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SARSCENE Presentation NWT Ground SAR Training Standards. Kevin Rowe Community Emergency Measures Coordinator Government of the Northwest Territories (7 October 2005). This presentation is available for download at:. http://www.arcticus.ca/SARSCENE_2005_NWT_GSAR_Standards_Presentation.ppt.
SARSCENE PresentationNWT Ground SAR Training Standards Kevin RoweCommunity Emergency Measures CoordinatorGovernment of the Northwest Territories (7 October 2005)
This presentation is available for download at: http://www.arcticus.ca/SARSCENE_2005_NWT_GSAR_Standards_Presentation.ppt
Presentation Overview • National Criteria For Ground Search And Rescue • Benefits Arising From The National Criteria • The Vision • Guiding Principles • The Criteria • Allocation Of Performance Objectives And Enabling Objectives • NWT Ground SAR Training Standards • Preamble • Chapter 1 – General • Chapter 2 – Course Management • Chapter 3 – Assessment of Candidate • Chapter 4 – Training Objectives • Chapter 5 – Abbreviations and Terminology • Chapter 6 – Training Support Requirements • Where We Go From Here • Questions • Contact Information
National Criteria For Ground Search And Rescue • Benefits Arising From The National Criteria • Define GSAR, enable national identity for GSAR; • Identify necessary common skills, focus training; • Provide police agencies with confidence in meeting Canada Labour Code responsibilities to greater use can be made of volunteers; • Permit police and tasking agencies greater freedom in providing cost-effective services; • Permit mobility of volunteers (known skills are transferred); • Enable mutual assistance agreements (know what you are getting); • Create national pool of skilled emergency personnel; • Create large base for corporate, academic, political attention; and • Precedent for future trans-provincial/territorial discussions and agreements on GSAR.
National Criteria For Ground Search And Rescue • The Vision • The vision that drives this work is of a FUTURE time when every Canadian GSAR volunteer will function within a provincial/territorial system that keeps verified records of both training and operational experience, and issues certification cards for achievement of specified (provincial/territorial) standards (which will ultimately be consistent nationally). • The provision of training is done by individuals and institutions that are mandated to provide training to these standards by the provincial/territorial authority for GSAR. • Provincial/territorial standards will be consistent within a set of national criteria, and possibly in the future, may be integrated into a set of national standards.
National Criteria For Ground Search And Rescue • Guiding Principles • Each province and territory retains all rights and responsibilities for Ground SAR within their areas of jurisdiction. • Differences in GSAR procedures, equipment, training or application of skills may predominate within provinces and territories as a result of geographic or cultural emphasis on different methods and outlooks. These differences are respected by this paper, and recognized as equally valid. Decisions respecting formal recognition of different training or operational procedures are within the purview of the provincial/territorial authority. • Training programs or courses provided by third parties (outside the provincial/territorial training structure) will be recognized at the discretion of individual provincial/territorial authorities. • It is the responsibility of the province or territory to determine the level of standard applicable to volunteers. For example, some provinces/territories may wish to assign the command aspects of the management criteria to the police authority.
National Criteria For Ground Search And Rescue • The Criteria • The National Criteria for Ground Search and Rescue are comprised of three levels: Basic; Advanced; and Management. (In the NWT: Basic; Team Leader; and Search Manager) • These criteria represent the essential, minimal, elements required by each (participating) province and territory to be included within the official standards structures of any organization of ground SAR volunteers, or training program provided to ground SAR volunteers, for each of the levels provided herein. • These criteria may be substituted by the provincial or territorial authority with skills or methods appropriate for the culture or climate, provided they are equated by these authorities to represent the same level of capability reflected herein. (In the NWT the instruction of some skills have been moved from Team Leader to Basic as they are considered essential in the NWT (for example: GPS). At the Team Leader level, GPS is taught as a review ensuring the skill is proficient.)
Allocation Of Performance Objectives And Enabling Objectives
Allocation Of Performance Objectives And Enabling Objectives
Where We Go From Here • Follow-On Steps • Create a GSAR Searcher Handbook. This would be Wayne Merry’s publication but split into the three levels • Create a Training Record folder to be used at the team level to track individual training. • Create a Training Record database to be used at the territorial level to track all individual training. • Create a Training Plan for each Performance Objective at every level. • Each Training Plan would contain the materials required to deliver the training including, but not limited to: • Standardized Tests; • Overhead Projection (OHP) Slides; and • Handouts (If Required).
Where We Go From Here TRAINING STANDARD TRAINING PLAN (Completed) (Planned) Performance Objective Name …..………… Performance Objective Name Performance …………………..……………. Performance Rationale ……………………..………..……. Rationale Standard …………………………………….. Standard Teaching Points (In General) ……….……….. Teaching Points (In Detail) Supporting Skills Supporting Knowledge Time ………………………………………….. Time References ………………………………….. References Training Aids (Physical Items) Learning Aids (Use Of The Skill) Test Details (Including Tests) Remarks …………………………………….. Remarks