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Back 2 basics – From Patient to Top Athlete. Walk the Talk. Ved Michael Schjerling Fysioterapeut B.Sc., Ernærings- og Livsstilsvejleder. Speech the 19’Th of November 2010 By Michael Schjerling. My Background. Educational: Study: CBS Study: Massage Therapist Study: Physiotherapist
Back 2 basics – From Patient to Top Athlete Walk the Talk Ved Michael Schjerling Fysioterapeut B.Sc., Ernærings- og Livsstilsvejleder Speech the 19’Th of November 2010 By Michael Schjerling Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
My Background Educational: • Study: CBS • Study: Massage Therapist • Study: Physiotherapist • Study: HLC and Physical Trainer (CHEK Institute) On top: Japanese Martial Art Involved in health and performance training since 1991 where I startet out as a Fitness instructor and Personal Trainer. What do can I do? Make people recover from complicated injuries and make human beeings make Peak Performances by addressing: The 6 Fundamentals for Health and Peak Performance.
Content and Goal • Statistics on our health • 6 stress factors • 6 basic principles for health and high performance Goal: To open up your minds and motivate you to go out at be aware of how our vay of living contributes to our outcome. Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
Why is it important to be healthy if you work in the health care sector? • By beeing Healthy you show that your methods works. • When you are healthy you have more energy and can work and train harder. • There is no energy and vitality without health. • Health is a key marketing tool. Health attracts like a magnet and affects people. • As a health care professional you are a living business card. • You can not sell a product you do not have. Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
How is our current health situation now and in the future? • There have never been done so much research on ilness as now in the world history. • Growth rates in the use of medicine on 12-20% yearly on a world wide scale. (Ugeskrift for læger 0236 – år 2004) • At the same time the numbers of lifestyle diseases like: Type 2 Diabetes, Obesity, Cardivasculair deseases, Alzheimers desease, osteoporose and most of the cansers, stress and back pain. Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
Livsstilssygdommenes udvikling • Cardiovasculair deseases was almost unknown under 100 years ago. (CHEK, 2004) • Type II Diabetes grows as an epedemy. (CHEK, 2004) • Every 10. secund a person dies due to type II diabetes and every 30. seconds a person is amputated. This is the greatest epedemy in the world history ever. Greater than the Spanish flu, The Black plague and the colore together. (The international Diabetes organisation (IDF) ) • Today 50% of all women over 50 years of age gets osteoporose and 25% of all men over 60 in the US gets Osteoporose. Osteoporose is an epedemy. (John Mamana M.D, www.ptonthenet.com) • It is expected that over 40% of all americans over 65 years of age will get alzheimers dementia in a few years time. (CHEK, 2004) Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes Trends Among Adults in the U.S., BRFSS 1993-94 Prevalens of type II diabetes in the US 1993-94 Ingen data < 4% 4-6% 6-8% Mokdad AH, Ford ES, Bowman BA, et al. Prevalence of obesity, diabetes, and other obesity-related health risk factors, 2001. JAMA 2003 Jan 1;289(1).
Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes Trends Among Adults in the U.S., BRFSS 1995-96 Prevalens of type II diabetes in the US 1995-96 Ingen data < 4% 4-6% 6-8% Mokdad AH, Ford ES, Bowman BA, et al. Prevalence of obesity, diabetes, and other obesity-related health risk factors, 2001. JAMA 2003 Jan 1;289(1).
Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes Trends Among Adults in the U.S., BRFSS 1997-98 Prevalens of type II diabetes in the US 1997-98 Ingen data < 4% 4-6% 6-8% Mokdad AH, Ford ES, Bowman BA, et al. Prevalence of obesity, diabetes, and other obesity-related health risk factors, 2001. JAMA 2003 Jan 1;289(1).
Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes Trends Among Adults in the U.S., BRFSS 1999 Forekomst af type 2 diabetes i USA 1999 Ingen data 4-6% 6-8% > 10% Mokdad AH, Ford ES, Bowman BA, et al. Prevalence of obesity, diabetes, and other obesity-related health risk factors, 2001. JAMA 2003 Jan 1;289(1).
Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes Trends Among Adults in the U.S., BRFSS 2000 Prevalens of type II diabetes in the US 2000 Ingen data 4-6% 6-8% > 10% Mokdad AH, Ford ES, Bowman BA, et al. Prevalence of obesity, diabetes, and other obesity-related health risk factors, 2001. JAMA 2003 Jan 1;289(1).
Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes Trends Among Adults in the U.S., BRFSS 2001 Prevalens of type II diabetes in the US 2001 Ingen data 4-6% 6-8% > 10% > 20% Mokdad AH, Ford ES, Bowman BA, et al. Prevalence of obesity, diabetes, and other obesity-related health risk factors, 2001. JAMA 2003 Jan 1;289(1).
Risk of Cancer • In 1900 the risk of canser was 1 out of 30. • In 1980 the risk of canser was 1 out of 5. • In 1990 the risk of canser was 1 out of 4. • In 1995 the risk of canser was 1 out of 3. • In 2000 the risk of canser was 1 out of 2. Source: Deepak Chopra, M.D., Michael Murray, N.D,. and the Metagenics Corp. Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
Is it possible to by health? • US uses 14 mio. $ each minute on Health care. One should be healthy when using that amount. • The average american uses 5.600 $ yearley on medicine. • 85% of all americans is on at least one presribed medication. Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
It is normal to be sick • We have gone used to not beeing vital, vibrant and feeling lots of energy. • It is common to be ill 2-3 times a year. • The use of medicin to compensate for oru dysfunctional lifestyle. Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
The health care sector today • Today we use the pallidative approach in the health care sector. • Health insurance. • Treatment of disease Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
Other solution • The building of health. • Where health is present disease can not be present! • We often treat our gardens better than our selves! • Learn from the best! Usain Bolt Worlds fasest 100 m sprinter. Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
What is health? Health is a RESULTAT. It is the FRUIT. You must build the fruit from strong routs. Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
SCHJERLING’s definition of Health ”Health is the ability to stay hole and maintain balance in body mind and spirit OR regain it quickley when outbalanced due to internal or external factors”. Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
Research studies in health? • In order to know what health is and what the basic factors for health is we need to study the people that has demonstrated health! Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
Research • In the US there are 1.500 scientists doing research on food and nutrition. • Only 75 of them is independant economicly. (Eccologist Magazine) Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
Independant • Weston A. Price found that the amount of degenerative diseases within natives who before was healthy, was increasing significantly when influenced by the white mans food (sugar, white flour and processed food) (www.price-pottenger.com) • Price also found that all primitive diets contained at least 4 times as many minerals and water soubtle vitamins, as an average american diet does today. (CHEK, 2004) Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
Robert McCarrison’s study on rats 2 groups of 2.000 rats. One group got the whole bran diet of the Hunza tirbe. The other group got a diet that a traditional middel class english man got (white bread, jam, tee, sugar) in 2 years = 55 human years. Motive: Was to find what food would produce the most healthy British soldiers. Result (medical obductions on all rats): The rats on the Hunza diet got bigger and more healthy. The rats on the traditional english diet was suffering from diseases that every third middelclass english was suffering from at that time. They also got more aggressive. Conclusion: The nutrition that that made the Hunza tribe strung and healthy also made the rats healthy and strong and the food that made the english ill also made the rats ill. Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
Pottengers Cats Book: Pottengers Cats: www.price-pottenger.com Research study on the different effects on cooked and uncooked food on 900 cats over a 10 years periode. Medicinske obductions on all cats. Research founds: Degenerative changes • Gradually decrease in coordination. • Gradually more disease • Gradually changes in the cranial structure. • In the third generation the cats suffered so much from degenerative diseases that it took four generations on a raw diet to take them back to the starting level. They started to loose their sexual preferances. • In the 4’Th generation: Huge abortion rate, difficulties beeing pregnant, infections, much aggressiveness, more difficult to se the difference on male and female. Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
The 6 stress factors, there can steal our health • Termal • Mental / emotional • Nutritional • Phisical • Chemical • Electromagnetic Stress akummulerer!
Accomulation of stress Vitality index Vitality / Energy Stress Dead Disease Ubalance Vitality
The physiology of Stress Stress → • Hormonal response: increase of catabolic hormones (stress hormones: cortisol, adrenalin and noradrenalin) ↑ • Sympathetic response ↑ → ↓ At the same time • Hormonal response: Inhibition of anabolic hormones (Growth- and repair hormone and melatonin)↓ → • Parasympathetic inhibition ↓ At time: Suppression of immunesystem and anabolism! Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
What can we do? Knowledge and Action Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler" Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
The 6 fundamentals for health and peak performance • Mind: Thoughts and words • Respiration • Water (Hydration) • Nutrition (Sun, frish air, food and digestion) • Phisical training and use of the body • Sleep and rest Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
Everything begins in the mind: What do you think? What comes out of your mouth? Think and talk positive (That effects your cortisol levels) • Take a must decission about getting the best out of every experience in life. Always think: ”What is the lesson in this?” • Find your mission and follow it. • Are you motivated by pain or pleasure? Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
Overbevisningernes kraft Potential Action • Beleaves can brake or accelerate our potential. Wc can have a big potential but if we have limited beleaves then we will never reach our full potential • How can we change our beleaves? • By getting the results in advance. By visualization. Andre Agassi: Vinder af 8 grand Slam titler: Austrilian Open French Open Wimbeldon US Open Beleaves Results Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
Test ”Turn as far as you can”. Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
The power of believes • Through history man has tried to run a mile in less than 4 minutes. Has tried for 1000 years. • The Greeks tied a bull to the runner. • We believed that it was physical not possible to run that fast. • Then a 25 years old medical student from England came. • Did he train different than other atheletes? • No. Bannister decided that he would not try to brake the record before he had done it in his own brain. Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
6’Th of May 1954 Bannister ran a mile in less than 4 minutes. • Within 3 years 27 others did the same. • Why? • They removed their limited believes, got more potential and took more action. • Today it is not a special thing to run a mile in less than 4 minutes. High school students does it. Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
Are you a Human beeing ? Or A human doing ? Take brakes and meditate Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
Word/ Communication • Words creates emotions and states. • Think about how you are affected by a autstanding speaker or singer. • Guess who affects you most with words every day! • You are! • Words with passion gives power! • Fx ”I love you” • Talk positive. Be concious about words like: ”problems”, ”but” and ”sorry”. Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
Respiration • What does it mean ? • We draw in the spirit. • Oxygen is the most important nutrition • You can only surive about 3 minutes without it. Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
Correlation between oxigen and learning • 150 students from Rungsted School (Denmark). • 8 tests in Danish and matematics in a normal indoor clima and in a clima with fresh air and lower temperature. • Students did know that they were tested in different climas and did not know the true purpose of the study. • The students did 15% better in the infironment with fresh air. Conclussion: Rungsted school has a better indoor clima than average school in denmark. Therefore one can expect better results at other schools. Source: Lektor Pawel Wargocki (lektor på Center for Indeklima og Energi på DTU) samt professor David Wyon .
Water • 60-70% of the body is water. • What does dehydration result in? • Dehydration at 1% reduces the nervoussystems workpotential with 10%. • Chronical dehydration can lead to Alzheimer • Reduced production of HCL in the stomach. • Reduced production of mucus in the intestinal tract. • Constipation (Normal transittid: 12-24 hours / retentionstid: 56 t.) • High bloodpressure. • Arthrosis. • Arthritis • Back Pain (discs more thin, slag in the ligamants leads to functional instable back) • Inflammations • Etc. • Advice: Drik minimum your body weight in kg x 0,033 = liters of water daily! (Ref.: Your body Many Cries for Water, af Batmanghelidj, F. M.D.)
Training / use of body • Remember you are an athlete.Training is stimulus to make your body stronger. • Repetition is the mother of skill. • Do you have visions and goals. What ressources do you have? • Any injuries? Is there an actionplan for that? • Train the S.M.A.R.T.(E). way. David Hirschorn1 nordisk mesterskab i ringene2 nordeuropæiske mesterskaber i ringene11 danske Mesterskaber Schjerling.dk Sundhed, Livsstil, Fysioterapi, Ernæring & Træning
Sleep Shakespeare: “Sleep is chief nourisher of life's feast"
Poor quality or reduced quantity • The persons in the study were tested with 6 hours sleep comparred to 8 hours a night and also by getting a 8 hours sleep but taking them out of the deep sleep (slow-wave sleep), with a small sound. They did not wake up. • Findings: The bodys ability to regulate blood sugar reduced by 25% in just 3 days. Therefore: Reduced quality or quantity of sleep will increase the risk of develping type II diabetes Source: University of Chicago Medical Center
Extra sleep improves athletic performance, mood and awarness Study at Stanford Sleep Disorders Clinic and Research Laboratory. • A group of male and female swimmers from Standford University swimming team. • 2 first weeks the test persons continued their normal sleep-awake cycle. • The following 6-7 weeks they got 10 hours a day. Findings after 7’Th week: The athletes did a 15m sprint 0.51 sec. faster, came 0,15 sec. faster from the starting block, improved turning time by 0.10 sec. and increased swimming movements by 5. Reported more vitality, energy, happiness and fewer mood depressions. They felt more aware and less fatiqued during the day. Source: June 9 at the SLEEP 2008 22nd Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies (APSS) in Baltimore, Md.
Extra sleep improves athletic performance, mood and awarness (continued) • There has been made copyes of the study at the universitys football- golf-, tennis track and feald and basket ball teams. Here they got similar improvements. Interesting: Cheri Mah, who was leader of the studies: “Many of the athletes in the various sports I have worked with, including the swimmers in this study, have set multiple new personal records and season best times, as well as broken long-standing Stanford and American records while participating in this study”. Source: June 9 at the SLEEP 2008 22nd Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies (APSS) in Baltimore, Md.
Sleep improves learning and memory Many studies showes this.. • A group was memory tested by training a special syntax at a keybord. They were tested again after 2 hours without any improvement. After a 8 hours sleep they improved by 20%. An other group were trained in the evening. They also gained 20% improvement after 8 hours of sleep. Brain scanning showed that the parts of the brain that were particular active during the activity was re-activated during sleep Conclusion: Sleep and not time improves learning. Similar studies are made on rats and zebras with same results.
Sleep improves learning and memory (2) • Napping: • Study: The tested persons were trained in memorizing a special syntax • The research study showed that the people performed more and more poor during the 4 training sessions during the day. • They did the test significant better in the last sessions after 1 hour of sleep between first and second session Conclusion: This ”burnout” showes that the brain probably only can tak in a certain amount of information before it has to save it on the ”hard disc” via sleep. Kilde: Society for Neuroscience, februar 2003. http://www.sfn.org/index.cfm?pagename=brainbriefings_sleepandlearning
kl. 6 kl. 9 kl. 12 kl. 15 kl. 18 kl. 22 kl. 2 kl. 6 kl. 6 kl. 9 kl. 12 kl. 15 kl. 18 kl. 22 kl. 2 kl. 6 Sleep(hormonal cycle) Naturlig hormoncyklus Stress hormones Growth & repair hormones Hormonel ubalance Stress hormones Growth & repair hormones
Get your beauty sleep • Quality sleep is essential for cell regeneration and your bodys abillity to stay healthy. Train Hard – Rest Hard (Study Hard – Rest Hard). • Quality sleep reduces the signs of age, dark areas and puffyness under the eyes. It resets the nervous system and stress levels. • Research studies showes that melatonin and growth and repair hormone is most present between 22-02. • Stress supresses thiese hormones. Leryn Franco OL-Athlete 2008
Schjerling’s Sleep guidelines • Go to sleep no later than 22.30 and get at least 8-9 hours of quality sleep a night. • Make sleep a part of your training regime. • Improve your sleep quantity 6-7 weeks before important turnaments. • Regularity is improtant. • Use napping frequently when studying hard. Leryn Franco OL-Athlete 2008