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Harry S. Truman & The Atomic Bomb. Power point created by Robert Martinez Primary Content Source: Speaking of History: Vol. II, by Laura Belmonte. http://www.danzfamily.com/archives/blogphotos/06/393-tibbets-enola-gay.jpg.
Harry S. Truman& The Atomic Bomb Power point created by Robert Martinez Primary Content Source: Speaking of History: Vol. II, by Laura Belmonte http://www.danzfamily.com/archives/blogphotos/06/393-tibbets-enola-gay.jpg
In 1939, physicist Albert Einstein warned President Franklin Roosevelt that the Nazis were capable of producing a weapon that harnessed atomic energy. http://www.the-planets.com/star-biography/Albert-Einstein-Imagination.jpg
In response, the Roosevelt administration funded small studies of the military potential of fission chain reactions. http://www.mphpa.org/classic/HF/Photos%20-%20Groups/group_20.jpg
When the United States entered World War II, these efforts expanded into the Manhattan Project, a top-secret program employing more than 120,000 people. http://www.unit5.org/christjs/fermi-1.jpg
American, British, and Canadian scientists (the Soviets excluded), collaborated in laboratories in Chicago, Oak Ridge, Tenn., and Los Alamos, New Mexico. http://www.losalamoshistory.org/mptest.jpg
Their challenges included collecting enough fissionable material to produce a nuclear explosion and devising a weapon that could be dropped from an airplane. http://www.atomicarchive.com/History/trinity/jumbo.shtml
On July 16, 1945, scientists at Los Alamos exploded the first atomic bomb (Trinity test.)
At that time, the Allies had defeated Nazi Germany but were locked in fierce combat against Imperial Japan. http://www.nps.gov/archive/wapa/indepth/extContent/wapa/guides/offensive/images/fig20.jpg
Earlier in the year, U.S. forces sustained heavy casualties in battles at Iwo Jima and Okinawa. http://www.ahoy.tk-jk.net/macslog/BloodyIwoJima.A36dayBattl.html
Although the Japanese lost over 110,000 soldiers and 80,000 civilians in these clashes, they continued to fight. http://img25.echo.cx/img25/3126/esci2040rx.jpg
U.S. military planners predicted huge losses if American forces invaded the Japanese home islands. http://www.archives.gov/research/african-americans/ww2-pictures/images/african-americans-wwii-101.jpg
News of the atomic bomb’s successful test gave President Harry S. Truman an alternative. http://www.vw.vccs.edu/vwhansd/HIS122/Truman_Hiroshima.html
On July 25, while he was attending the Potsdam Conference with Soviet and British prime ministers, Truman issued secret orders to use the bomb if the Japanese failed to surrender by August 3. http://www.flickr.com/photos/stefano_p/345154331/
The Potsdam Declaration warned Japan that it faced “prompt and utter destruction” if it did not capitulate (end hostilities.) The Japanese rejected the ultimatum. Hideki Tojo http://www.dictatorofthemonth.com/Tojo/Apr2007TojoEN.htm
In response, Truman ordered the military to use atomic weapons. http://www.lastplace.com/UFOArt/enola_gay.jpg
On August 6, the B-29 Enola Gay dropped a uranium bomb on Hiroshima, instantly killing at least 70,000 people and leveling five square miles. http://www.webconverters.com/jec
On August 9, the United States dropped a plutonium bomb on Nagasaki, and 40,000 people instantly perished. http://www.patriagrande.net/estados.unidos/nagasaki.jpg
On August 14, Japan finally surrendered after receiving assurances that Emperor Hirohito could retain his throne. http://www.flickr.com/photos/msh-images/410781844/
The decision to use the bomb remains hotly disputed. Critics offer several motives, including the desire to save American lives, anti-Japanese racism, and intimidation of the Soviet Union. http://www.serendipity.li/more/i4a.jpg
Although we will never know the answer, nuclear weapons undoubtedly changed the course of modern history. http://www.edu.lahti.fi/~vvaljakk/WW%20II/truman.jpg
“Let there be no mistake about it. I regarded the bomb as a military weapon and never had any doubt that it should be used.” - President Harry S. Truman http://www.medaloffreedom.com/HarryTrumanFreedomDay.jpg