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This article explores the design approach and material properties of a new generation of sustainable structural concretes. It discusses the challenges and motivations for sustainable concrete, as well as methods for evaluating sustainability. The article also explores the potential for reducing environmental impact and improving performance through the use of raw materials with reduced eco-impact and development of environmentally friendly production techniques.
A new generation of sustainable structural concretes – Design approach and material properties Harald S. Müller M. Haist, J. Moffattand M. Vogel Prague, Czech Republic Juli 2nd, 2019
Outline A new generation of sustainable structural concretes • Motivation andchallenge • Introductionandapproachesrelatedtosustainability • Design andpropertiesofsustainableconcrete • Sustainabilityevaluationforstructuralconcrete • Conclusionsandoutlook
Construction sector worldwide – some facts • The constructionsectorconsumes 40 % oftheavailableenergy • The useofconcretecorrelatesstronglywiththeeconomicalgrowthandthedevelopmentofthecivilinfrastructure • Concreteisindispensibleas a building material; annualproduction: 7 billion m³/year; strong increaseexpected • Concreteproductionisassociatedwith 6 - 8 % ofthe global CO2 emissionstoday Hong Kong Los Angeles
Sustainability – Definitions and approaches Original meaning ... Sustainablebuildings (housingandofficeuse) Forestrymanagement Relatedtosociety … Sustainability of structures is generally measured using indexing systems, whichaccount for various technical and non-technical properties Brundtland Commission [Wikicommons, Blocherblocher.com, Wikipedia]
Sustainability – Definitions Sustainableinfrastructure Sustainablebuildings (housingandofficeuse) ? Forestry Society imagesources: Wikicommons, Blocherblocher.com, Wikipedia http://ais.badische-zeitung.de/piece/04/95/1b/e5/76880869.jpg Quelle: http://partners.blocherblocher.com/de/projekt/buerogebaeude-stuttgart.html
Sustainability – Definitions ? Forestry Sustainablebuildings (housingandofficeuse) Sustainableinfrastructure Sustainablematerials Society ? imagesources: Wikicommons, Blocherblocher.com, Wikipedia http://ais.badische-zeitung.de/piece/04/95/1b/e5/76880869.jpg Quelle: http://partners.blocherblocher.com/de/projekt/buerogebaeude-stuttgart.html
Sustainabilityrelated to structuralconcrete – Effectingparameters • service life • environmental impact • performance
Sustainability of concrete servicelife performance • increase service life by • adequate service life design • monitoring and structural inspection • adequate rehabilitation work • keep structure attractive to user • increase performance by • concretes with increased strength and durability • materials with additional functionality • improve resilience maximize environmental impact • use of raw materials with reduced eco-impact, e.g. composite cements, recycled concrete • development of concretes with reduced binder and/or cement clinker content • development of environmentally friendly production and building techniques minimize
Sustainability of concrete servicelife performance • increase service life by • adequate service life design • monitoring and structural inspection • adequate rehabilitation work • keep structure attractive to user • increase performance by • concretes with increased strength and durability • materials with additional functionality • improve resilience maximize environmental impact • use of raw materials with reduced eco-impact, e.g. composite cements, recycled concrete • development of concretes with reduced binder and/or cement clinker content • development of environmentally friendly production and building techniques minimize
Efficiency ofcementuse in concrete binderintensity: Source: Daminelli et al. (2010)
Improvement of concretesustainability binderintensity: reduction of bindercontent increase of compressivestrength Source: Daminelli et al. (2010)
Improvement of concretesustainability binderintensity: > 90 % ofconcreteused reduction of bindercontent increase of compressivestrength Source: Daminelli et al. (2010)
Paths toward sustainable concrete Aim: Minimal use of materials with significant influence on environmental impact 1 m³ 1. New binder materials Standard concrete Standard concrete 2. Substitution by SCMs 3. Increase agg. content Standard concrete admixtures admixtures admixtures water water water cement cement cement SCMs SCMs SCMs e.g. fly ash (FA) or blast furnace slag (BFS) and others Celitement, calc. clays, … without SCMs! aggregates aggregates aggregates Binder / cementcontent: 100 kg/m³ insteadof 300...350 kg/m³ 1 m³ 1 m³ 1 m³
Cement-reducedconcretecomposition Packingoptimization
Cement-reducedconcrete – developmentsrequired Virtual concrete mix design Effectofplasticizers Today: Plasticizersinteractonlywithcement Cement LSP LSP Cement Cement Quartz FA LSP Quartz FA Tomorrow: Interaction with all fines Cement Quartz LSP Cement Cement LSP FA Quartz • Optimierte Packung: • Basic models: • de Larrard, Fennis Source grafic: BASF
Compressivestrengthofconcrete eco-concretes
Durabilityofconcrete Carbonation test Rapid chloride migration test determined at 2 vol.-% CO2-concentration determined at 2 vol.-% CO2-concrentation
Service lifeofconcrete concretecoverc = const. concretecover c andcarbonationdepth xc(t) CO2 concrete reinforcingbar time t calculationof deterministicservicelife
Service lifeofconcrete failureprobability concretecoverc = const. concretecover c andcarbonationdepth xc(t) reliability index β(t) time t probabilisticservicelifetsl calculationof
Service lifeofconcrete limitstate β = 1.3 36 55 85 106
Sustainability of concrete lifecycle→ servicelifetsl performance→ compressivestrength env. impact→ global warming potential
Sustainability potential of concrete NHP Aktualisiert
Sustainability potential of concrete NHP Aktualisiert
Sustainability potential on a structurallevel Mechanicaltestingof ECO-beams testacc. DAfStb, FRC
Sustainability potential on a structurallevel F-δ-behaviorof ECO-beams Mechanicaltestingof ECO-beams testacc. DAfStb, FRC
Sustainability potential on a structurallevel F-δ-behaviorof ECO-beams Mechanicaltestingof ECO-beams testacc. DAfStb, FRC
Sustainability potential on a structurallevel F-δ-behaviorof ECO-beams Mechanicaltestingof ECO-beams testacc. DAfStb, FRC
Sustainability potential on a structurallevel F-δ-behaviorof ECO-beams Mechanicaltestingof ECO-beams testacc. DAfStb, FRC
Sustainability potential on a structurallevel F-δ-behaviorof ECO-beams Mechanicaltestingof ECO-beams testacc. DAfStb, FRC
Sustainabilityaspectsofgradation homogeneousbeams gradedbeams Reductionof environmental impact at equalloadbearingbehaviorpossible!
Conclusions and outlook • The sustainability of concrete increases with • reduced environmental impact • increasing service life • increasing performance or a combination of these approaches New binder materials Ecological concrete UHPC concrete Reduction of environmental impact during cement and binder production Development of cement-reduced, durable and ecologically optimized concretes Development of high performance concretes with maximal performance A combination of concretes with varying performance properties Best possible exploitation of the material performance on a structural level ! Variousproblems still tobesolved: durabilitybehavior, deteriorationmodelling, freshconcreteproperties, concreting, qualityassuranceregime, …
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