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Stay updated on upcoming events and activities with the EWGA Fort Wayne Chapter's Spring Newsletter 2009. Discover exciting golf outings, social gatherings, and educational clinics. Get involved in our community and make the most of this golf season! Visit EWGAFortWayne.com for more details.

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  1. NEWSLETTER SPRING, 2009 Upcoming Events – Don’t Miss The Fun!04/16/09, 6P M/M Scramble 9w/cart Members Only McMillen $1404/18/09, 11A Spring Kickoff Luncheon Members/Non Orch.Ridge $2504/24/09, 11A M/M Scramble 18w/cart Members Only Shoaf $25 04/27/09, 6P M/M Scramble 9w/cart Members Only Shoaf $1404/29/09, 6:30P New Member Orientation Members/Non Chestnut FREE05/01/09, 5:30P Summit Club Dinner Members/Non Summit Dinner05/04/09, 2P Member Outing 18w/cart Syc Memb/Non Syc Hills $9/$124 05/06/09, 11A M/M Scramble 18w/cart Members Only Foster Pk $2805/06/09, 6P EWGA Board Meeting Board Only Yen Ching Dinner05/07/09, 6P Golf club Seminar/Demo Members/Non Bobick’s S. FREE05/08/09, 6P M/M Scramble 9w/cart Members Only Foster Pk $1705/12/09, 9A M/M Scramble UNLw/cart Members Only Riverbend $3505/13/09, 6P USGA Rules Clinic Members/Non Syc Hills FREE05/16/09, 1P Lunch & Outing 18w/cart Members Only Glendarin $6205/19/09, 7A Bus. Networking Brkfast Members/Non LaCabreah $2.5005/21/09, 5:30P League Mtg./Scramble Members Only Chestnut $10+$2205/30/09, 10:30A Box Lunch + 18w/cart Members Only Swan Lake $67 EWGA Fort Wayne Chapter Board Members President - Jana SebeleVice President - Ann PlayterTreasurer - Susan RothSecretary - Wendy BellamyMembership Chair - Sandee HowleSponsorship Chair - Terri MagleyCommunications Chair - Laura McCallumGolf Events Chair - Jennifer EstepGolf Education Chair - Lori StinsonLeadership Chair – Available!League Chair – Available! Handicap Chair - Jill McIntyre President’s Message Jana Sebele Spring is here! We finally get to play golf instead of talk about it! We hope to see everyone next Saturday, April 18th, for our inaugural Spring Membership Kickoff Luncheon! There will be many, many Raffle items, a Silent Auction, and the following sponsors will be there for your enjoyment:Designs by Sharon - DK Jewelry Design - Donna Karen Golf Apparel/Jamie Sadek - EP Pro, Fairway & Greene Apparel - EWGA Fort Wayne (Chapter shirts/hats/visors) - Noblett Golf Services - Pampered Chef - Precision Pilates Personal Training - Silpada Jewelry - Spiece Fitness - Swan Lake Golf Resort - Tail Apparel - The Power of One Yoga - Zoomie Golf Conditioning & Fitness Consultants Also, events are available for sign up via our website, approximately one month before the event date. All weekend golf events require payment 9 days prior, either via credit card on the website or you can mail a check to: Susan Roth, 10029 Castle Ridge Place, Fort Wayne, IN  46825.Events available for sign up now: May 4th - Sycamore Hills, 18 holes, 2P                                                May 16th - Glendarin Hills, 18 holes, Lunch at 11:30A and golf at 1P                                                May 21st - First night of league - no payment required until that nightMany thanks to all our committee chairs and their committees for working hard all winter and putting together what will be a memorable 2009 golf season!

  2. Committee Updates NEWSLETTER PAGE 2 OF 4SPRING, 2009 Communications – Preparations for the April Kickoff have been completed. The Spring newsletter has been published via email and on the website; we have switched to doing newsletters seasonally rather than monthly. The website continues to have the latest info, so check out EWGAFortWayne.com often.Education – The clinics held in February and March were a great success. Thank you to everyone who participated!  Please watch our website’s calendar for outdoor clinics, which will start soon. Also, the Mentor/Mentee scramble outings begin in April-see the article at the end of this Newsletter for more details.Handicap – The training session occurred on March 18 with about 30 members participating! If you missed the presentation or need to review the material, you can find it on the EWGAFortWayne.com website by going to:Education>Golf Handicapping>Handicap Reference Material>Handicap 101 Correction to one point made at the presentation: If you belong to more than one club and a different Handicap Service Provider is used, it was stated that you must maintain your handicap in both systems. This is not a requirement, although it will make it easier for the committee to pull the information for tournaments. Reminder: Your handicap index needs to be established before June 9 in order to participate in the Chapter Championship that is occurring on June 27!Social – We had fun doing Zumba Aerobics, followed by lunch at Flanagan’s. Activities being planned include Dinner at the Summit Club on May 1st, and a Networking Breakfast at LaCabreah on May 19th (cost is $2.50 per person + a stack of business cards + a guest from a business other than your own!). Golf Events - The weather is finally changing, and we are officially in season. Please mark your calendars for our first three Chapter golf events: Sycamore Hills will be on Monday, May 4th, Glendarin Hills will be on Saturday, May 16th, and Swan Lake will be on Saturday, May 30th. LEAGUE PLAY IS STARTING SOON!League Play, Thursday Nights @ Chestnut Hills Golf Club, starts May 21st with a league meeting at 5:30P and golf starting at 6:00P.Whether you are just starting out or are a seasoned player, this is the league for you!Each week you will sign up via our website by 7pm on Wednesday. Check back on Thursday for your pairing and tee time. Tee times will start at 5:00 pm.This is a “play when you can” league - no commitment!There is a $10 league fee the first time you play which will be put towards the league banquet in September. Each week you play you pay the course $22. Two dollars goes to the weekly prize fund. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams each week will receive their prize as a discount off their next week's play.You will also be collecting points. Each week you play, you earn one point. If you are on the 1st to 5th place teams for the week, you will earn points accordingly. At the end of the season at the awards banquet, everyone will receive a prize - from the most points earned to the lowest. Each week will be a different format and different playing partners. It is a great way to get to know everyone. After play each week, you have the option to stick around for a drink and/or dinner, and see how your team did on the scoreboard! Chestnut Hills is going to offer a different dinner menu each week.Tentative last night of league is September 17th, with the banquet that evening! A Special Invitation from the EWGA Chapter in Central Indiana Congratulations on starting a new EWGA Chapter! On behalf of the EWGA Central Indiana Chapter, I'm inviting your Fort Wayne members to a joint golf event: Date:                        Sunday, August 23, 2009Tee Times:               Starting @ 1:00 PM Location:                  Purgatory Golf Club (purgatorygolf.com) 12160 E. 216th Street Noblesville, IN 46060 317-776-4653Format:                    4 Person Scramble - 18 holesWinning Position:   2nd Place (We vary the winning position to give everyone a shot at claiming victory.)Cost:                        $72RSVP:                     August 7, 2009This event will be a Members Only event, to allow us to get acquainted with your members. For our prize fund at this event, we will have a winning cash pot.  For those wanting to participate, there will be a $5 contribution paid at the golf event.  Those contributing will be eligible to win the pot based on the winning position (2nd place, in this event).  A tiebreaker will be determined by the lowest score starting with the 18th hole and working backwards.  Participation is totally voluntary.  The women not participating in the prize fund will just have a fun afternoon with no pressure!  Maryann Kriner, EWGA-Central Indiana Events Chair WelcomeTo OurNewest Members! Corinna Askins Cici CaseKim Chin Kristy DavisJeannette Fenner Deborah FisheringDianne Gerencser Kristi HarkenriderJean Hershberger Patricia JakackyMargie Kosmala Cheryl LilleyMarilyn Manzer Kathy Miller Teresa Roberts Margaret Sklenar Pamela Ullom Shawn Wells Judy Whitelock

  3. NEWSLETTER PAGE 3 OF 4SPRING, 2009 FREE opportunityto learn more about USGA Rules…. Don’t miss the FREE USGA rules seminar at the Sycamore Hills Golf Clubhouse, 6PM on 5/13/09. It will be valuablefor beginning and experienced golfers. Member Spotlight Lori Stinson Years Golfing: 29 years Most Memorable Golf Course: Princeville (Hawaii) & Pebble Beach (California) Most Embarrassing Golf Moment: My first women’s city tournament at Pine Valley CC in ’83.   I was on the 3rd hole and still shaking.  It’s a par 3 – I hit the green and went to mark my ball.  I was so nervous – I bent down and picked up my ball.  Only thing was – forgot to put my marker down! Current EWGA Involvement: Golf Education Committee Chair Best Golf Moments:  1.  Beating Brandie Burton at the US Junior in Mt. Holyoke, MA in ‘86.  She was the medalist and I was 64th in the stroke play qualifying.   In match play – the medalist plays the 64th place person.  She was my first match and I beat her on the 18th hole.  She was a phenomenal player, played for Arizona State (All-American) and went on to be successful on the LPGA tour.    2.  Meeting Phil Mickelson my senior year of college golf at Indiana at the NCAA National Championship at Arizona State University. Hometown: Fort Wayne (Fort Fun as we used to call it in HS) Career: Residential real estate agent with the Stinson Team at North Eastern Group Realty; formerly was a College Golf Coach at Tri-State University for 5 years-the team won the 1997 NAIA National Championship after the third year of the program.  I spent the last 9 years at Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, MI.  We finished in top 6 at the NCAA Division II National Championship 7 out of 9 years.   Hobbies & Interests:   I love all sports including downhill skiing, tennis, racquetball, volleyball, and basketball.  I love to watch college basketball, football and pro football. I’m learning to play the guitar, and I love to sing – but only to myself in my car. Today’sGolf Quiz is brought to you by: Suzanne Noblett Golf Quiz-How Well Do You Know the Rules? 1.  If you pick up your ball on the green without marking it, what happens? 2.  If I accidentally knock the ball off of the tee, can I put it back on without penalty?  Answer:  The position of the ball must be marked before it is lifted under a rule that requires it to be replaced. If it is not marked, the player incurs a penalty of one stroke and the ball must be replaced. Note: The position of a ball to be lifted should be marked by placing a ball-marker, a small coin or other similar object immediately behind the ball. If the ball-marker interferes with the play, stance or stroke of another player, it should be placed one or more clubhead-lengths to one side and replaced before continuation of play. Rule 20-1. Lifting and Marking, The Rules of Golf Answer:  If a ball, when not in play, falls off a tee or is knocked off a tee by the player in addressing it, it may be re-teed without penalty. However, if a stroke is made at the ball in these circumstances, whether the ball is moving or not, the stroke counts but there is no penalty. Rule 11-3. Ball Falling Off Tee, The Rules of Golf

  4. Details About Mentor / Mentee Scramble Outings NEWSLETTER PAGE 4 OF 4SPRING, 2009 If you are an experienced golfer (Mentor) willing to play a scramble with 2-3 less experienced golfers (Mentees), you play for free and help your fellow golfers. These outings are "Best Ball" scramble format, where all players hit from the first tee, and then the players move their balls for the second shot to the spot of the most favorably-hit first shot. This continues throughout the rest of the shots for the hole, and then you repeat this method for every hole of the course. These scrambles are purposely held at easier/less costly courses than the Mentors are used to playing, to reduce stress on all involved and encourage Mentees to play often. Both day and night outings are offered, and there is no limit to how many outings members (Mentors or Mentees) can participate in. Scoring is not of utmost importance, and these outings cannot be counted as play used to establish your handicap. See the “Upcoming Events” section on Page 1 of this Newsletter for the 6 April/May Mentor/Mentee Scramble dates (designated as M/M Scramble”), or look anytime on the Calendar page of the EWGAFortWayne.com website. PLEASE NOTE: several tentative M/M Scramble dates from the last Newsletter had to be changed, due to conflicts with other events; the dates in this Newsletter are the finalized dates). How it works: Email kldomino@aol.com to put your name on a Mentee or Mentor list (this is only done once per season). 7 days prior to the M/M date, all members will get an email with detailed info, and you have 3-4 days to reply if you want to play (Mentee), or if you are available to play (Mentors). We will only need a few Mentors for each scramble who will play for free (although additional Mentors may play together for the discounted course rate if additional tee times are available). Pairings will be emailed 2-3 days before the Scramble. Mentors who have put their name on the Mentor list will be offered outings equally, so no one will play free a second time until all have been offered once. Mentors would not be expected to give “lessons” to Mentees. Their role would be to educate Mentees on pace of play, and talk with them at the start of the scramble to determine what additional feedback they desire. For some, it will be pointing out rule and etiquette points that they may not be aware of. Others may ask the Mentor to explain their club selection or shot strategy. Others may ask the Mentor to verbally recommend tweaks to their swing. For beginner golfers, often just golfing with more experienced golfers willing to play with them is enough to improve comfort. In exchange, the Mentees will pay 1.4 times the riding rate (i.e. if the discounted course cost is $20, the Mentee would pay $28 (the final Mentee rate is what is published on the Upcoming Dates list/Calendar), and this will pay for the play of your assigned Mentor. Assigned Mentors play for free, and additional Mentors pay the discounted course rate [Mentee rate/1.4], or in this example, $20). In case of bad weather, a notice will be put on the EWGAFortWayne.com website, AND Mentors will be contacted by the organizer. THEN the Mentors would need to contact their 2-3 assigned Mentees. This reduces the amount of calls by any one person, which makes timely notifications more likely. Canceled outings will not be rescheduled; you just participate in the next one, if desired. If you reply that you will be attending and for whatever reason you cannot go, Mentors are asked to find a replacement Mentor, and Mentees would need to find a replacement Mentee -OR- pay EWGA the Mentor portion of the fee (in our example, $8). In either case, you must notify Kelly Hoffman (kldomino@aol.com or 450-6765), so that pairing adjustments can be made with the course. The first outing is Thursday, 4/16 at McMillen at 6PM. Mentees will pay $14, Assigned Mentors will be free, and Additional Mentors will be $10. Send your emails to Kelly Hoffman (kldomino@aol.com) or call 450-6765 or 673-0065 if interested, or if you have questions. The signup deadline is 11:59PM on 4/13. As with any new program, changes may need to be made after we see how the first few outings go, so we reserve the right to do so. Feedback is essential (favorable or unfavorable), so that we can improve this innovative program! Fitness Tip You can use Strength and Stretching to Improve Your Golf Game and get in Shape!How would you like it if youcould impress your golf mates with a better golf game and drives that leave them in awe? And feel better overall, with improved health and physical conditioning? As a golfer, you may not realize you can increase your enjoyment of the game and improve your performance by following a simple strength training and stretching program. Golfers have traditionally avoided strength training for fear of adding body weight, developing large muscles, feeling tight, losing speed, compromising coordination, experiencing errant drives, and posting higher scores. Fortunately, recent research has proven these perceptions to be false. In fact, basic strength training combined with stretching exercises has been shown to improve body composition, increase muscle strength, enhance joint flexibility, and increase club head speed. In addition, the strength-trained golfers reported longer drives, lower scores and fewer injuries during the subsequent golf season. I strongly recommend a 30 minute program of strength and stretching exercises to golfers who want to feel better, function better, and play better on the links. Watch for my Fairway Fitness Tips in future EWGA newsletters! Rebecca Byrket Owner, President Zoomie Golf Conditioning & Fitness Consultants/Beyond Personal Training Studio

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