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Fundación para la eSalud - FeSalud

PESCA: Developing an Open Source Alliance to contribute to e-Health in Latin America and the Caribbean. Fundación para la eSalud - FeSalud. What do we do?. 2. What do we do?. 3. PESCA’s social network. Co. Communication. Code Repositories. Social Networks. Discussion Forums. Wikis.

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Fundación para la eSalud - FeSalud

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PESCA: Developing an Open Source Alliance to contribute to e-Health in Latin America and the Caribbean Fundación para la eSalud - FeSalud

  2. What do we do? 2

  3. What do we do? 3

  4. PESCA’s social network Co Communication Code Repositories Social Networks Discussion Forums Wikis Lessons Learned Healthworkers Developers Citizens 4

  5. PESCA’s social network Social Network Needs and Improvements communicate generates incorporates Uses Prepares Stores Develops applications repository FLOSS Generates Knowledge Bank knowledge Uses 5

  6. PESCA Categories 6

  7. PESCA Categories Public Health Fields Policies Financing Models Implementation Models Macro administration Prevention and Promotion Institutions 18 19 - Health Education - Public Health … Citizen Micro administration 12, 13, 14 01, 02, 03 Meso administration D.R.G.s M.B.E. - Primary Care - Specialized Care … 10, 11, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09 Clinical Administration Health Institutions 15, 16, 17 7

  8. Goals • To create a collaborative and cooperative working community that facilitates the analysis and evaluation of any FLOSS initiative for health • To foster the improvement and maintenance of eHealth solution documentation in a collaborative way, building off of existing social networks and approaches of the 2.0 experience. • Evaluate and validate existing open source eHealth solutions at the code level based on multiple criteria. 8

  9. Goals • Support the globalization of the PESCA Alliance by translating the most relevant software into other languages – initially Spanish, Portuguese, and English. • Facilitate necessary working norms for the community: Develop agreements and regulations, develop a strategic plan/guidance document, create risk management policies, coordinate technical issues, coordinate a budget oversight plan for specific fund management issues, facilitate inter-partner communication, promote quality control, etc. • Determine the scalability of the platform itself and it’s modules for local and regional implementation. 9

  10. Publications • eHealth: Combining Health Telematics, Telemedicine, Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics to the Edge http://www.cehr.de/elan_es.htmDec. 2007. • Social Network of PESCA (Open Source Platform for eHealth). PubMed 2008. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18560095?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum • ICMCC London 2008. http://conferences.icmcc.org/?page_id=2578 • MundoInternet.es http://mundointernet.es/index.php?body=pon_article_ponencia&id_article=129 • Open Source Software International Conference. February 2007. • Conferencia Internacional del Software Libre. October 2008. • Other articles in Revistaesalud.com • http://revistaesalud.com/index.php/revistaesalud/issue/view/13 • http://revistaesalud.com/index.php/revistaesalud/issue/view/8 • http://revistaesalud.com/index.php/revistaesalud/issue/view/14 • http://revistaesalud.com/index.php/revistaesalud/issue/view/15 • http://revistaesalud.com/index.php/revistaesalud/issue/view/14 10

  11. Contact Information Fundación para la eSalud – FeSalud c/ Juan López Peñalver, 21 Edificio BIC Euronova Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía 29590 Campanillas (Málaga) SPAIN Telfs.: 951010583 / 606256509 E-mail: info@fesalud.org Web: www.fesalud.org Thank You! Carlos Luis Sánchez Bocanegra carlosl.sanchez@fesalud.org 11

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