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This Comenius project aims to raise awareness about the benefits of ICT in teaching, enhance teachers' competencies, and offer a course for acquiring ICT skills. Targeting teachers, educators, and education experts, the project focuses on competence assessment, basic training, and a comprehensive course structure covering communication, digital content, game-based learning, and mobile learning. The project website provides valuable resources and tools for improving pedagogical practices.
ICT competencies and pedagogical application skills for teachers (Comenius-project) 35. ATEE Annual ConferenceBudapest, August 2010
• awareness raising for the need and advantages of adequate implementation of ICT elements in school lessons; • strengthening of teachers basic ICT competencies; • development of a course designed to deliver the acquisition of ICT competencies for the pedagogical practice Aims of ICTeacher
Primary and secondary school teachers, especially those in the ages of 40+ Prospective primary and secondary school teachers, teacher students Head teachers and IT curators of primary and secondary schools Teacher education bodies, especially those that offer further vocation training Teacher education experts Supervisory school authorities and decision makers Target group
A competence assessment tool (self-evaluation The ICTeacher-basic-training (ICTeacher-Start) The ICTeacher course Course structure
Communication & Networking Criticism & Reflection Digital Content Gamebased / Playbased Learning Mobile Learning The ICTeacher blended learning course
To use the Internet, to communicate and to build and maintain networks for teaching and learning Scenario: Communication & Networking
Computer and Internet use in everyday life and activity Computer and Internet use in everyday life and activity
Designing and reusing learning objects Scenario Digital content
Computer games and education - Using games in the student's learning process Scenario: Gamebased / Playbased Learning
Mobile devices and learning elsewhere - - using mobile devices in students’ learning processes Scenario: Mobile Learning
The course: http://ict.cesga.es Projekt website: http://www.icteacher.eu Projekt coordinator: dieBerater, Austria www.dieberater.com Sources
Thanks for the attention! dr. István Bessenyei, University of West Hungary, ICTeacher projekt partner http://www.ibessenyei.com Thanks