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SAR Grant Training. “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth”. Welcome to the Search and Rescue Aid Program Training for State FY2014. Unbridled Pursuit of Excellence. SAR Grant Training. “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth”.
SAR Grant Training “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth” • Welcome • to the Search and Rescue Aid Program Training • for State FY2014 Unbridled Pursuit of Excellence
SAR Grant Training “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth” Participants on livestream may ask questions at any time by typing their question into the “Chat” text field. Please identify yourself and your affiliation with search and rescue. The FY 14 application is available on the KYEM website. http://www.livestream.com/kentuckyem Unbridled Pursuit of Excellence
SAR Grant Training “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth” • PURPOSE: • The purpose of the SAR grant training is to educate squads about the grant requirements. • Squads will be armed with tools to assist in writing, reviewing and managing the Rescue Aid Fund (SAR grant). • This presentation is to only be used for the FY 14 SAR grant. Guidance and training will be updated each year. Unbridled Pursuit of Excellence
FY13 SAR Grant “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth” VISION: The vision of the search and rescue grant is to institute an annual grant cycle that builds capacity and equity across the Commonwealth, while practicing a high level of transparency throughout the entire cycle. MISSION: The mission for this grant is to work collaboratively with SAR chiefs, local emergency managers, the SAR grant advisory committee, and KYEM staff, to ensure squads that are eligible receive equal consideration for future funding. Unbridled Pursuit of Excellence
Grant Purpose “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth” • KRS 39F.100 Rescue Aid Program • Reduce and prevent the loss of life by creating a better equipped, trained, and coordinated rescue force throughout the Commonwealth. • (2) Upgrade the capabilities of local rescue squads by providing financial assistance to be used to purchase equipment and obtain training. • (3) Encourage the development of rescue squads where none exist. Unbridled Pursuit of Excellence
Grant Funding “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth” FUNDING SOURCES State Funds General fund dollars Federal Funds FEMA Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Unbridled Pursuit of Excellence
What’s New? “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth” • Grant Guidance formalized • Required quotes/ estimates • Clarification for the training documentation • Award briefings Unbridled Pursuit of Excellence
FY 2013 Grant Cycle “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth” PHASE 1. GRANT ANNOUNCEMENT, OPENING OF THE FY13 GRANT CYCLE, 9 . July 2013 PHASE 2. COMPLETE APPLICATION & SUBMISSION TO THE REGIONAL OFFICE August 30 PHASE 3. REGIONAL REVIEWS CONDUCTED September 1 – September 30 PHASE 4. ADMINISTRATIVE & GRANT COMMITTEE REVIEW – October 1 – October 20 CERC Grant Committee Meeting, October 15 PHASE 5. AWARD NOTIFICATION AND CONDUCT AWARD BRIEFINGS October 20 - 30 PHASE 6. CONTRACTING, November 1 – 30 / SCOPE OF WORK, December 1 –March 15, 2014 PHASE 7. CLOSE GRANT TAG EQUIPMENT AND AUDIT. April 1, 2014 Unbridled Pursuit of Excellence
Announcement “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth” • The FY 14 grant cycle opens on 9 July 2013. • The grant documents are posted on the KYEM website. • Email distribution to elected officials. • KYEM Regional offices are responsible for communicating the grant cycle opening to local EM’s, SAR Coordinators, and SAR Chief’s. Unbridled Pursuit of Excellence
How to Apply “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth” • The application will be available in Microsoft Word format. If possible, please type the application. Often, handwriting is not legible. • Applications are due to your Regional office by COB on 30 August.Late applications will not be accepted. Note, Regional offices may set an earlier due date, depending on the schedule within the Region. Unbridled Pursuit of Excellence
Eligible Applicants “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth” • 39F.120 Requirements for Rescue Grant Funding • For a full listing of the statue go to http://www.lrc.ky.gov/KRS/039F00/CHAPTER.HTM • Written bylaws • (a) The mission of the rescue squad • (b) The election or appointment, succession, and term of officers • (c) Financial accounting and property accountability • (d) Administrative procedures • (e) Definition of active membership • (2) Develop written standard procedures • (a) Procedures and rules for notification and response • (b) Procedures for all operations and response activities in accordance with the mission statement. Unbridled Pursuit of Excellence
Eligible Applicants “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth” 39F.120 Requirements for Rescue Grant Funding (3) Current copy of the bylaws and a current copy of all standard operating procedures shall be sent by the squad to the division. (4) Each rescue squad shall have a vehicle dedicated solely to rescue service. (5) A minimum of twelve (12) persons shall be identified by name as active members of the squad. (6) The active membership list of the rescue squad shall be submitted quarterly to the division through the Regional Manger. Unbridled Pursuit of Excellence
Eligible Applicants “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth” 39F.120 Requirements for Rescue Grant Funding (7) The active membership list shall be continuously maintained in an accurate and current status by the rescue squad (8) Rescue squads shall maintain a formal training program appropriate to accomplish the mission of the rescue squad. (a) Training program shall consist of not less than two (2) hours of formal training per month. (b) Each squad shall report not less than (168) man-hours of training for its members annually. Unbridled Pursuit of Excellence
Eligible Applicants “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth” 39F.120 Requirements for Rescue Grant Funding (9) Rescue squads shall be formally affiliated with the local disaster and emergency services (EMA) through the following means: (a) City or county order or ordinance, the adoption of a written search and rescue plan pursuant to KRS 39F.190, and the promulgation of a written statement of affiliation as the local charter of authorization signed by the CJE or mayor, the local emergency management director, and the chief rescue officer outlining a specific working agreement. (b) the rescue squad is performing a function not performed by other agencies of government or private agencies or organizations. Unbridled Pursuit of Excellence
Eligible Applicants “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth” 39F.120 Requirements for Rescue Grant Funding (10) If either the chief elected official or the local director declines to sign the affiliation provided for in subsection (9) of this section, the rescue squad shall be without local charter and shall return to the division all equipment purchased with state funds. (11) When a rescue squad is not independent, but is incorporated with other emergency service agencies or divisions, such as a fire department, the squad members shall be available for and capable of performing rescue services not incidental to their primary mission. Unbridled Pursuit of Excellence
Eligible Applicants “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth” 39F.120 Requirements for Rescue Grant Funding (12) Rescue squads shall maintain a full complement of minimum equipment appropriate to the type and rescue to be undertaken. (13) Rescue squads shall no assess fees or charges for any rescue activity. Unbridled Pursuit of Excellence
Equipment Waiver “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth” • Waiver Consideration • Newly formed squads • Squads who are forming a specialty • Squads who do not have a piece of equipment on the minimum equipment list, but do however have a piece of equipment that is similar in nature and can provide the same level or enhanced function. • Justification • This statement should demonstrate need for special action to be taken. • How this grant award will aid in the continuation or development of a viable local emergency management agency and program. • * Waiver form is included in the application. Unbridled Pursuit of Excellence
Equipment Waiver “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth” • Criteria to Apply of a Waiver • Newly formed squads may request funding only for the equipment missing to meet the minimum equipment for their specialty, all other requirements in KRS 39F.120 still apply. • The waiver request must be completed and returned with the FY 2014 grant application. • One time waivers will be reviewed by the grant committee who will provide the Division Director with a non-binding recommendation. Unbridled Pursuit of Excellence
Equipment Waiver “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth” • Criteria to Apply of a Waiver • Applicants must meet all other requirements in KRS 39F.120. • Applicants may not request a waiver for equipment listed on the “replacement only equipment” list if the squad has not previously self-funded the piece of equipment. • The intention of “replacement only equipment” is for the squad to initially fund the purchase, and for the Rescue Aid fund to replace if the equipment has exceeded the life expectancy or is unable to be repaired. Unbridled Pursuit of Excellence
Grant Scope “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth” • Budget Narrative • Cost-effective • Thoroughly and clearly describe each item • Be mathematically correct • Correspond with the information and figures on the budget forms • The Problem Statement (needs assessment) • Clear, concise, and well-supported statement of the problem to be addressed. • Purpose for developing the proposal • The beneficiaries • The social and economic status of the area • How the squad came to realize the problem exists, • What is currently being done about the problem • What are the alternatives? • Specific manner through which problems might be solved. Unbridled Pursuit of Excellence
Grant Scope “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth” • Scope Narrative • Take the reviewer to your county, put them on scene. • Answer who, what, where, when, how, and why? • Tie your activities to your squad’s mission, goals, or strategic plan. • Demonstrate community support • Share success stories Unbridled Pursuit of Excellence
Grant Review Process “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth” • 39F.130 Rescue and Project Funding – Application and Review Process • Application shall be initiated by the chief rescue officer • The local emergency director shall review all applications for completeness and accuracy, prioritize and consolidate the applications, and make recommendations thereon. In the absence of the local director the CJE may fill this role. • Local EM forwards all applications to the RRM who shall review them, make recommendations, and forward documentation to the director. • The director shall forward the applications to the advisory committee. The advisory committee shall meet…to assess applications and compliance and to make recommendations to the director with regard to allocations of funds, assessment of compliance, reallocations of funds, release of equipment, reallocation of equipment and any other matters assigned by the director. Unbridled Pursuit of Excellence
Grant Advisory Committee “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth” • KRS 39F.110(3) states the Director shall appoint an advisory committee consisting of seven (7) members, including no more than four (4) employees of the staff of the Division to assist in making determination related to rescue grant fund allocations, compliance with fund requirements, releasing equipment to rescue squads, and withdrawal and reallocation of equipment or funds. • The Commonwealth Emergency Response Commission’s Policy, Legislation and Grants Committee will serve as the members committee. • The committee will hold only public meetings. Unbridled Pursuit of Excellence
Notification / Award Process “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth” • Ineligible letters will be sent after the committee application assessment and compliance review. • Any application that is ineligible should be identified as such during the initial review by the local EM and RRM. • Time is built into the initial review process for the local EM and RRM to meet with the squad in order to make corrections / revisions to ensure the squad meets the minimum eligibility requirements. Unbridled Pursuit of Excellence
Notification / Award Process “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth” • The GAC will hold a grant recommendation meeting. The GAC will take into consideration the Directors issued guidance. • Squads and / or local EM’s will have a chance to speak on behalf of their application. • A funding recommendation and level of funding will be provided to the Director from the committee. • The Director will make the final decision after the conclusion of the meeting. • Squads will receive notification in a formal letter sent by the Director. Unbridled Pursuit of Excellence
Contracting / Terms & Conditions “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth” • The grant award package will be sent to squads from your Regional office. • The contract will be a “multiple provider” contract. This means all counties where squads reside will be listed on the contact. • The total award amount will be listed on the contract. The squads approved amount and specific equipment will be listed on the award letter. • The contract must be signed by a county representative who has signature authority and returned to your Regional office within 30 days. • No work can begin (which includes purchases) until the contact is signed and notification is provided in writing from KYEM. Unbridled Pursuit of Excellence
Contacts “A Team of Teams – With One Mission: Protecting our Commonwealth” Grant related questions may be directed to: Greg Shanks, Grant Manager Fiscal and Administrative Branch 502-607-5796 Greg.shanks.nfg@mail.mil Mike Buresh Training and Exercise Coordinator 502-607-5731 Philip.m.buresh.nfg@mail.mil Unbridled Pursuit of Excellence