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This lecture provides an overview of Lyα physics and astrophysics, including the observations and theoretical challenges in studying Lyα emission from distant and primeval galaxies.
Outline of the lectures 1a. Introduction 1b. PopIII stars and galaxies --> « top down » theoretical approach 2.,3a. Ly physics and astrophysics 3.b,4. Distant/primeval galaxies: - observational searches - current knowledge about high-z galaxies --> « bottom up » observational approach and confrontation with theory
Outline of Part 2+3a Ly physics and astrophysics ISM emission Ly: the observational « problem » Lessons from local starbursts Ly radiation transfer (+dust) Lessons from Lyman Break Galaxies Ly trough the InterGalactic Medium Ly from sources prior to reionisation Ly Luminosity Function and reionisation
Ly Emission • Galaxies with intense star formation (starbursts): • Intense UV radiation, ionising flux (>13.6 eV), and • emission lines from HII regions and diffuse ionised ISM • H, He recombination lines, [semi-]forbidden metal lines … • case B: L(Ly, H, …) = cl * QH and I(Ly)/I(Hn) = c(T,ne) 2/3 of recombinations lead to emission of 1 Lya photon (cf. lectures G. Stasinska)
Ly Emission At (very) low metallicity: strong/dominant Ly ! since • increased ionising flux from stellar pops. • dominant cooling line (few metals) • emissivity increased by collisional excitation • (higher nebular temperature, Te) • --> up to ~10% of Lbol emitted in Ly! • ==> potentially detectable out to highest redshifts!! • …searches unsuccessful • until 1990ies --> Part 3 Partridge & Peebles (1967)
Ly escape fraction 0 E_B-V 0.1 Ly TRANSFER Ly - the «problem » • Observable UV (>912 Ang): galaxies optically thin • However, very rapidly optically thick in Ly line (NHI >~ 1013 cm-2 ) --> Radiation transfer within the galaxy determines the emergent line profile and Ly « transmission » ! • Furthermore: dust may destroy Ly photons GENERAL: fate of Ly photons scattering until escape --> Ly halo Ly destruction by dust destruction through 2 photon emission (only in HII region) {
Ly: THE « OBSERVATIONAL » PROBLEM The Ly puzzle(s) in nearby starbursts • 1980-90ies: several searches for Ly emission from z~2-3 primordial galaxies unsuccesful --> 1 or 2 puzzles: small number of galaxies and/or lower Ly emission? • IUE satellite: UV spectra of nearby starbursts (Ly) + optical spectra (H,H) ==> 1) extinction corrected I(Ly)/I(H) << case B (Meier & Terlevich 1981, Hartmann et al. 1984, Deharveng et al. 1986,… Giavalisco et al. 1996) Valls-Gabaud (1993) Terlevich et al. (1993)
Ly: THE « OBSERVATIONAL » PROBLEM The Ly puzzle(s) in nearby starbursts • 1980-90ies: several searches for Ly emission from z~2-3 primordial galaxies unsuccesful --> 1 or 2 puzzles: small number of galaxies and/or lower Ly emission? • IUE satellite: UV spectra of nearby starbursts (Ly) + optical spectra (H,H) ==> 1) extinction corrected I(Ly)/I(H) << case B and W(Ly) smaller than expected (synthesis models) ==> 2) no trend with metallicity (O/H) • Possible explanations: • dust (Charlot & Fall 1993) (but 2!) • With « appropriate » (metallicity-dependent) extinction law no problem. Also underlying stellar Ly absorption (Valls-Gabaud 1993) • Inhomogeneous ISM geometry primarily determining factor, not dust (Giavalisco et al. 1996) • Short « duty cycle » of SF may explain small number of Ly emitters
Ly: THE « OBSERVATIONAL » PROBLEM The Ly puzzle(s) in nearby starbursts Possible explanations for individual objects: • dust ? • With « appropriate » (metallicity-dependent) extinction law no problem. Also underlying stellar Ly absorption RULED out as SOLE explanations by IZw18, SBS 0335-052 (most metal poor stabursts known) which show no Ly emission !! • Inhomogeneous ISM geometry primarily determining factor, not dust OK, but quantitatively ? Kunth et al. (1994)
Ly:LESSONS FROM LOCAL STARBURST The Ly puzzle(s) in nearby starbursts Detection of (neutral gas) outflows in 4 starbursts with Ly in emission • metallicities 12+log(O/H)~8.0…8.4..solar • EB-V ~ 0.1 - 0.55 ==> outflows, superwinds main crucial/determining factor for Ly escape!? Kunth et al. (1998)
Ly:LESSONS FROM LOCAL STARBURST 2-3 D studies of Ly in nearby starbursts ACS/HST imaging in Ly + narrow continuum filter WFPC2/HST images in 5 other filters --> stellar population, UV slope … ==> Diffuse Ly emission seen ! Contains 2/3 of total flux in large aperture (IUE…) --> confirmation of Ly resonant scattering halo * different regions: different H kinematics --> but no constraint on HI kinematics at this spatial scale (requires SKA)! Hayes et al. (2005) Ly line image (cont.subtracted)
Ly:LESSONS FROM LOCAL STARBURST 2-3 D studies of Ly in nearby starbursts Imaging (ACS)+ kinematics (H Integral Field, Ly long-slit STIS) ESO 350-IG038: knots B + C: similar, high extinction • one shows emission other not. Kinematics, NOT DUST, dominant SBS 0335-052: only absorption seen. If dust affects Ly, it must do so at even small scale (1 pixel ~ 6-9 pc!) Kunth et al. (1998) Kunth et al. (2003)
Ly:LESSONS FROM LOCAL STARBURST 2 2-3 D studies of Ly in nearby starbursts Diversity of line profiles explained by evolutionary sequence of staburst driven supershells / superwind? 4 2 1 1 5,6 3, 4 M82 Tenorio-Tagle et al. (1999) Mas-Hesse et al. (2003)
Ly:LESSONS FROM LOCAL STARBURST Lessons from nearby starbursts • W(Ly) and Ly/Hb < case B prediction ! • No clear correlation of Ly with metallicity, dust, other parameters found. • Strong variation of Ly observed within a galaxy • Ly scattering « halo » observed • Starbursts show complex structure (super star clusters + diffuse ISM); outflows ubiquitous Ly affected by: • ISM kinematics • ISM (HI) geometry • Dust Precise order of importance unclear! • Quantitative modeling including known constraints (stars, emitting gas, HI, dust + kinematics) with 3D radiation transfer model remains to be done
Ly TRANSFER: THE ESSENTIALS Verhamme, Schaerer, Masseli (2006) Ly transfer: basics Cross section in atoms frame Optical depth taking Maxwellian velocity distr. into account Ly optical depth (in convenient units) <==> ~1 at line center for NH=3.1013 cm-2(and T=104K) Line absorption profile (Voigt)
Ly TRANSFER: THE ESSENTIALS • >> 1 at line center for NH >3.1013 cm-2 • (and T=104K) • Very large number of scatterings required to escape. • E.g. NH=1020 --> Nscatt ~ 107 for static slab • BUT:velocity fields or inhomogeneous medium can ease escape • (Ly) line scattering NOT a random walk: • walk in coupled spatial and frequency space • transport dominated by excursions to line wing! --> lower opacity --> longer mean free path Ly transfer: basics From Hubeny
Ly TRANSFER: THE ESSENTIALS Ly: not simple - coherent and isotropic - scattering Absorption probability (=profile): Voigt/Hjertig function Ly transfer: basics T decrease x=frequency shift from line center (in Doppler width units) Angle averaged frequency redistribution functions RII (Hummer 1962) ==> Close to core: redistribution over ~[-xin,+xin] ==> Sufficiently far in wing:photon re-emitted close to initial frequency (~coherent) (in comoving frame) wing core scattering
Ly TRANSFER: THE ESSENTIALS Ly transfer: Example Source inside homogeneous static slab emitting monochromatic line at line center Static case + symmetric Ly emission profile ==> double-peaked profile Separation increases with column density (opt.depth) Emission frequency shifting from line center to wing - Equivalent to approaching/receeding screen --> blue/red-shifted peak Neufeld (1990)
Ly TRANSFER: THE ESSENTIALS Ly transfer: Example Ly emission inside expanding shell with velocity vexp ==> asymmetric redshifted line (single or double-peaked) profile + faint blue part ==> Main peak measures « in general » 2*vexp ! -vexp Verhamme et al. (2006)
Ly TRANSFER: THE ESSENTIALS Ly transfer: Example Ly emission inside expanding shell with vexp Emission line + continuum for varying EW(Ly): --> from P-Cygni to asymmetric line profiles Dependence on vexp Dependence on NH Verhamme et al. (2006)
Ly escape fraction 0 E_B-V 0.1 Ly TRANSFER WITH DUST Ly transfer with dust Dust scattering and absorption Within Ly line: interaction with HI or dust? Interaction with dust: negligible at line center (H >> d!) possible in wings due to multiple scattering ==> Efficient destruction of Ly photons by dust! NOTE depends also on HI kinematics!
Ly TRANSFER: ISM GEOMETRY?! BUT: Ly transfer depends strongly on geometry --> photons follow « path of least resistance » In reality: • Inhomogeneous ISM: UV continuum photons penetrate more than Lya photons --> higher EW(Lya) (Neufeld 1991, Hansen & Oh 2006) • Outflows & galactic winds ubiquitous in starburst galaxies --> complex geometries and velocity structures with « open » directions … ==> Orientation effects expected…
Ly: LESSONS FROM LBGs z~3 Lyman Break Galaxies (LBG) Galaxies with ongoing SF selected from their UV (restframe) emission >~1000 LBG with spectroscopic redshift (in 2003, now larger surveys) --> stellar, interstellar and nebular lines ==> show presence of massive stars, diversity of Ly line profiles (emission, P-Cygni … absorption) and strengths Composite spectrum W(Ly) distribution Spectral groups… Shapley et al. (2003)
Ly-: LESSONS FROM LBGS z~3 Lyman Break Galaxies (LBG) • InterStellar lines blueshifted wrt stellar lines (v(abs-*)=-15060 km/s) • shift between IS absorption lines and Ly observed (v(em-abs)~450-650 km/s) • Correlations between extinction/UV slope, W(Ly), W(IS), SFR not or poorly understood (but cf. Ferrara & Ricotti 2007) Shapley et al. (2003)
Ly: LESSONS FROM LBGs IS abs. Example: Fitting Ly emission in z~3 Lyman Break Galaxies (LBG) • Shift between *, IS and Ly naturally understood if ~global shell geometry: v(em-abs)~ 3* v(abs-*), i.e. Ly at 2~vexp • Variety of Ly line profiles understood from radiation transfer models and in agreement with observational constraints (v, extinction, …) Verhamme et al. (2007) FDF 4691: ~ static FDF 4454:vexp ~220 km/s, low extinction cB58:vexp ~255 km/s, EB-V=0.3
density Lya map Profile along disk Profile along outflow
Exemple:“Blob” Lyman-alpha a z=4.8 (Wilman et al. 20005, Nature) • Observation of a large structure of Lyman-a (~100 kpc side) • Ionisation source ? Galaxy or AGN ? • Lya profiles observed in different regions: • Strong emission + absorption ? • Can be interpreted as emission from different moving clouds and absorption in an expanding shell (signature of a strong galactic wind!) BUT: other interpretations possible! a) ~static cloud in front of Ly source ?! b) Collapsing protogalaxy !? (Dijkstra & Haiman 05) Simulated MC spectrum Verhamme et al. (2006)
Summary of Part 2 Ly physics and astrophysics ISM emission Ly: the observational « problem » Ly emission fainter than expected from rec. theory Lessons from local starbursts ISM kinematics and geometry and dust all play a role. But any one dominant?! Ly radiation transfer (+dust) Scattering of Ly photons in geometrical and frequence space. Destruction by dust easy when number of scatterings large. Lessons from Lyman Break Galaxies Superwind shell geometry is a good description of ISM. Variety of observed Ly profiles can be understood quantitatively… More work needed for « complete » understanding of Ly and to establish Lya as reliable quantitative diagnostic
Outline of Part 2+3a Ly physics and astrophysics ISM emission Ly: the observational « problem » Lessons from local starbursts Ly radiation transfer (+dust) Lessons from Lyman Break Galaxies Ly through the InterGalactic Medium Ly from sources prior to reionisation Ly Luminosity Function and reionisation
neutral hydrogen redshift observer source Observed Spectrum flux observed wavelength Lyman-alpha at source redshift Ly and the IGM Ly « transfer » through the InterGalacticMedium (IGM) Or: how the Ly profile emerging from galaxies is transformed/transmitted on its way to the observer? • Radiation from distant background source is scattered out of line of sight • (+evtl. absorbed by dust) • Voigt absorption line profile - no real transfer effect in this geometry Observed spectrum = emergent spectrum attenuated by superposition of Voigt(zi,NHi,bi) ==> In principle: computation of attenuated spectrum trivial for given density & velocity distribution along line of sight Observations: Lyman forest Emergent galactic Ly profile altered and line flux reduced if neutral H present close in velocity/redshift to source
Ly and the IGM Ly « transfer » through the InterGalacticMedium (IGM) Approaching or beyond reionisation: Lyman forest --> Gunn-Peterson trough for high z
Ly and the IGM Ly « transfer » through the InterGalacticMedium (IGM) 1) Gunn-Peterson trough observed in z~6 QSOs from Sloan survey Fan et al. (2001, 2003), Becker et al. (2001)
Ly and the IGM Ly « transfer » through the InterGalacticMedium (IGM) 2) QSO/galactic Ly profile altered and observed Ly line flux reduced! Absorption from red damping wing Fan et al. (2003) Miralda-Escude (1998) • Weak, but significant flux inside the trough • highly ionized bubble by intervening galaxy or local void? • z=6.37 by fitting weak metal lines • presence of neutral gas in the quasar vicinity?
Ly and the IGM Ly « transfer » through the InterGalacticMedium (IGM) • Implications: • Ly(+) forest attenuation of SED at <1216 Ang (e.g. Madau 1995) • For z>~4-5: spectral break at Ly not at Lyc (=912 Ang) • photometric redshift estimates • Ly flux reduced • SFR(Ly) underestimates true SFR • LF(Ly) modified • Detectability of high-z galaxies affected! z > zreionis sources detectable ? • Ly line profile, Ly transmission, LF(Ly) contain information on hydrogen ionisation fraction! --> constraint on cosmic reionisation(z)
HII HI cosmol. HII IGM observer reionisation z~6.5 redshift, wavelength Ly FROM SOURCES PRIOR TO REIONISATION • Galaxy/QSO with intrinsic Lya emission and a fraction fesc of ionising photons escaping the galaxy: • Temporal evolution of cosmological HII sphere: • ==> Neglecting recombinations (since timescale >> tHubble) and • assuming source turned on (and constant) during tQ the Stroemgren radius becomes: Proximity effect • Inside the HII region one has a residual HI fraction x (given by photoionisation equilibrium) of: • Then: attenuation given by with (e.g. Shapiro & Giroux 1987, Cen & Haiman 2000)
HII HI cosmol. HII IGM observer reionisation z~6.5 redshift, wavelength • Observability of Ly emission from objects prior to reionisation. Example: • source z=6.556 • SFR = 9 Msun/yr • fesc = 25 % • age of source ~108 yr • --> HII region of 0.45 (3) Mpc proper (comoving) radius • Intrinsic Lya profile: FWHM=300 km/s • ==> transmission of ~16% Ly flux • ==> asymmetric line profile residual HI within HII region Haiman (2002)
asymmetry • Transmission increases with: • SFR • escape fraction • source lifetime • intrinsic line width • Other factors affecting transmission and line profile: • IGM infall • outflows (galactic winds) • peculiar velocity of emitting gas within halo • halo mass • … transmission intrinsic asymmetry Static IGM IGM infall transmission Haiman (2002) Santos (2004)
Ly FROM SOURCES PRIOR TO REIONISATION « Complications » arising from spherical symmetry to more realistic structures • clustering of sources helps create larger HII region • clustering probability increases with z and for fainter galaxies • ionised regions extend towards directions with lower density IGM • ==> strong variations depending on object and direction expected • ==> simple scaling properties of spherical model may not apply! Gnedin & Prada (2004), Furlanetto et al. (2004), Wyithe & Loeb (2004), Cen et al. (2004), ...
Ly FROM SOURCES PRIOR TO REIONISATION Q: Ly emission from z > zreionis sources detectable ? A: yes - but transmission depends on many factors…! ==> observational approach! (cf. Lecture 3)
USING THE Ly LF TO PROBE REIONISATION Lya luminosity function (LF) to probe cosmic reionisation: • absolute LF in principle sensitive to ionisation fraction xHI • evolution of LF with z --> constraint on reionisation • -> expect rapid decline of LF approaching end of reionisation (i.e. xHI >0) • E.g. Haiman & Spaans (1999) … • Observations + interpretation: Malhotra & Rhoads (2004), Le Delliou et al. (2005, 2006), Furlanetto et al. (2006) Haiman & Cen (2005)
USING THE Ly LF TO PROBE REIONISATION Predicting the Lya LF Press-Schechter formalism Lya luminosity Transmission model ==> LF determined by 2 main parameters: Results: • transmission ~unchanged between z=5.7 and 6.5 (reionisation close to complete) • LF evolution due to evolution of halo Mass • Function Djikstra, Whyithe & Haiman (2006)
Summary of Part 3a Ly physics and astrophysics Ly trough the InterGalactic Medium From Ly forest to trough… Attenuation of Ly line Ly from sources prior to reionisation Detection in principle possible. Transmission depends on many factors (geometry, superwinds, proximity effect…) Ly Luminosity Function and reionisation Change of Ly LF observed from z=4.5 to 6.5. Interpretation in terms of IGM ionisation fraction uncertain
Outline of the lectures 1a. Introduction 1b. PopIII stars and galaxies --> « top down » theoretical approach 2.,3a. Ly physics and astrophysics 3.b,4. Distant/primeval galaxies: - observational searches - current knowledge about high-z galaxies --> « bottom up » observational approach and confrontation with theory