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ELDER GROVE SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013-2014 PROPOSED BUDGET. Jim Goltz , Tessa Beach, Marianne Bradley, Justin Huck, Jason Olson. Elder Grove School will strive to achieve a safe, secure, and positive learning environment.
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Presentation Transcript
Jim Goltz, Tessa Beach, Marianne Bradley, Justin Huck, Jason Olson
Elder Grove School will strive to achieve a safe, secure, and positive learning environment. We will create classrooms of master learners by use of well-developed curriculums, effective teaching strategies, and constructive feedback which allow for individual differences and learning styles. To improve the quality of the educational experience, programs, and services, we will implement assessment tools to monitor teaching and learning, in order to gain feedback on student achievement. We will foster communication, teamwork and trust among staff, students, parents, and community members to achieve unity and excellence. We will provide a safe, orderly, and caring environment. www.eldergrove.k12.mt.us
Budget Changes to the General Fund Budget
Retirement Incentive Plan If all four teachers were to retire we would have an excess of $55,326 in the General Fund, which is would allow us to consider hiring the new kindergarten teacher and invest in common core and save the capital one-time only monies.
General Fund – Preliminary101 Instruction (101-100-1000) Includes: teaching salaries, benefits, supplies, equipment Total $1,321,318 60% of General Fund Budget ($2,184,070) 42% of Elementary School Funds ($3,174,665) Support Services (101-100-2120) Includes: counselor salaries, benefits, nursing program Total $64,466 3% of General Fund Budget ($2,184,070) 2% of Elementary School Funds ($3,174,665)
General Fund – Cont. Educational Media (101-100-2220) Includes: teaching salaries, benefits, supplies, equipment Total $143,983 7% of General Fund Budget ($2,184,070) 5% of Elementary School Funds ($3,174,665) General Administration (101-100-2300) Includes: 97% of superintendent salary, benefits, supplies, equipment Total $129,934 6% of General Fund Budget ($2,184,070) 4% of Elementary School Funds ($3,174,665)
General Fund – Cont. School Administration (101-100-2400) Includes: principal and secretary salaries, benefits, supplies, equipment Total $137,136 6% of General Fund Budget ($2,184,070) 4% of Elementary School Funds ($3,174,665) Business Office (101-100-2500) Includes: business manager salary, worker’s comp., supplies Total $17,107 <1% of General Fund Budget ($2,184,070) <1% of Elementary School Funds ($3,174,665)
General Fund – Cont. Operation and Maintenance (101-100-2600) Includes: salaries, benefits, supplies, equipment, utilities Total $225,277 10% of General Fund Budget ($2,184,070) 7% of Elementary School Funds ($3,174,665) Special Education (101-280) Instruction Includes: sped. salaries, benefits, supplies Total $165,051 Special Education Support Services Includes: contracted services Total $15,691
General Fund – Cont. Special Education cont. Total $180,742 8% of General Fund Budget ($2,184,070) 6% of Elementary School Funds ($3,174,665) Student Services (101-720-3500) Includes: stipend, worker’s comp., supplies Total $8,802 <1% of General Fund Budget ($2,184,070) <1% of Elementary School Funds ($3,174,665)
General Fund – Cont. Food Service (101-910-3100-630) Includes: supplies Total $19,771 1% of General Fund Budget ($2,184,070) <1% of Elementary School Funds ($3,174,665)
General Fund Revenue Summary
Retirement Fund Total summary for all staffing areas Revenue Sources: County Reimbursement Retirement Fund Purpose: Financing the employers contribution to the Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS), the Public Employees’ Retirement System (PERS), Unemployment Compensation, and Social Security and Medicare
Transportation Fund Transportation Expenditures Revenue Sources: County and State reimbursements with additional funding through non-levy revenues and district transportation levy Transportation Fund Purpose: Used for financing contracts with private carriers for school bus services, individual transportation contracts, and any amount needed for the operation of the transportation program. It may only be used for home-to-school transportation.
Food Service Fund Food Service Expenditures Revenue Sources: Federal free and reduced reimbursement and daily lunch sales Food Service Fund Purpose: Pays for school food service operations. This is budget indicates a .30 increase in lunch prices making it $2.00.
Tuition Fund Tuition Expenditures Revenue Sources: District Levies, fund balance re-appropriated Tuition Fund Purpose: Finances tuition costs for students attending schools or detention centers outside of the district. This is simply for outgoing tuition money, all incoming tuition goes into the general fund.
Miscellaneous Federal Fund All Misc. Federal Fund Revenue Sources: Federal and State One-Time Monies Spent: IEFA-$4000 for In-service Capital Investment-$14,238 Maintenance Person salary Miscellaneous Fund Purpose: Accounting for local, state, and federal grants and reimbursements
Adult Education Fund Adult Education Fund Expenditures Revenue Sources: District mill levies and student fees Adult Education Fund Purpose: Finances adult education and activities related to adult basic education programs.
Technology Fund Technology Fund Expenditures Revenue Sources: State Timber Monies (block grant) and a cash reserve Technology Fund Purpose: To purchase, rent, repair, and maintain technological equipment and to provide tech training for district personnel. This budget indicates that the new .5 librarian will be working with technology and paid out of the tech. fund. Also that software will be paid out of the tech. fund.
Debt Service Fund Debt Service Fund Expenditures Revenue Sources: District mill levies and cash re-appropriated Debt Service Fund Purpose: Pays interest and principal on outstanding bonds and special improvements district assessments.
Building Reserve Fund Building Reserve Fund Expenditures Revenue Sources: District mill levies, State Block Grant and cash reserve Building Reserve Fund Purpose: Finances voter approved building or construction projects.
History of Elder Grove General Fund
History of Elder Grove Tuition Fund
History of Elder Grove Transportation Fund
History of Adult Education Fund
History of Technology Fund
History of Debt Service Fund
History of Building Reserve
Summary of District Mills2013-2014 (Proposed) District Tax Value: 5,044,813 Mill Value: 5,044.81
History of Budget and District Mills
Estimated Tax Impact
Raises Certified Staff has a 1.5% increase to salary this year. Next year another additional 1.5% increase. Classified Staff has an additional .25 cent raise per hour this year. Administration will receive a 3% increase.
And……………………. Thank You For Supporting the ELDER GROVE STAFF & STUDENTS