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More iMovie

More iMovie. Announcement More iMovie Work on projects Next sessions. OVERVIEW. Dr. Abed advising during this class on 11/26. ANNOUNCEMENT. Last class Tour of major parts of interface Imported video files Captured video using built-in camera Edited video Tonight Preferences>Advanced

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More iMovie

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Presentation Transcript

  1. More iMovie

  2. Announcement More iMovie Work on projects Next sessions OVERVIEW

  3. Dr. Abed advising during this class on 11/26 ANNOUNCEMENT

  4. Last class Tour of major parts of interface Imported video files Captured video using built-in camera Edited video Tonight Preferences>Advanced Markers Keywords Picture and video in/over video Audio Maps and backgrounds and titles Themes Sharing MORE iMOVIE

  5. iMovie Menu > Preferences General tab, check Show Advanced Tools PREFERENCES>ADVANCED

  6. Pointer tool, Keywords tool, Filter by Keywords tool PREFEREENCES>ADVANCED • Pointer tool turns off any open tools • Keywords tool • Tag video clips with selected keywords (metadata) • Filter by keywords tool • Sort through your clips by keywords

  7. PREFEREENCES>ADVANCED • Keywords tool • Tag video clips with selected keywords (metadata) • Click the key icon • Add new keyword, select it or select previous keyword • Drag the key icon over clip – clip turns blue

  8. PREFEREENCES>ADVANCED • Filter by keyword • Click magnifying glass • Choose keyword – click green part of icon • Look at source window

  9. Comment Markers Comment markers are brown Mark any frame with comment, return to frame by choosing marker from pop-up menu Click and drag brown comment marker to timeline Drop and type into it to edit PREFEREENCES>ADVANCED

  10. Pull down menu Toggle between markers PREFEREENCES>ADVANCED

  11. Chapter Markers PREFEREENCES>ADVANCED • Chapter markers are orange • For exporting to dvd and podcasts • Click and drag orange comment marker to timeline • Drop and type into it to edit

  12. You can include 2 video clips together BradyBunch/SummerBunch multiple clips idea But limited to 1 main clip and 1 additional iMovie calls this Picture-in-Picture You can do graphics and video together Over-the-shoulder graphics idea iMovie calls this Picture-in-Picture Preferences>Advanced>Show Advanced Tools must be selected Both are treated very similarly in iMovie PICTURE & VIDEO IN/OVER VIDEO

  13. Select video from Event Browser Drag it over a video clip in your timeline Click Picture-in-Picture Picture-in-Picture clip appears with blue border Drag to reposition Drag ends to lengthen or shorten Can be resized by dragging corners in the viewer Double-click the picture-in-picture clip to open Inspector Choose Zoom, Dissolve, or Swap from pop-up menu In Inspector, Select Visible next to Drop shadow or click border-width, or border color, under PIP Effect PICTURE & VIDEO IN/OVER VIDEO


  15. When dragging and dropping clips into timeline CONTEXTUAL MENU Replace means previous clip replaced with dropped one Cutaway pastes over related clip without changing duration of project Insert means space will be made for newly dropped clip – changes duration of project

  16. Drag and drop from Media Brower Pin audio to certain frame Adjust level Set beginning and end Synchronize video with music AUDIO

  17. AUDIO Gears icon then Clip Trimmer Waveform, Yellow selection handles

  18. AUDIO Yellow handles to identify portion you want

  19. AUDIO Then click Done

  20. Double-click the clip Click audio Drag the slider ADJUST LEVEL OF ONE AUDIO

  21. Sets volumes of all clips to about same level NORMALIZE

  22. Set beginning and end Clip Trimmer Drag yellow handle near start Drag yellow handle to end Preview Done/Return AUDIO

  23. Synchronize video with music Drag song first, no video yet Clip Trimmer Drag beat marker to the audio waveform Alternatively press “M” key to tap out beats while playing video Drag video or photos over top the audio AUDIO

  24. AUDIO

  25. Maps Several maps Some animated Backgrounds Titles or with images Your own graphics as backgrounds From iPhoto MAPS & BACKGROUNDS



  28. Drag and drop Edit text Set properties Duration, font, font color TITLES

  29. When launching iMovie for new project Choose from several preset themes Themes give you Specialized titles and transitions Alternatively File>Project Properties>General Choose theme to apply to existing project THEMES

  30. THEME

  31. iTunes iDVD Media Browser Use with other iLife apps YouTube Upload to your account MobileMe Upload to Apple’s cloud Export Movie Results in .m4v Export using QuickTime Various codecs Export Final Cut XML SHARING

  32. Work on projects Call me over for help, suggestions with anything Work until about 8:10-8:15 Preview/discuss next sessions of course DEVELOPMENT TIME

  33. 11/26 Syllabus says Stop Motion activity Dr. Abed Advising 12/3 Syllabus says Presentation 12/10 Syllabus says Presentation Given the 9 presentations we have and where we are at work-wise I’m considering the following: 11/26 start class with work on video projects While Dr. Abed advises End class with brief presentation on expectations for final presentations 12/3 Stop Motion and work on video projects 12/10 Presentations all in one night NEXT SESSIONS

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