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Socratic discussion

Socratic discussion. “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”. Dialogue. In dialogue, one listens to understand, to make meaning, and to find common ground Dialogue calls for temporarily suspending one’s beliefs

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Socratic discussion

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Socratic discussion “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”

  2. Dialogue • In dialogue, one listens to understand, to make meaning, and to find common ground • Dialogue calls for temporarily suspending one’s beliefs • Dialogue respects all the other participants and seeks not to alienate or offend

  3. Guidelines for leaders • Set the stage • Beware of trying to be perfect • Subject matter of seminars is understanding of issues and ideas • Stay with the text • Follow every answer with another question, building upon the answer just given

  4. Guidelines for leaders continued • Rephrase questions until they are understood • Wait for students to respond; thinking is OK • Draw out the reasons for and the implications of student’s answers • Insist that answers be clear and adequately explained • Do not insist on agreement in matters of opinion; encourage discussion of differences

  5. Guidelines for Leaders continued • There is no need to reach resolution, compromise/synthesis or closure • Recognize listening as a form of participation • It’s OK to coach students in Socratic discussion

  6. Guidelines for participants • Refer to the text when needed during the discussion. *Do not stay confused; ask for clarification *Stick to the point currently under discussion; make notes about ideas you want to come back to. *Don’t raise hands; take turns speaking *Listen carefully

  7. Guidelines for participants continued • Speak up so all can hear you • Talk to each other; not just to the leader or teacher • Discuss ideas rather than each other’s opinions • You are responsible for the discussion to be a success

  8. Let’s begin • Read the text silently and individually • Examine the text closely and annotate • Work with partner directly in front or behind you • Identify the Great Ideas in the text • Leader: start discussion with one of the following: Ranking, How, or Generic question.

  9. Discussion begins • Inner circle begins discussion based on the leader’s question • Guidelines for participants followed • Leader follows “leader” guidelines to keep discussion on track • Leader stops discussion and presents another idea or open ended question • Inner circle discusses the new idea or question to partner in outer circle

  10. Discussion continues • Leader asks inner circle to switch with outer circle so that new voices are heard during discussion • Remind outer circle that they can not engage in discussion but may take notes • Be open to new ideas, and personal opinions changing!

  11. Socrates • Let him that would move the world first move himself • Socratic Seminars International: Oscar@SocraticSeminars.com • Common core Standards: RL 1.7, SL 7.a.b.c.d

  12. mcef • Room 2 is very grateful for our new computers • Our research is focused and shared within our Google doc accounts • Vocabulary and grammar activities are interactive • We acknowledge each other’s writing and help each other become better writers • Connecting to each other and the world opens our minds to all knowledge

  13. PTA • Thank you for making Miller a family • Back to school BBQ • Honorary service awards • Magazine drive • Corrals • Community connection

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