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Continuing Education Department Strategic Planning 2010.2011 Presented by Clarence Smith Dean of Continuing Education June 11, 2010. Our Goal. . .
Continuing Education DepartmentStrategic Planning 2010.2011Presented by Clarence SmithDean of Continuing Education June 11, 2010
Our Goal. . . To provide high quality courses that are accessible for Business, Industry, and Government to meet workforce development needs, thereby, improving the lives and well-being of citizens in our service area.
Our Workforce Development Team. . . Clarence Smith, Dean of Continuing Education Melissa Singler, Basic Skills Director Diane Badakhsh, Corporate & Continuing Ed. Director Becky Porter, Fire and Rescue Training Director Barry Hood, Public Health & Safety Director Marjorie Spearman, Community Services Coordinator William Kawczynski, Burgaw Center Coordinator Sue Ferguson, Registrar
Office of the Dean of Continuing EducationPlanning Priorities 2010.2011 Develop community partnerships with area agencies to increase the level of workforce training. (College Goal #6) Increase self-supporting course offerings by 20% in professional development and workforce development training. (College Goal # 1) Update the marketing of Continuing Education course materials and publications to enhance professional appearance. (College Goal #12) Cross-train staff to be more effective in their roles. (College Goal #8) Offer more “green” training for Business, Industry, and Government workforce. (College Goal #1)
Record Audit Division (RAD)Planning Priorities 2010.2011 Continue the imaging of CE records. Since March 2009 RAD has scanned over two years of records. Our goal is to scan two additional years of records while keeping up with the current documentation. (College Goal # 11) Implement the CE payroll encumbrance data within Colleague. This will eliminate use of the unsupported SUN system and the duplication of data entry for Continuing Education staff. (College Goal # 11) Setup and implement the web-attendance tracking and web-grading of Continuing Education courses. (College Goal # 1, #3) Cross-train RAD staff insuring that each member can handle critical roles within the division. (College Goal # 8)
Public Health and Safety Division Planning Priorities 2010.2011
Public Health and Safety Division Planning Priorities 2010.2011 Nurse Aide Program Offer an additional Nurse Aide Level I course to meet health care training needs of the community. (College Goal #1) Update PH&S Program Grading Procedures for the NA Program and include in the CFCC Catalog and Student Handbook. (College Goal #1)
Public Health and Safety Division Planning Priorities 2010.2011 Emergency Medical Services Program Offer EMS Instructor Methodology and/or Administration Course to serve the training needs of EMS providers on a state-wide basis. (College Goal #1) Update the PH&S Program Grading Procedures for the EMS Program and input into the CFCC Catalog and Student Handbook. (College Goal #1)
Public Health and Safety Division Planning Priorities 2010.2011 Law Enforcement Specialized Training Program Increase the number of 24-hour+ specialized courses in at least one of the following areas. (College Goal #1) Investigations; Tactical Responses for combined law enforcement and military agencies; Administrative Investigations for First Line Supervisors; Leadership for Law Enforcement Managers; Data Driven Management for Patrol Functions; and Covert Investigations.
Public Health and Safety Division Planning Priorities 2010.2011 Law Enforcement Specialized Training Program Develop and offer at least one self-supporting course to address high-cost training that could not be successfully offered through Occupational Extension. (College Goal #1)
Public Health and Safety Division Planning Priorities 2010.2011 Defensive Driving (DDC)/Motorcycle Rider Program Train the new DDC/Motorcycle Rider Technician to become proficient to meet the highway safety needs of the community. (College Goal #8)
Public Health and Safety Division Planning Priorities 2010.2011 HorticultureProgram Partner with Community Gardening Program to enhance public relations with Department of Corrections by meeting community horticulture needs.(College Goal #12)
Business, Industry, and Government Center Division Planning Priorities 2010.2011
Business, Industry, and Government Center Division Planning Priorities 2010.2011 Occupational Extension Program Develop and initiate online/hybrid options for the Substance Abuse Counseling Program.(College Goal #1) Initiate CE classes and services at the “C” Building(College Goal #1) Develop and initiate Self-Supporting Continuing Legal Education seminars/courses. (College Goal #1)
Business, Industry, and Government Center Division Planning Priorities 2010.2011 JobsNOW Program Develop and initiate the Solar Panel Installation Technician Program. (College Goal #1) Develop and initiate the A+ Certification and MCDST Program. (College Goal #1) Identify at least 3 sustainable training initiatives to begin January 2011. (College Goal #1)
Business, Industry, and Government Center Division Planning Priorities 2010.2011 Human Resources Development (HRD) Program Develop and offer the Custodial/Cleaning Service Academy as part of the Career Pathways Academies.(College Goal #1) Explore offering a new HRD program to DSS WorkFirst Participants. (College Goal #1)
Business, Industry, and Government Center Division Planning Priorities 2010.2011 Small Business Center (SBC) Program Offer two green seminars. (College Goal #1) Offer one business related seminar in Spanish.(College Goal #1) Provide two free seminars off-site, possibly through area Chambers of Commerce. (College Goal #1) Offer one free seminar on exporting. (College Goal #1)
Business, Industry, and Government Center Division Planning Priorities 2010.2011 Customized Training Program Increase the number of funded projects to 4 – 5 for the year. (College Goal 6) Increase program marketing/advertising by developing professional brochures, posters, and webpage. (College Goals 6 and 12) Develop a planning schedule to identify the full use of Business & Industry funds to be earmarked by December 31, 2010 and spent by April 15, 2011. (College Goal 10)
Business, Industry, and Government Center Division Planning Priorities 2010.2011 Burgaw Center/Surf City Community Center Upgrade facility with respect to space allocation, equipment, and campus aesthetics (between the PECHS and CFCC). (College Goals 2, 3, and 4) Increase the level of enrollment and the number of courses offered at the Burgaw Center and Surf City Community Center. (College Goal 1)
Business, Industry, and Government Center Division Planning Priorities 2010.2011 Burgaw Center/Surf City Community Center Update the web site and marketing plan for both Centers and CE courses. (College Goal 12) Seek additional approved/certified health care instructors to accommodate increased training needs in the medical field. (College Goal 8)
Fire/Rescue Training DivisionPlanning Priorities 2010.2011 Safety Training Center Acquire and install three burn props for firefighting on the exterior burn pad at Safety Training Center. (College Goal #1) Increase regional industry and first responder training by a minimum 5%. (College Goal #1)
Fire Rescue Training Program Offer a First Responder Academy to include Firefighter I & II, Technical Rescue, Emergency Medical Care or EMT, Emergency Vehicle Driving, and NIMS classes. (College Goal #1) Fire/Rescue Training DivisionPlanning Priorities 2010.2011
Basic Skills DivisionPlanning Priorities 2010.2011 Adult High School (AHS) Program Develop and implement protocols for end-of-course testing as required by NCDPI with a pass rate of 50%. (College Goal # 1) Increase by 10% the number of AHS diplomas awarded. (College Goal # 1) Implement degree audit for AHS in order to decrease the number of errors on transcripts and scheduling.(College Goal #1)
Basic Skills Division Planning Priorities 2010.2011 General Education Development (GED) Program Increase by 5% the number of GED diplomas awarded. (College Goal #1) Increase by 10% the number of students utilizing the GED Online program. (College Goal #1) Develop and implement an attendance policy for GED students to assist with student retention and achievement. (College Goal #1)
Basic Skills Division Planning Priorities 2010.2011 English As a Second Language (ESL) Program Increase by 25% the number of classes where childcare services are available. (College Goal #1) Develop and implement an attendance policy for students attending ESL classes. (College Goal #1) Increase by 10% the number of students transitioning from ESL to GED or to other Basic Skills or post secondary education/training. (College Goal #1)
Basic Skills Division Planning Priorities 2010.2011 Compensatory Education Development (CED) Program Assist students who no longer demonstrate an ability to benefit in transitioning to more appropriate programs. (College Goal #1) Increase the number of students transitioning from CED to ABE, Continuing Education or training. (College Goal #1)
Leisure and Recreational DivisionPlanning Priorities 2010.2011
Leisure and Recreational DivisionPlanning Priorities 2010.2011 Kids College Program Expand the Kids College Offerings by 25%. (College Goal #1)
Leisure and Recreational Division Planning Priorities 2010.2011 Leisure and Recreational Program Identify off-campus sites in New Hanover and Pender Counties that can host multiple courses (Leisure, OE, and Basic Skills) thus providing a wider variety of course options for the community. (College Goal # 1, 6)