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Concept Question what difference can a great idea make?. Unit 5. When does a problem need a clever solution?. How can new ideas help us see things differently?. Why do we want to find answers to some questions?. What great ideas make our lives easier?.
Concept Question what difference can a great idea make? Unit 5 When does a problem need a clever solution? How can new ideas help us see things differently? Why do we want to find answers to some questions? What great ideas make our lives easier? How can a great idea change the way we live? How can you use something familiar in a new way?
Morning Warm UpDay 1 If we really open our eyes, sometimes we can see things we never saw before. How can new ideas help us see things differently?
Connect to Week 1 • How did the family in “It Could Always Be Worse” learn to see things differently? • Little Chick saw a new way to trick the dog. How did she do it?
freedom miserable selfish dawn scaly speckled fond proper scarcely
Can you find these amazing words in the song? freedom miserable selfish
phonemic awareness Blend and segment phonemes We just sang about a fish that did not want to be a pet. I’ll say the sounds and then blend them together to name a kind of fish. Listen to these sounds ... /t/ /r/ /ou/ /t/ = trout We just blended the words, now let’s seperate the sounds again .../t/ /r/ /ou/ /t/ Continue with the following words.
The letters ou can stand for the /ou/ sound that you hear at the beginning of owl. • l ou d loud • b ou n ce bounce • gr ou ch grouch • c ou n t count • m ou se mouse • sl ou ch slouch
o u t • blend the word. • change the t to ch. What is the word now? • add gr to the beginning. What is the word now? • change the ch to nd. What is the word now?
Review onset and rime listen to the sounds in this word ... /ou/ /n/ /d/ ...”ound” Now listen as I change the first sound to /f/ .... “found” Let’s blend the words below.
check word reading Monitor progress
mouth 6. cloud • house 7. ouch • found 8. shout • our 9. round • out 10. count • High Frequency Words • 11. should 12. loved
Building Background • Tell me what you see here. • What do you think the bird is covered with? • How might this have happened? • How are the people helping the bird? • Do you think these are new ideas? • How else could they have solved the bird’s problems? • Use the following words as you describe how you think the bird feels: • freedom, miserable, selfish
Listening Comprehension • Pay attention to sequence. • Events in a story happen in a certain order. • Listen for words such as “first” “then” “next” and “last” • Good readers and listeners pay attention to the order in which things happen. • Listen for these words as I read • What happens after Robby Rabbit runs around the field? • What happens last?
Daily Fix It • please put the cup hear. • try knot to spill it.
Daily Fix It 1. please put the cup hear. Please put the cup here. 2. try knot to spill it. Try not to spill it.
Shared Writing: Ending Sometimes a story teaches a lesson. We going to work together to write an ending to the following story that tells the lesson it teaches. click to next slide.
Wrap Up Your Day! Preview Day 2 what sound does the “ou” in house stand for? What are some more “ou” words you know? Blend these words: mouth found count Would the story Mrs. Chicken and the Hungry Crocodile make sense if Mrs. Chicken and the hungry crocodile had met after the eggs were laid and hatched? Why not? Tomorrow we will read about how Mrs. Chicken convinces a hungry crocodile to see things her way. Robby Rabbit’s father had a problem. How was it solved?
Morning Warm UpDay 2 Today we will read about Mrs. Chicken. A crocodile wants to eat her! Mrs. Chicken is afraid! Have you ever been afraid of an animal like a dog or cat? What made you change your mind?
freedom miserable selfish dawn scaly speckled fond proper scarcely
What does Mrs. Chicken do with the eggs one night? • What happens just before dawn?
Phonemic Awareness:isolate phonemes • We just read about a wild animal called a crocodile. A tiger is another kind of wild animal. Listen as I say the syllables in tiger ..../ti/ /ger/. What is the vowel sound you hear in the first syllable? .... long i. • What is the vowel sound you hear in the first syllable of the following words? • music mu/sic long u • second sec/ond short e • finish fin/ish short i • cozy co/zy long o • human hu/man long u • wagon wa/gon short a • pilot pi/lot long i • habit ha/bit short a • basin ba/sin long a • siren si/ren long i
Phonics word work:syllables VCV You can read these words because you have learned that words are divided between the two consonants. Today we will learn to blend words that only have one consonant between two vowels. Winter kitten This is a two-syllable word that has one consonant betweentwo vowels. If a word has just oneconsonant in the middle, the consonantusually goes with the second syllable Now look at this word. If I divide the word after the a, the vowel will have its long sond, and It will not sound like a word. But, if I divide it after the b, the vowel has the short sound it will be “cabin.”
Let’s practice with the following words. • ti ger tiger • hu man human • bo nus bonus • tu lip tulip • dra gon dragon • le mon lemon • ne ver never • ba by baby • se cond second • tra vel travel • be low below • hu mid humid • mo del model Say each syllable, then blend the words together. What do we know about this kind of word? The first syllable may have a short or long vowel sound ... try both to figure out the word.
Sort the words by long or short vowel sounds in the first syllable. robot river cozy frozen finish pupil habit robin pilot seven robot river finish cozy frozen habit pupil robin pilot seven
check word reading Monitor progress
check dictation sentences • We loved our cozy old house. • Ouch! The hot drink burned my mouth. • You should count to ten and then come out. • The round cloud looks like a face.
Look at the words on p. 46. You cannot blend these words. We will spell the words and use letter-sounds we know to learn them. Point to the first word. What is the word? What is the first letter in the word? Use it in a sentence. Let’s continue with each word.
Interactive Writing:write an experience story. • Let’s think back to “Mrs. Chicken and the Hungry Crocodile.” What are some things that Mrs. Chicken does to convince the crocodile to see things her way? • Let’s work together to write a story about a time when one of us thought a certain way and then changed the way we thought. • click to next slide.
How will each sentence begin? • “capital” • Sometimes we can put together two small sentences into one longer sentences. What usually connects the two? • “and” • We can use words like “first” “next” “then” or “second” to tell the reader the sequence of events.
Grammar:Exclamations • An exclamation begins with a capital and ends with an exclamation mark. (!) • It means that strong feelings are being expressed. • If I am calm, I will end my sentence with a period. (.) ... I don’t know what this is. • But, if I am afraid or excited, I will end it with an exclamation point. (!) ... I don’t know what this is! • click to the next slide.
Daily Fix It 3. We will go to england 4. We will sea london
Daily Fix It 3. We will go to england We will go to England. 4. We will sea london We will seeLondon.
Speakers Identify who the story was about, where it took place, and what happened. Tell the story in the order in which it happened. Tell only the most important details. Listeners Sit quietly. Face the speaker. Listen to what the speaker says. Speaking and Viewing:Retell a Story
Wrap Up Your Day! Preview Day 3 Spot loved to wait by the door. The door was made of wood. If someone should knock, the dog barks. Notice the following sight words. door loved should wood Cabin ... What do you know about reading this word? It has two syllables. The first syllable might have a long or short vowel...Try both to figure out the word. Tomorrow we will read about a young mole that must learn to see things in a new way. Did Mrs. Chicken convince the hungry crocodile to see her in a new way? How?
Morning Warm UpDay 3 Today we will read about Mole. Mole learns that he is being selfish. he also learns that freedom is important. What new ideas have you learned this week?
Yesterday we read this book to find out what happens just before dawn. Today we will read to find out what the characters look like. • After Reading: • Who are the main characters in this book? • Is the crocodile speckled or scaly? • Is the chicken speckled or scaly? • Tell me some other things that are speckled or scaly.
freedom miserable selfish dawn scaly speckled fond proper scarcely Listen for the following amazing words in the book.
Phonics word work:syllables VCV What sound does ou stand for in this word? Yes, ou can stand for the /ou/ sound. You can read the next word because you can divide it into syllables. What is the first syllable? What is the second syllable. Blend them together. What is the word? proud zebra • When you come to anew word, look at all the letters in the word and think about its • vowel sounds. Say the sounds in the word to yourself and then read the word. • pr ou d proud • z e b r a zebra So what are you going to do when you come to a new word? Let’s try some. grouch talent motel shout over model
Can you find these words in the song? doubt out pout count Mabel decent moment talents
Sort the following words by the sound in the first syllable: either a long vowel sound, a short vowel sound or the /ou/ sound. houses pilot value lazy taken lemon counted cloudy houses taken value cloudy lazy lemon counted pilot
Which spelling words? • Begin with ou? • our • out • ouch • Is something you see in the sky? • cloud • rhymes with hound? • found • round • Is something you can do out loud? • shout • count • Is a place to live? • house • Is a part of you face? • mouth • mouth 6. cloud • house 7. ouch • found 8. shout • our 9. round • out 10. count • High Frequency Words • 11. should 12. loved
Build Background What animals make good family pets? How do people take care of their pets? We learned about some animals that made good pets and some that don’t. Why don’t wild animals make good pets? We are going to read a story about a young mole that finds a baby bird. Will Mole keep it as a pet or let it go free?
check word reading Monitor progress
Listening Comprehension • Pay attention to sequence. • Events in a story happen in a certain order. • Listen for words such as “first” “then” “next” and “last” • Good readers and listeners pay attention to the order in which things happen. • Listen for these words as we read Mole and the Baby Bird. • What happens first in the story? • What happens next? • What happens last?
Vocabulary:Descriptive Words The bird was sad in the cage. Mole was glad to see the bird fly. How did Mole feel when he found the baby bird all alone? How did Mole’s mother feel about keeping the bird in a cage? How did Mole feel on top of the hill?
Daily Fix It 5. may we go to the store 6. We knead to by milk.