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1. Architectural composition task.
1. Architectural composition task During the test you need to composea simple architectural object into imaginary environment. According to the task a composition must be shown in projections (frontal view and plan) and perspective view with environmental. Use A3 size paper and a simple gray pencil. Other instruments can not be used. Example 1. The bus-stop for about 10 persons to be under the shelter and 4-6 seats must be designed. The small bookstall is incorporated into the structure of the bus-stop. Example 2. In summer the park collects a lot of chess enthusiasts. Today they are seating on uncomfortable benches, stumps, rocks. Sometimes rain or heating sun stops their game. Help them. Create a small pavilion for 10-15 persons and chess desks, so that players can comfortably play for the whole day. Shelter must be easy to use, it should be made above the seats. It should look modern and in harmony with the environment. To better understand the general view of the object you can draw a silhouette of a man near the projections. If necessary, draw additional views, details, etc.
Example 3. In your city it isdecided to build a pavilion for the sale of flowers. Flowers can be sold inside the pavilion and outside on the covered terrace. Part of the walls of the pavilion should be made from glass.A small part of the space behind the counter should be used for different tacklestorage. The size of the pavilion is30-40 square meters. On a single sheet of paper (A3), draw three projections of the object: frontalview, planandsideview. On the other sheetofpaper (A3) drawperspectiveviewinscribedintothestreetenvironment. If necessary, drawadditionalviewsordetailsofpavilion. Durationofthetask: 4 hours.
2. Academic drawing task Thetaskis to showability to composeobjectsclose to eachotheron a sheetofpaper, to findthecorrectproportionofobjects, to highlightobjectformsandsortofmaterialsusing tone, line, andshades. During the exam there can be given volumetric and geometric objects, household items orfurniture. Fordrawinguse a sheetofpaper (A3) and graphite pencil only. Durationofthetask: 3 hours. Example 1. Theconstructionconsistsofthreeitems: a roller (cylinder), a four-legged stooland a rectangularparallelepiped. Rolldimensions: diameter - 1.5 m., height - 0,25 m. Flat part ofthecylinder lies on the floor. On the cylinder there is a stool, shifted to the leftsidefromthecenterofthecylinder.Theseatofthestoolissquare. The angle of the rotation of the stool is 60 degrees to the viewer. Therectangularparallelepiped lies infrontoftheroll , shiftedto side. Itsdimensions - 0.5 x 1 x 0.7 . It isturned the corner toward the viewer. Objects are illuminatedbythelightfromthetopleftside. Allitemshavegotthesamecolor. Pointofviewislocatedfromtheaveragehumanheight - 1,7 m.