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Medical terminology. Part 10. The REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM. Constructed medical terms:.
Medical terminology Part 10 The REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM
Constructed medical terms: Many medical terms are ‘constructed’ from a combination of word parts… prefixes, Greek or Roman root words, and suffixes. Determine the meaning of the whole word by first deciphering the meaning of the suffix, then the prefix, and finally the root word. Then combine the 3 parts. MICRO / SCOP / IC Prefix meaning ‘small’ / root word meaning ‘viewing instrument’ / suffix meaning ‘pertaining to’ When you start with a root word and add a suffix that starts with a consonant OR another root word, then you have to connect the two word parts with a vowel. This is called a ‘combining vowel’, and is usually an ‘o, i, or e’. HEM / O / PHILIA Root word meaning ‘blood’ / combining vowel / suffix meaning ‘love of’
Nonconstructed medical terms: If a medical term is not constructed from a combination of word parts, then it is called ‘nonconstructed’. These are words derived from other languages, words derived from names of people, from initials that form acronyms, or from abbreviations. To learn the meanings of nonconstructed terms, you must simply commit them to memory. The term ‘pasteurize’ refers to the process of heating milk to a temperature that kills harmful microorganisms. The term is derived from the name of its inventor… Louis Pasteur (1822-1895).
Medical terms, signs, & symptoms of the reproductive system… Chancres (SHANG kerz) Small ulcers on the skin. Although they can be found in different places on the body, they might form on the skin of the penis when the sexually transmitted disease syphilis is contracted.
Medical terms, signs, & symptoms of the reproductive system… Oligospermia (all ih goh SPER mee ah) Abnormally low sperm count, the most common sign of male infertility. Normal count = 20 million + sperm/ml semen Low count = less than 10 million sperm/ml of semen
Medical terms, signs, & symptoms of the reproductive system… Wartlike lesion on the skin or mucous membranes. It is a sign of infection by the sexually trasmitted human papilloma virus (HPV). They are commonly called genital warts. Papilloma (pap ih LOH mah)
Medical terms, signs, & symptoms of the reproductive system… Dysmenorrhea (DISS men oh REE ah) Abnormal pain during menstruation.
Medical terms, signs, & symptoms of the reproductive system… Mastalgia (mass TAL jee ah) A nonconstructed term. It is a condition of pain in the breast.
Medical terms, signs, & symptoms of the reproductive system… Menorrhagia (men oh RAY jee ah) Profuse bleeding during menstruation. The term menometrorrhagia (MEN oh METT roh RAY jee ah) refers to profuse bleeding from the uterus at a time other than during menstruation.
Diseases and disorders of the reproductive system… One or more un-descended testicles. The testicles originally develop within the pelvic cavity, and sometimes fail to drop down into the scrotum. Cryptorchidism ( kript OR kid izm)
Diseases and disorders of the reproductive system… Priapism ( PRY ah pizm) An abnormally persistent erection of the penis that may by accompanied by pain and tenderness. It is often the result of a drug overdose. It is a nonconstructed term.
Diseases and disorders of the reproductive system… Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (bee NINE pross TAT ik HIGH per PLAY zee ah) The prostate gland enlarges to constrict the urethra, causing the frequent need to urinate, especially at night. It is not a form of cancer and does not spread to other tissues.
Diseases and disorders of the reproductive system… Endometriosis (EHN doh mee tree OH siss) An abnormal growth of endometrial tissue throughout the female pelvic cavity, including the uterus, fallopian tubes, urinary bladder, and peritoneum. It results in scarring, adhesions, and pelvic pain.
Diseases and disorders of the reproductive system… Fibrocystic Breast Disease (figh broh SISS tik) One or more benign fibrous cysts develop within the breast tissue.
Diseases and disorders of the reproductive system… Leiomyoma (lye oh my OH mah) This is a benign fibroid tumor that forms on the muscular wall of the uterus. They can cause abnormal pain during menstruation.
Diseases and disorders of the reproductive system… Mastitis (mass TYE tiss) This is an inflammation of the breast. It is often the result of a bacterial infection of the ducts within the breast tissue.
Diseases and disorders of the reproductive system… Oophoropathy (oh OFF or OPP ah thee) Any disease of an ovary, including an inflammation of an ovary.
Diseases and disorders of the reproductive system… Prolapsed Uterus The uterus is suspended in the pelvic cavity by ligaments. If these ligaments are weakened due to congenital deformity or trauma, the uterus may droop or fall downward into the vagina.
Treatments and Procedures for the reproductive system… Anti-impotence Therapy (an tye IM poh tens THAIR ah pee ) Any kind of therapy that addresses erectile dysfunction. This may include drugs such as Viagra or the use of penile implants.
Treatments and Procedures for the reproductive system… Circumcision (ser kum SIH zhun ) A circular cut is made around the base of the glans penis, and the prepuce is removed. This is a routine procedure performed in many parts of the world.
Treatments and Procedures for the reproductive system… Digital Rectal Examination (DIH jih tal REK tal eks AM ih NAY shun ) A physical examination on a male where a finger is inserted into the rectum to feel the size and shape of the prostate gland through the wall of the rectum.
Treatments and Procedures for the reproductive system… Orchidectomy (OR kid EK toh mee) The surgical removal of a testis. A bilateral orchidectomy (both sides) is commonly called castration. Canine neutering procedure
Treatments and Procedures for the reproductive system… Vasectomy (vas EK toh mee) The vas deferens is severed to block the flow of sperm during ejaculation. This man now ejaculates spermless semen and still experiences sexual pleasure. A vasovasostomy (VAS oh vah SOSS toh mee) is the surgery to reverse a vasectomy.
Treatments and Procedures for the reproductive system… Hysterectomy (HISS the REK toh mee) The surgical removal of the uterus. Alternative forms of this surgery may involve the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. Total, partial, and radical hysterectomies are performed for a variety of health reasons… not as a sterilization procedure.
Treatments and Procedures for the reproductive system… Mammography (mam OG rah fee) A procedure producing an X-ray image of a breast called a mammogram. It is an early screening for breast cancer.
Treatments and Procedures for the reproductive system… Mastectomy (mass TEK toh mee) The removal of all or part of a breast. A lumpectomy removes cancerous areas only; a simple mastectomy removes an entire breast; a radical mastectomy removes the breast along with muscles and lymph nodes of the chest. A modified radical mastectomy preserves the muscles of the chest wall.
Treatments and Procedures for the reproductive system… Pap Smear A diagnostic procedure that screens for precancerous cervical disorders. An instrument called a vaginal speculum is used to open the vagina. Cells are gently scraped from the cervix and vagina, and sent to the lab for microscopic examination.
Treatments and Procedures for the reproductive system… Tubal Ligation (TOO bal lye GAY shun) The most common form of female sterilization. The fallopian tubes are severed and tied to prevent the sperm from moving upward to unite with the egg.
Abbreviations associated with the skeletal & muscular systems… ED Erectile Dysfunction The inability to achieve an erection sufficient to perform sexual intercourse. It is commonly known as impotence. This may be the result of failing health, certain drugs, fatigue, circulatory disorders, etc.
Abbreviations associated with the skeletal & muscular systems… PID Pelvic Inflammatory Disease An inflammation involving some or all of the female organs within the pelvic cavity. It is usually caused by a bacterial infection that spreads from organ to organ and can cause infertility.
Abbreviations associated with the skeletal & muscular systems… STD Sexually Transmitted Disease A venereal disease acquired during intimate physical contact.
Abbreviations associated with the skeletal & muscular systems… PMS Premenstrual Syndrome A collection of symptoms during the 10 days preceding menstruation, including nervous tension, irritability, breast pain, edema, muscle cramps, and headache.
Abbreviations associated with the skeletal & muscular systems… TSS Toxic Shock Syndrome A severe bacterial infection found most commonly in women using non-cotton tampons. It is characterized by high fever, skin rash, mental confusion, renal failure, and abnormal liver function.
Abbreviations associated with the skeletal & muscular systems… D & C Dilation & Curettage (dye LAY shun & koo reh TAZH) The cervix is dilated and a spoon-shaped instrument called a curette is used to scrape the lining of the uterine endometrium for diagnostic or treatment purposes.
Medical terminology The End Part 10 The REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM