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This analysis aims to study Z -> tau tau events using EtMiss data from FDR2. We used TauDPDMaker with Ganga to get DPD1 and DPD3 data and ran ARana for final results. Worked on Egamma and Muon streams.
Z analysis onFDR2 data D. Cavalli, W. Davey, C. Pizio, S.Resconi
Z onFDR2 data Our goals: • First look at EtMiss/tau, then "find" Z events Our strategy: • Run TauDPDMaker with Ganga on FDR2 AOD (POOL) data distributed on the 4 T2 IT sites: • to get DPD1 (POOL) and DPD3 (ROOT) data at MI T2 • Run ARana on same AOD and DPD1 events in MI T2: • to check results between the 2 different formats • to get final results/plots • Run on Egamma and Muon streams
What did NOT work used release 14.1.0 on MI UI: • Some time spent to succeed in compiling ARana : • needed 20+ tags to compile ARana (~ 4h compilation time !!), libg2c was missing on the MI UI • RFIO problem to read data with ROOT 5.18.00 : • Savannah bug posted by F. Prelz (https://savannah.cern.ch/bugs/?37691) • TauDPDMaker problem in producing DPD3(ROOT) from DPD1(POOL) : • problem reported to hn-atlas-tauwg, D. Cote is investigating • it works commenting tau • After some initial problems in running Ganga from Mi UI finally it works with the correct config files: • Not many instructions to run Ganga on remote sites, most of the people run Ganga on lxplus
What worked used release 14.1.0: • Run TauDPDMaker with Ganga (on lxplus): • Initial Ganga script thanks to Leonardo C. • sent jobs to the 4 IT T2 sites: • running on Egamma/Muon AOD streams • storing the output DPD1 to Milan SE • This is one of the first attempt to run TauDPDMaker on the Grid (provide some instructions on the TauDPDmaker wiki) !! • Run ARana (on MI UI) on input FDR2 AOD and DPD1: • Modified version by Will to switch between different data formats (AOD, DPD1(3), CBNT) • A/Z analysis code in UserAnalysis • It worked just commenting MCTruth
ESD/AOD (pool.root) Primary DPDs (pool.root) Primary DPDs (pool.root) Secondary DPDs (pool.root) Tertiary DPDs (root ntuple) FDR2 exercise: DPD from TauDPDMaker • Official DPDs for Tau and EtMiss performance & trigger groups: • DPD_TAUWZ, DPD_TAUDIJETS • DPD is skimmed (excluding entire events), slimmed (excluding some objects), thinned (excluding part of objects) AOD Selection for DPD_TAUWZ Zll, Wl : • MET > 10 (30) GeV for Z (W) • SumET < 400 GeV • Z/Wlep: at least 2 (1) lepton(s) in the event for Z (W) • pT > 15 GeV, < 2.5 Skim eff. and evt size for DPD_TAUWZ Zll, Wl : • skim eff % ~ 42 % • DPD file size ~ 1/8 -1/10 AOD file size • DPD proc. time ~ 1/3 AOD proc. time
FDR2 exercise: AOD vs DPD_TAUWZ Comparison between the AOD sample in MI: fdr08_run2.0052290(3).physics_Egamma(Muon).merge.AOD.*** and the DPD_TAUWZ sample produced with Ganga on the SAME events =AOD =DPD cuts applied: pT(e,μ) > 15 GeV, (e, μ) < 2.5 Id/isol
FDR2 exercise: AOD vs DPD_TAUWZ AOD SumET EtMiss DPD
FDR2 exercise: AOD vs DPD_TAUWZ Obtained same number of events (last plot) after having applied the same cuts on both AOD and DPD evt samples: - 1 id ele, 1 id , (pT, h cuts, id), SumET 400, MET 20, mT(lept,EtMiss)<50 =AOD =DPD Same distribution !
FDR2 exercise: analysis on DPD_TAUWZ size: 24Gb CPU time: 3h/300kevts (1/2 of statist. at 1032) • Final analysis and plots on an increased statistics of DPD_TAUWZ: • fdr08_run2.0052290(3).physics_Egamma(Muon).merge.DPD_TAUWZ.*** • fdr08_run2.0052280(3).physics_Egamma(Muon).merge.DPD_TAUWZ.*** • To increase statistics used both ideal and misaligned data 4 runs correspond to an integrated L = 1.44 pb-1 (0.36 pb-1 each) • Z x-section = 1669 pb, expected 2400 Z , 23 OS (5 SS) events after all cuts in mass bin. Invariant mass OS and SS: after Z analysis cut flow Invariant mass mT(lept,EtMiss)
Secondary DPDs (pool.root) FDR2 exercise: Conclusions First realistic test of the analysis model and tools: Standard Reco ARana TauDPDMaker ESD/AOD (pool.root) Analisys Final plots (histo.root) and numbers Primary DPDs (pool.root) Tertiary DPDs (root ntuple)
FDR2 exercise: Conclusions First realistic test of the analysis model and tools: • Send Ganga jobs to the 4 IT T2 to run TauDPDMaker on input AODs to produce output DPD1 • Store output DPD1 on MI SE • Send ARana jobs via Grid to the Mi T2 or run it locally to produce output plots/numbers 2 NA- T2 MI-T2 3 1 1 WN 2 RB WN 1 RO –T2 WN 3 3 3 1 CE RB=resource broker CE=computing element SE=storage element WN=worker node SE LNF- T2 2
EtMiss in ATLAS: ready for data taking? • A lot of activity and a lot of progress on simulated data • Very good flexibility of EtMiss reconstruction and calibration robustness with first data - Performance checked on different physics channels - Detailed studies of Fake EtMiss sources • Rel.14: • Evolving to one algorithm • Improvement of Muon EtMiss term (recover missed muon, cleaning, separated treatment of isolated and non-isolated muons,…) • Final calibration refinement (apply corrections from CalibHits calibration to cells in e/g, apart out-of-cluster) • Low pT cell calibration using minijets • Tools to recalculate EtMiss (refined calibration) from AOD • Next • EtMiss in presence of Pile-up (man power and effort needed here!) D. Cavalli Performance and Physics workshop – 9.06.08
Z in first data Very short update: • CSC Analysis (data from rel. 12) redone not using b-tagging • Restart with data from rel.14 • from AOD/TauDPD (using ARAna tool ) • check Tau-merged container (TauRec/Tau1p3p) • Check subtraction of background using SS events • In W+jets events OS > SS use data to find the OS/SS ratio and correct • very first results from FDR2 data C. Pizio Tau workshop – 15.05.08