide them to Our paths” (Al-Ankaboot: 69)

  4. مگر چند باتیں ابھی سمجھ لیںاور دو باتیں آخر میں

  5. سورہ ابراہیم ۷ : اگر تم شکر کروگے تو میں تمھیں اور زیادہ دوں گا اور اگر ناشکری کروگے تو میرا عذاب سخت ہے۔ اللہ سے دعا ہے کہ وہ ہمیں استقامات عطا فرماءے

  6. OBSTACLES Where there is a will there is a way Satan Nafs Others But …

  7. AIMS & OBJECTIVES • To impart basic knowledge of Islam “the Complete Code of life", for molding our lives to: • obey ethical, moral, family and cultural norms and; • follow the socio-politico-economic system of this perfect Deen for achieving eternal bliss and happiness

  8. Scope of Islam Scope of Islam Global Society Family Politics Morality Economy Spirituality Society Ideology Individual Life Collective Life

  9. Individual Life Collective Life Belief Social System Modes of Worship Economic System Customs Political System Deen Religion

  10. 1. Wisdom System 7. Dealing System 2. Belief System 8. Family System 3. Education System 9. Social System 10. Economic System 4. Spiritual System 5. Morality System 11. Political System 6. Human Rights System 12. Revival & growth System Course Outline Collective Matters Personal Matters

  11. WISDOM SYSTEM Lecture-1

  12. وَلَقَدْ ذَرَأْنَا لِجَهَنَّمَ كَثِيرًا مِّنَ الْجِنِّ وَالإِنسِ لَهُمْ قُلُوبٌ لاَّ يَفْقَهُونَ بِهَا وَلَهُمْ أَعْيُنٌ لاَّ يُبْصِرُونَ بِهَا وَلَهُمْ آذَانٌ لاَّ يَسْمَعُونَ بِهَا أُوْلَئِكَ كَالأَنْعَامِ بَلْ هُمْ أَضَلُّ أُوْلَئِكَ هُمُ الْغَافِلُونَ (A’raaf 179) Sources of guidance Prophets & Divine Books Nissa 136 Judgment Dahar 3 Shams 8 Balad 8-10 Agreement at the time of creation Araf 172-173 Senses Isra 36     Consequences

  13. QURAN & MODERN SCIENCE • Quran is the ultimate miracle verifiable in every age • This is an age of Science • Science is the study of universe • Universe is the work of Allah • Quran is the word of Allah • No contradiction between the two

  14. QURAN: THE ULTIMATE MIRACLE • The Quraan is the truth from the Almighty Allah. As such, it is in harmony and predates modern scientific discoveries. • The Quraan is primarily a book of faith rather than a book of science. Non-the-less, Allah has embedded signs in it that endorse its authenticity.

  15. BELIEF SYSTEM Lecture-2

  16. Types of Attributes of Allah (Tauheed) Allah Ikhlas:112/1-4 Luqman:31/27 Guardian Quresh 3-4 Ruler

  17. Functions of Prophets Speak according to Revelation(Najam 2-3) Human beings (Kahf 110) Means of Obedience to Allah (Nisa 80;) Explainer of Books (Araf 157) Teacher (Juma 2) Practical model (Ale-imran 30-31;Ahzab 21) Legislator & Judge (Nisa 105) Final Witness (Nissa 165)

  18. Need for Day of Judgment Infitar 13-14 Result Record Keeping Infitar: 10-12 Need of Justice Su’ad;38/ 28;HM Sajada 18-20 Testing Ground Mulk 79/1-2; Kahf 7-8; Qiyamah 36 Creation with Objectives Dukhan 38-40

  19. EDUCATION SYSTEM Lecture-3

  20. IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATION/ KNOWLEDGE … in the Light of Qur’aan 1st Revelation (Al-’Alaq: 1-5) Excellence of Adam (as) (Al-Baqarah: 31) Higher ranks (Al-Mujadila: 11) Higher Grades (Az’Zumar: 9) Fear of Allah (Fatir: 28)

  21. Physical Laws (Science) Moral Laws (Religion) USE …. SUCCESS Work of God Words of God Non-use …. downfall Result=Longer Result=Immediate Misuse …. Exploitation Mind (To learn) Body (To Survive) Spirit (To Serve) Heart (To love) Laws of Nature Explained in756 Ayas of Quran Explained in 150 Ayas of Quran Benefit = Knowledge +Use

  22. SPIRITUAL SYSTEM Lecture-4

  23. Shahadah Salaah Zakah Sawm Hajj

  24. Most Important Benefits of Prayer for an Individual Fighting Vulgar & Evil Deeds Gaining Spiritual Strength = - - USe-output Resource -Input Outcome of Abandoning Prayer

  25. Objectives of Modes of Worship Type of Worship Ends (Objectives) Means (Direct outcome) • Prayer (Salat) Remembrance of Allah Spiritual strength to live individual Life according to Divine Guidance Collective strength To establish collective system of Life according to Divine Guidance Purifies heart & eliminates love of money 2. Zakat (Charity) Creating Taqwa (fear of Allah for His obedience) 3. Sawm (Fasting) Combination of all other pillars and solitary of Ummah 4. Hajj (Pilgrimage)

  26. MORALITY SYSTEM Lecture-5

  27. THE PILLARS OF ISLAM & MORAL CONDUCT Eemaan • Good moral conduct is the outcome • Forbids lewdness & bad conducts • Teaches compassion and sympathy • Drives towards Taqwa • Guides us towards moral upbringing Salaat Zakaat Sawm Hajj

  28. Fundamental Virtues Prayer Nissa 103 Charity Baqra 274 Trustworthiness Nissa 58 Promise keeping Isra: 34, Baqra 177 Justice & Witness Nissa 135 Respect & Kindness Ale-imran 159 Care & Sympathy Nahal 90 Chastity Moaminoon 5; Isra 32

  29. Virtues of Pious People Worship with fear & Hope Sajada 15-16 Persistence HM Sijadda 30 Forgiveness Ale-imran 134 Modest lifestyle Furqan 67 Humbleness Furqan 63 Wisdom & Pondering Ale-imran 191 Promoting virtues Tauba 71/ Sabr & Shukar Luqman 17 & 12


  31. What is Islam? Right holders Responsible Outcome Forgiveness Food Devotion Individuals Munificence Perseverance Help Contentment Care Creator (Allah) Hard work Self (Nafs) Smile Happiness Parents Din-ul-Haq (Delivery of Rights) knowledge Trust Children Services Spouse Medicine Sharing Obedience Relatives Commitment Humanity Servants/Slaves Affection Orphans/Widows Selflessness Dignity Travelers Shelter Faith Community Money Compassion Sick Devotion Freedom Guidance Society State Mazloom Plants Animals Natural Resources Love Reliance Piety Fellowship Health Positive Behavior Compassion Tawakal Education Delivery of Rights = Islam = Discharge of Responsibility

  32. Human Rights Anyone not spending despite ability is committing crime of violation of human rights • Parents • Spouse and children • Relatives • Neighbors • Entertainment of guests • Needy people • Sick and handicapped • Orphan & poor • Freeing of slaves • Paying debt of people in trouble • Welfare of new Muslims • Human welfare • Welfare of living creatures • Charity in the name of Allah • Charity for promotion of Islam

  33. DEALING SYSTEM Lecture-7

  34. 3. Justice 1. Trustworthiness 2. Promise Keeping Fundamental Principles of fair dealing

  35. Advice Authority Vote Wealth Secrets Office time Loans Meetings Inheritance Office property Types of Trust

  36. KINDS OF PROMISE … Pledge to / with: Oneself Intention of piety, repentance etc • Implied agreements (Obligations to parents, neighbours etc) • Written agreements (Rent, employment, business etc) Mankind Allah • Lifetime obedience (Fulfilling purpose of creation i.e. Ibaadat)

  37. FAMILY SYSTEM Lecture-8

  38. Outcome of Socialist Experience Founding Principle : Enforced Equality

  39. Outcome of Capitalist Experience Founding principles: • Separation of Religion & State functions • Concept of free will and Individual Liberty

  40. Principles of Family Integration 1. Lid on adultery / Emphasis on Nikah 2. One up position of husband 3. Significance of love b/w spouses 4. Conflict resolution 5. Rights of parents & other relatives

  41. Outsiders (neighbors, neutrals, bystanders) Insiders (family, friends, the parties themselves) Side 2 Side 1 Conflict Resolution: 3rd Side

  42. SOCIAL SYSTEM Lecture-9

  43. Process of downfall of nations 1. Rise of Ignorance 2. Spiritual Imbalance 3. Misuse of Resources 4. Character Disorder 5. Decline in sense of responsibility 6. Regression and lack of self-confidence 7. Despair & Resignation Pit of Hunger & Fear

  44. Lessons from History of mankind Downfall of Great powers Hajj 45 Dangers of Ignoring history Hajj 46 Result of Bad deeds Ankboot 40

  45. Characteristics of Islamic Society Human Equality Universal Brotherhood Focal point Of faith Sympathy/ Altruism Sense of Responsibility Moral Conduct Segregation of Sexes Enjoining good/forbidding bad Moderation

  46. Spiritual Power Prayer Economic Power Charity Piety Fasting Unity Hajj Human Welfare Moral Welfare Spiritual Welfare System Welfare Target of Islam Activity Resource Output

  47. ECONOMIC SYSTEM Lecture-10

  48. Individual Sharing State Distribution Economic Principles of Islam Earning Side Usage Side Business Usury + -

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