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Surveyors Education in Slovakia

GA, Bratislava, October 1 st -2 nd , 2004. Surveyors Education in Slovakia. Univ. Prof. habil. Alojz KOPÁČIK , PhD. Department of Surveying Slovak University of Technology Bratislava, Slovakia. GA, Bratislava, October 1 st -2 nd , 2004. Education of surveyors in Slovakia.

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Surveyors Education in Slovakia

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  1. GA, Bratislava, October 1st-2nd, 2004 Surveyors Education in Slovakia Univ. Prof. habil. Alojz KOPÁČIK, PhD. Department of SurveyingSlovak University of TechnologyBratislava, Slovakia

  2. GA, Bratislava, October 1st-2nd, 2004 Education of surveyors in Slovakia • Education of technicians • Pregradual education – Bc., MSc., PhD. • Postgradual education • History • State of the art • Future • Comparision – Slovakia vers. EU

  3. GA, Bratislava, October 1st-2nd, 2004 Education of Technicians

  4. GA, Bratislava, October 1st-2nd, 2004 Education of technicians • Tradition of professional education at the secondary (high) school level – 4 year duration, • Surveying schools, Construction (Architectural) Schools • 4 schools with more than 20 years history5 schools, education with 3-6 year history • Ca 250graduated students/year • To much? Equivalent education in other countries? Future?

  5. GA, Bratislava, October 1st-2nd, 2004 Technicians Curriculum Objectives hour/week Mathematics 12 Physic5 Ecology 1 Computer technics2 Geography1 Surveying 12 Cartography technics4 Geometry 5 Adjustment 8 Geoinformatics 5 Civil and business law 2 Topography 1 Objectives hour/week Cadastral mapping 5 Cartography 2 Build.constr., urban. 1 Water constructions 2 Transport construc. 2 Cadastre 4 Land management I 5 Photog. and remot. I 3 Management 2 Field measurement 16 Foreign language 10 Physical training 10

  6. GA, Bratislava, October 1st-2nd, 2004 Educ. of technicians - conclusion • Long tradition • High number of graduated students – strong (good) technicians • Provide the profession – according the law and small bussines (trade) register • Association, union, etc. membership • No membership in Chamber of Surveyors • No QA, no obligatory CPD !!! • Technicians vers. Bc. ???

  7. GA, Bratislava, October 1st-2nd, 2004 Higher Education in Slovakia

  8. Uni Plzeň SUT Bratislava Uni Žilina Uni Zvolen GA, Bratislava, October 1st-2nd, 2004 History of the surveying and mining education in Czech and Slovak countries ČVUT Prague(12th century) Mining Academy B.Štiavnica (16th century) VUT Brno 20th century Uni Sopron TU Ostrava TU Košice Uni Miškolc Hungary Slovak Republic Czech Republic

  9. Bratislava GA, Bratislava, October 1st-2nd, 2004 History of the surveying higher education in Slovakia • Mining Academy – Banska Stiavnica (16. Century) • University of Technology Bratislava – 1938Construction EngineeringHydrotechnical Construction EngineeringSurveying Engineering • University of Technology Košice - 1952 • Uni of Žilina – 1996

  10. GA, Bratislava, October 1st-2nd, 2004 Present state of the surveying, miningand geographical education in Slovakia

  11. GA, Bratislava, October 1st-2nd, 2004 General outlines for design of new study programmes in Slovakia • university law Nr.131/2002 • 3 level education (Bc.,MSc. or eq., PhD.) • credit system (eq. to ECTS) • structure of specialisations (eq. to EU) • accreditationof new study programs • QA (obligatoryquality measur. system,co-operation of students, membership in EUA) • aim - mobilityof studentsin SR (EU), diploma (degree) acceptance in EU

  12. GA, Bratislava, October 1st-2nd, 2004 Outlines for the harmonisationof the higher education in EU countries • heterogeneous student population • progressive number of students • economical background of EU countries • new structure of the university education in Europe(Sorbone and Bologna declaration 1999, Prague 2001, Berlin 2003) • aim - to build the homogeneous European education space

  13. GA, Bratislava, October 1st-2nd, 2004 Berlin outlines • project realisation to 2010 • start the 3-level system at 2005 • up to 2005 – to define the national system of quality control (tasks, institutions, student participation, externalinstitutions, accreditation, internationalco-operation, networks atc.) • joint the EHEA a ERA • number of member countries – 40 • Bergen 2005 (Norway)

  14. GA, Bratislava, October 1st-2nd, 2004 Milestones in Geodesy and Cartography • FIG C2 – pregradual, post-gradual education, PCD, quality assurance (QA) • CLGE - licence politic • CLGE/FIG Seminar - Delft, november 2000, • EUCEET – EU ERASMUS project civil engineering faculties - 1999 • EEGECS – EU ERASMUS – geodesy, cartography, geomatics and geography - 2002 • BSc. –6 - 8 semester • MSc. – 3 - 4 semester • PhD. – 6 or more semester

  15. INFO

  16. GA, Bratislava, October 1st-2nd, 2004 Surveying education after September 2005 in Slovakia Accredited study programmes:- Bc. level – 4 programmes- MSc. level – 3 programmes (4 in preparation)- PhD. level – 1 programme (1 in preparation)

  17. GA, Bratislava, October 1st-2nd, 2004 Outlines for the harmonisationof the surveying education in Slovakia • 3 level education (Bc.,MSc. or eq., PhD.) • ECTS – Bc. 180, MSc. 120, PhD.180 • EU professions structure • accreditationof new study programs • mobility of students • diploma (degree) acceptation • Ad hoc commission – desing of curriculumfor each level 01-06/2003

  18. GA, Bratislava, October 1st-2nd, 2004 Curriculum of theBc. courseobligatory – min. 105 ECTS Minimum ECTS Mathematics 13 Physic 7 Computer techniq. 2 Geology and morph. 4 Surveying 13 Cartography techn. 2 Geometry 7 Adjustment 7 Geoinformatics 4 Geod.networks 4 Software development2 GNS 2 Topography 2 Geodesy 5 Minimum ECTS Engin. surveying 5 Cadastral mapping 5 Physical geodesy 4 Cartography 5 Cadastre 5 Land management 5 Photog. and remot. 4 Astronomy, satell. geodesy 4 Management 3 Bc. thesis 10

  19. GA, Bratislava, October 1st-2nd, 2004 Curriculum of theBc. coursevoluntary (optional) Politics Geology and geomorphology Neotectonic deformations Cartographical technics and norms Management of surveying tasks Pedology, real estate valuation CAD History of architecture Civil and business law Etics Philosophy Planet geography Remote sensing Theory of geosystems Morphommetry and geomorphology GIS database Build.constr., urban. Soil manag. Water constructions Transport construc. Geometry Map language Field measurement Professional practic Phisical training Foreign language

  20. GA, Bratislava, October 1st-2nd, 2004 Curriculum of theMSc. course obligatory – min. 60 ECTS Minimum ECTS Mathematics 5 Physic 4 Engin. surveying 5 Global geodesy 5 Astronomy, satell. geodesy 5 Land management 4 GIS 5 Deformation analysis 4 Photog. and remot. 5 Cadastral law 4 Mat. cartography 4 Surveying metrology 4 Field measurement 3 Diploma thesis 10

  21. GA, Bratislava, October 1st-2nd, 2004 Curriculum of theMSc. course voluntary (optional) Personal management Geo-ecology Surveying project Decision theory 3D geodesy Thematic mapping Physical geodesy Geophysic GIS design Geodetic and satellite surveying Cadast. data analysis Environm. modelling Advisory surveying Fotogrammetry mapping and GIS Digital cartographic model Data processing GPS technology Satellite geodesy Geiod determination models Integrated geodesy Geodynamic Underground surveying Analytical photogram. applications Data processing theory Measuring systems in engineering surveying Industry surveying Surveying law Modelling of structures High scale maps 3D digital terrain model Map and atlas design DTM and GIS Geographical databases Digital cartography Property valuation Cartography models in GIS DTM algorithms Statistical analysis Geographic regional systhematic Map language

  22. GA, Bratislava, October 1st-2nd, 2004 Curriculum of the PhD. course Adviser: Professor staf only Study: Mathematics Physic Engin. surveying Global geodesy and geodynamic Geodetic networks Cadastre and land management GIS Deformation analysis Photog. and remot. sensing Cartography Research: PhD thesis included into research project Lectures and practice: - min. 4 hours/week - participation on projects Publications: - min. 2 papers/year - participation on projects Graduation: - state exam - disertation, thesis approved by 3 professors

  23. GA, Bratislava, October 1st-2nd, 2004 QA in Slovak higher education • transformation process - new legislative surrounding since 2002, April 01st • accreditation of new study programmes, according the EU structures of professions • university evaluation:- research universities- universities- Bc. schools • continual (obligatory) quality control by students • student and staff mobility • degree (diploma) acceptance in Europe and worldwide

  24. GA, Bratislava, October 1st-2nd, 2004 Post-gradual Education in Slovakia

  25. GA, Bratislava, October 1st-2nd, 2004 Post-gradual surveying education in Slovakia • PhD study programmes • PG courses offered by Uni’s- cadastre- engineering surveying - new technology (laser scanning)- local networks- valuation • PG courses offered by another bodies (chamber, associations, etc.) • Seminars, conferences, web infos, etc.

  26. GA, Bratislava, October 1st-2nd, 2004 Statistics • 5 departments • 9 professors • 11 associated professors (with hab.) • 35 lecturers and 18 PhD. students • ca 450 students at Bc. courses • ca 240 students at MSc. courses • graduate students - ca 120/year Bc.- ca 100/year MSc.- ca 2/year PhD. Thank you for attention!

  27. Departments • Dep. of Surveying SUT Bratislava • Dep. of Geodesy SUT Bratislava • Dep. of Mapping and Land Consolidation (Management) SUT Bratislava • Dep. of Surveying ŽU Žilina • Dep. of Geoinformatic and Mine Surveying TU Košice

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