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Heaps (Priority Queues)

Heaps (Priority Queues). You are given a set of items A[1..N] We want to find only the smallest or largest (highest priority) item quickly. Examples: Operating system needs to schedule jobs according to priority Doctors in ER take patients according to severity of injuries

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Heaps (Priority Queues)

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  1. Heaps (Priority Queues) • You are given a set of items A[1..N] • We want to find only the smallest or largest (highest priority) item quickly. Examples: • Operating system needs to schedule jobs according to priority • Doctors in ER take patients according to severity of injuries • Event simulation (bank customers arriving and departing, ordered according to arrival time) • We want a Data Structure that can efficiently perform: • FindMin (or DeleteMin) • Insert

  2. Binary Heaps (a.k.a. Priority Queues) • A binary heap is a binary tree that is: • 1. Complete: the tree is completely filled except possibly the bottom level, which is filled from left to right • 2. Satisfies the heap property: The key stored in every node is smaller than (or equal to) the keys stored in its children • Therefore, the root node always contains the smallest key in a heap 2 • Which of these is not a heap? -2 1 4 6 1 0 6 2 7 8 0 3 4 5

  3. Array Implementation of Heaps • Since heaps are complete binary trees, we can avoid pointers and use an array as follows: 1 2 -- 2 4 6 7 H: 6 2 3 5 6 7 2 3 1 4 0 6 4 4 5 N = 5 6 7 • Root node = H[1] • Children of H[i] = H[2i], H[2i + 1] • Keep track of current size N (number of nodes)

  4. FindMin • FindMin(H): • Easy! Return root value H[1] • Running time = O(1) 2 3 4 7 9 5 8 11 9 10 6

  5. DeleteMin – First Try • DeleteMin: • Delete (and return) value at root node • We now have a “Hole” at the root • Need to fill the hole with another value • Replace with smallest child? • Try replacing 2 with smallest child and that node with its smallest child, and so on…what happens? • The heap property is still satisfied in the final tree, i.e., the key stored in every node is smaller than the keys stored in its children • BUT, the resulting tree is NOT a complete binary tree! 2 3 4 7 9 5 8 11 9 10 6 After DeleteMin 3 8 4 7 9 5 11 9 10 6

  6. DeleteMin – Second Try • DeleteMin: • Delete (and return) value at root node • We now have a “Hole” at the root • Need to fill the hole with another value • Since heap is smaller by one node, we need to empty the last slot • Steps: • Move last item to top; decrease size by 1 • Push down (Heapify) the top item to its correct position in the heap 2 3 4 7 9 5 8 11 9 10 6 N = 11 -- 2 4 3 7 9 6 5 8 9 11 10

  7. DeleteMin – Heapify 10 3 3 3 4 10 4 8 4 7 9 5 8 7 9 5 8 7 9 5 10 11 9 6 11 9 6 11 9 6 • Keep comparing with children H[2i] and H[2i + 1] • Replace with smaller child and go down one level • Done if • both children are >= item or • reached a leaf node • What is the run time?

  8. Running Time Analysis of DeleteMin • Running time is O(height of tree) • What is the height of a complete binary tree of N nodes? • O(log2(N))

  9. DeleteMin(H, N) DeleteMin(H, N) --- Returns the minimum key if (N <= 0) return “error”; // Heap is empty. So return an error code! minKey = H[1]; // Save minKey H[1] = H[N]; // Move the last key to the root N = N – 1; // Decrease the # of nodes in the heap if (N <= 0) return minKey; // Empty heap after deletion? node = 1; // Start from the root and push the key down. while (1){ left = 2*node; // left child right = 2*node+1; // right child smallest = node; // Assume the current node has the smaller key if (left <= N and H[left] < H[smallest]) smallest = left; if (right <= N and H[right] < H[smallest]) smallest = right; if (smallest == node) return minKey; // We are done tmp = H[node]; H[node] = H[smallest]; H[smallest] = tmp; // Exchange node = smallest; // Move one level down and repeat } //end-while

  10. Insertion into a Heap 2 3 4 7 9 5 8 N = 10 11 9 6 -- 2 4 3 7 9 6 5 8 9 11 • How would we insert a key, say 1, to this heap?

  11. Insertion to a Heap: Push the key up 2 3 4 7 9 5 8 N = 11 11 9 6 1 -- 2 4 3 7 9 6 1 5 8 9 11 • Increase the size of the heap by 1. • Insert the new key in the last location. • This preserves the complete tree property • Now, push the key up to restore the heap property

  12. Insertion to a Heap: Push the key up After 2 steps 2 2 1 3 3 3 4 4 2 7 9 7 9 5 8 7 9 1 8 4 8 11 11 9 11 9 1 9 5 6 5 6 6 • Insert at last node and keep comparing with parent H[i/2] • If parent is larger, replace with parent and go up one level • Done if • Key of the parent <= item or • Reached top node H[1] • Running time? • O(height of tree) = O(log2(N))

  13. InsertKey(H, N, key) InsertKey(H, key, N) -- Assumes the array has enough -- room to hold the key N = N + 1; // Increase the # of nodes in the heap H[N] = key; // Insert the key node = N; // Start from the last node and push the key up. while (1){ parent = node/2; // parent of the node if (parent < 1) return; // Already at the root? then done. if (H[parent] < H[node]) return; // Parent key is smaller? then done tmp = H[node]; // Exchange keys with the parent H[node] = H[parent]; H[parent] = tmp; node = parent; // Move one level up and repeat } //end-while

  14. - - - - Insertion to a Heap: Using Sentinel • Every iteration of Insert needs to test: • if it has reached the top node H[1] • if parent <= key • Can avoid first test if H[0] contains a very large negative value (denoted by ) • Then, test #2 always stops at top because • < key for all keys • Such a data value that serves as a marker is called a sentinel • Used to improve efficiency and simplify code 2 3 4 7 9 5 8 11 9 10 6 N = 11 2 4 3 7 9 6 5 8 9 11 10

  15. Heap Space Analysis • Consider a heap of N nodes • Space needed: O(N) • Actually, O(MaxSize) where MaxSize = size of the array • One more variable to store the current size N • With sentinel • Array-based implementation uses total N+2 space • Pointer-based implementation: • pointers for children and parent • Space for the key • Total space =N*(Space for one key) + 3N + 1 (3 pointers per node + 1 for size)

  16. Heap Ops Running Time Analysis • Consider a heap of N nodes • FindMin: O(1) time • DeleteMin and Insert: O(log N) time • BuildHeap from N inputs: What is the running time? • Start with an empty heap • Insert each element • N Insert operations = O(N log N). • Can we do better?

  17. Building a Heap Bottom Up • Treat input array as a heap and fix it using Heapify • for i = N/2 to 1 do • Heapify(i) // Push the parent key down if // necessary • Why N/2? • Nodes after N/2 are leaves! • The above algorithm builds a heap in O(N) time!

  18. 2 2 20 20 3 20 2 6 6 2 6 6 8 8 7 20 10 7 3 10 8 10 7 3 8 10 7 3 14 14 10 10 14 10 16 16 16 14 10 16 Building a Heap Bottom Up: Example 1 20 20 20 3 2 3 6 3 3 6 6 5 7 6 4 10 10 16 2 8 10 10 10 7 2 7 2 14 8 7 14 14 10 8 16 16 8 9 10

  19. One more Operation: DecreaseKey • DecreaseKey(H, P,Delta, N): Decrease the key value of node at position P by a positive amount “Delta” within heap H with N nodes • E.g. System administrators can increase priority of important jobs. • How? • First, subtract “Delta” from current value at P • Heap property may be violated • Push the new key up or down? UP • Running time: O(log2N) 2 3 4 1 7 9 5 8 11 9 10 6 After DecreaseKey(H, 4, 6) 1 3 2 4 9 5 8 11 9 10 6

  20. One more Operation: IncreaseKey • IncreaseKey(H, P,Delta, N): Increase the key value of node at position P by a positive amount “Delta” within heap H with N nodes • E.g. Schedulers in OS often decrease priority of CPU hogging jobs • How? • First, add “Delta” to current value at P • Heap property may be violated • Push the new key up or down? DOWN • Running time: O(log2N) 2 10 3 4 7 9 5 8 11 9 10 6 After IncreaseKey(H, 2, 6) 2 3 5 7 9 6 8 11 9 10 10

  21. - - - - One more Operation: DeleteKey • DeleteKey(H, P, N): Delete the node at position P within heap H with N nodes • E.g. Delete a job waiting in queue that has been preemptively terminated by user (you pressed Ctrl-C) • How? • First bring the key to the root by doing a DecreaseKey(H, P, , N) • Then delete the min key using DeleteMin(H, N) 2 3 4 5 9 6 8 11 9 10 7 After DecreaseKey(H, 2, , 11) 2 After DeleteMin(H, 11) 3 2 3 5 5 9 6 8 9 9 6 8 11 9 10 7 11 10 7

  22. Last Operation: Merge • Merge(H1,H2): Merge two heaps H1 and H2 of size O(N). H1 and H2 are stored in two different arrays. E.g. Combine queues from two different sources to run on one CPU. • Can do O(N) Insert operations: • Running Time: O(N log N) • Better: Copy H2 at the end of H1 and use BuildHeap • Running Time: O(N) • Can we do better (i.e. Merge in O(log N) time?) • Yes. Binomial Heaps, Fibonacci Heaps • Will not be covered in this class

  23. Summary of Heaps (Priority Queues) • Complete binary trees satisfying the heap property • Common implementation is a Binary Heap in an array • FindMin is O(1) • Insert and DeleteMin are O(log N) • Merging is inefficient for binary heaps (O(N) time) • Pointer-based alternatives such as Binomial Heaps allow merging in O(log N) time – Not covered in class • Heaps (priority queues) are used in applications (such as job schedulers in OS) where repeated searches are made to find and delete the minimum (highest priority) items

  24. 2 9 8 2 4 5 9 4 2 8 5 2 4 8 5 9 5 4 9 8 Using a Heap for Sorting • Main Idea: • Build a max-heap • Do N DeleteMax operations and store each Max element in the unused end of array Build Max-Heap DeleteMax Initial Array DeleteMax 8 2 9 4 5 Build Heap 9 5 8 4 2 DeleteMax Largest element in correct place after 1st DeleteMax 8 5 2 4 9

  25. Heapsort Analysis • Heapsort is in-place…is it also stable? • Exam Question?  • Running time? • Time needed for building max-heap + time for N DeleteMax operations = • = O(N) + O(N LogN) = O(N LogN) • Can also show that running time is (N log N) for some inputs, so worst case is (N log N)

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