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Dr Ulrike Lyhs , DVM , PhD H ead of Section for Bacteriology and Pathology Dr Lars Ole Andresen Section for Diagnostics and Scientific Advice. PAKIETY ROBOCZE (WP) WP 1 - Zarządzanie projektem , dr hab. Mirosław P. Polak
Dr Ulrike Lyhs, DVM , PhD Head of Section for Bacteriology and Pathology Dr Lars Ole Andresen Section for Diagnostics and Scientific Advice
PAKIETY ROBOCZE (WP) WP 1 - Zarządzanie projektem, dr hab. Mirosław P. Polak WP 2 - Określenie Wspólnej Strategicznej Mapy Drogowej i Wspólnej Strategii Współpracy i Rozwoju dla rozwijania potencjału naukowo-technologicznego, prof. dr hab. Jacek Kuźmak WP 3 - Stworzenie instrumentów dla inicjowania aktywności i współpracy pomiędzy partnerami dla rozwijania potencjału naukowo-technologicznego, dr hab. Dariusz Wasyl/dr Marek Kukier WP 4 - Szkolenia, dr Małgorzata Olejnik WP 5 - Zwiększanie możliwości dla młodych naukowców, dr hab. Krzysztof Śmietanka, prof. nadzw. WP 6 - Upowszechnianie, dr hab. Grzegorz Woźniakowski
WP2. DEFINITION OF A JOINT STRATEGIC ROAD MAP AND A JOINT STRATEGY OF COOPERATION ANDDEVELOPMENT FOR BUILDING S&T CAPACITY(M1-M36) • Implementation of the task will contribute to the achievement of the specific objective No.1 defined as to strengthenthe potential and capability for international cooperation and integration. Definition of a joint strategic road map and ajoint strategy of cooperation and development aims to develop mechanisms and strategic development directions thatbring closer cooperating centers and build a strategy of action on common research areas. It will give the possibility toreact rapidly and appropriately to emerging research trends and topics, as well as successfully seek for internationallyacknowledged partners for cooperation. In the longer term, it will therefore lay a good foundation for further cooperationbetween project partners as well as the extension of an international platform for cooperation in the field of research inadvanced veterinary sciences on characterization of animal pathogens and food safety.
WP3. THE CREATION OF INSTRUMENTS FOR INITIATING ACTIVITIES AND RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN PARTNERS FOR BUILDING S&T CAPACITY (M1-M36) • The task is part of the implementation of the specific objective No.1 defined as to strengthen the potential and capabilityfor international cooperation and integration. The objective of WP3 will be the creation of instruments that will facilitatethe undertaking of joint initiatives and strengthening the relationship among the partners. In parallel, the realization ofWP3 will aim to build the scientific community centred around the field of research of advanced veterinary sciences oncharacterization of animal pathogens and food safety. All this will facilitate cooperation between partners, which couldlead to common applications in the field of research projects, participation in conferences and scientific events, as wellas publications. In addition, it will provide the possibility of international transfer of knowledge between cooperatinginstitutions. The international cooperation of research teams will be substantially improved and facilitated due to the creation of communication mechanism.
WP4.TRAINING ACTIVITIES (M3-M36) Action 1. Introduction to next generation sequencing for identification and characterisation of animal pathogens and microbial hazards along the food chain Action 2. Implementation of novel genomic methods for analysis of host-pathogen interactions Action 3.Implementation of novel immunological methods for analysis of host-pathogen interactions Action 4.Application of molecular methods and mass spectrometry for detection and typing of foodborne pathogens
WP4.TRAINING ACTIVITIES (M3-M36) Action 5. Risk assessment and epidemiology - new tools and data analysis 5.1Trainings on risk assessment related to microbiological agents in food combined with analysis of real data (at BfR-2 months; DTU/1 person). 5.2 Generation of quantitative data for QMRA (quantitative microbiological risk assessment) and database management (BfR-2 weeks). 5.3Trainings on mathematical models for risk assessment on temporal and spatial spread of animal infectious diseases (African swine fever, avian influenza and vector-borne diseases) and investigation of foodborne outbreaks(salmonellosis and campylobacteriosis) combined with analysis of real data (at BfR-1 month).
WP5. ENHANCED OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUNG SCIENTISTS (M7-M36) • T 5.1 Organization of summer schools in NVRI, Pulawy • T5.1 Organization of summer and winter schools in NVRI, Pulawy (M7-M30) • Educational activities will be aimed at increasing competences and research capabilities of young researchers. Theschools will be organized mostly for young NVRI scientists but they will be open also to researchers from Poland,other low performing EU member states and EU-associated countries. Thanks to this, there will be possibility ofwider exchange of knowledge and experience, which will contribute to improving S&T capabilities of NVRI and otherpartners. Each school will last 1 or 2 weeks and will train up to 16 people. For each school, the scientists from BfR and • DTU Vet will be invited to give some lectures. • Four schools will be organized, with a special focus on: • - chemical food safety; • - emerging infectious diseases and zoonotic threats; • - genomics in veterinary research and diagnosis; • - project design for fund raising (European and national sources of funding), budgeting, IPR and project management,as well as scientific writing..
WP5. ENHANCED OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUNG SCIENTISTS (M7-M36) • T 5.2Internships for young NVRI scientists for short-term missions in BfR and DTU Vet (M7-M36) • Internships will be offered to young scientists of NVRI engaged in research within the scope of the project. Shortmissions will last from two weeks to two months. Possible participation in summer schools organized annually by BfR and DTU Vet. • T5.3 Organization of scientific congress for young scientists in Pulawy (M13-M24) • A scientific congress will be organized in Pulawy as a forum for young scientists, providing them with opportunities topresent the results of their research. Young scientists from BfR and DTU Vet will be strongly encouraged to participate in that event.
WP6. DISSEMINATION AND OUTREACH (M1-M36) T.6.1 Partnership newsletter (M1-M36): A project’s newsletter will be developed: it will help to obtain a new website functionality. Newsletter will enableongoing communication as well as informing individuals and institutions interested in the activity and results ofoperations NVRI carried out within the NVRI - BfR – DTU Vet partnership. T.6.2 Identification and participation inselected conferences and events where the project and its participants will be presented. (M3-M36) T.6.3 Lectures given by experts from partner institutes and trained NVRI scientists during thematic annual conferences(organized by NVRI) on fish, poultry, swine, cattle diseases and food safety (M25-M36) T.6.4 Organizing “Open Day of NVRI” for school and university students (M24, M36)