Langari Mohien Visit to our town-Isfara Chorku is one of the ancient villages of Isfara town. In the eastern part of the village Chorku there is a pool where live many fishes. This pool’s name is Langari Mohien that means home to fish. The fish inedible. The people with the disease jaundice always come to look at fish, and can really recover from illness.
When you will threw the sunflower seeds after a few minutes you can see peel of it on the surface of water. It is very amazingly beautiful.You can touch fish and it doesn't afraid. • In 1986 under head of Numon Nematovich Nematov was conducted archaeological investigations.
As a result, were found fragments of pottery AD First century AD and most of all remnants of ancient stone foundations-running construction. • In 50th of last Century in the place of “Hoiti Mulloatokhon” were found historical stuff which is from 1-2 AD..
One of the story – teller says that here dead one of the Bukhara Kings-Hisomuddin Umar Ibn Abdulaziz Moza and was buried here. Based on this fact, we can say that the historical monuments which exist in Isfara, are of great international importance.
In 1997 the representatives of 20 countries visited to this place. In general, the representatives about 60-65 countries came to visit here. There were fishes even when Alexander the Great was in life. • But this place need to be restore,and we hope in future people can visit here and enjoy of looking the fishes.
Qodirov Irshod Qodirov Suhrob Shomadov Izzat Isfara town ILC Isfara