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Illinois Broadband Advisory Council Meeting Highlights Telehealth Expansion

Explore the $420 million telehealth investment through Connect Illinois and strategies to enhance access and education. Learn about the importance of telehealth modalities, federal funding opportunities, and the impact on rural communities, opioid addiction recovery, and student mental health.

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Illinois Broadband Advisory Council Meeting Highlights Telehealth Expansion

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  1. Balanced scorecard slide 1 Illinois Broadband Advisory Council Special Meeting: Monday, October 21, 2019

  2. Balanced scorecard slide 2 WORKING GROUP FOLLOW UP TELEHEALTH Economic Development Access Education Technology & Infrastructure

  3. Balanced scorecard slide 3 TELEHEALTH • $420 million investment in broadband infrastructure through Connect Illinois • Governor Pritzker named telehealth as one of the priorities of the investment • Governor Pritzker and DCEO highlighted telehealth in the recently-released five-year economic plan • Infrastructure Focused Recommendations • Prioritize and incentivize grant applications that expand telehealth • Allow applicants to partner with anchor institutions on the grant application • Leverage existing technical assistance programs to aid applicants • Maximize federal funding opportunities available • Explore including healthcare institutions on the Illinois Century Network (ICN)

  4. Balanced scorecard slide 3 TELEHEALTH Partnership for a Connected Illinois Broadband is the Lifeline

  5. Balanced scorecard slide 3 TELEHEALTH • What is Telehealth? • Telehealth: The practice of medicine over a distance, in which interventions, diagnostic and treatment decisions and recommendations are based on data, documents and other information transmitted through telecommunication systems (World Medical Association) • Illinois defines telehealth and telemedicine separately: • Telehealth is the use of a telecommunication system to provide medical services between places of lesser and greater medical capability and/or expertise, for the purpose of evaluation and treatment. [IL Dept. of Healthcare and Family Svcs., Handbook for Practitioners.] • “Telemedicine” is the use of a telecommunication system to provide medical services for the purpose of evaluation and treatment when the patient is at one medical provider location and the rendering provider is at another location. [IL Admin. Code, Title 89,140.403(a)(9) (2012).] • Telehealth as a modality can provide a variety of services • Modalities: store-and-forward, video-conferencing, remote-patient-monitoring

  6. Balanced scorecard slide 3 TELEHEALTH • The Need for Telehealth • Shortage of primary care physicians and mental health professionals in IL • Patient access to infrastructure is lacking both in-the-home and at local healthcare anchor institutions • Access and equity issue • More and more companies or private payers are looking at opportunities to provide access to care via telehealth for their employees or beneficiaries • Broad interest in the issue at the federal level – numerous funding opportunities • Telehealth is the wave of the future in healthcare

  7. Balanced scorecard slide 3 TELEHEALTH The Burning Platforms • Rural and urban underserved communities • Opioid addiction recovery • Behavioral health for students in schools

  8. Balanced scorecard slide 3 TELEHEALTH Rural/Urban Underserved Communities • Nationally, 25% of people live in rural communities • 10% of physicians practice in rural areas

  9. Balanced scorecard slide 3 TELEHEALTH Opioid Addiction Recovery • In Illinois, overdoses have killed 11,000 since 2008 • Last year, 2,000 died—twice the number of fatal car accidents • This epidemic is most significant public health and public policy crisis facing Illinois

  10. Balanced scorecard slide 3 TELEHEALTH Behavioral Health for Students • A total of 13–20 % of children living in the United States experience a mental disorder in a given year • 70% of students are NOT receiving treatment for their mental illness • Illinois has 185,000–290,000 students at risk. Chicago has 37,000–60,000

  11. Balanced scorecard slide 3 TELEHEALTH • Applications • Rural and urban underserved communities • 25% of people live in rural communities, 10% of physicians practice in rural areas • Opioid addiction recovery • In Illinois, overdoses have killed 11,000 since 2008 • Behavioral health for students in schools • 13–20 % of children living in the U.S. experience a mental disorder • 70% of students are NOT receiving treatment for their mental illness • Examples of Telehealth • Telestroke, telepsychiatry, telebehavioral health in schools, specialist services

  12. Balanced scorecard slide 3 TELEHEALTH • Federal funding opportunities • Health Resources and Services (HRSA)’s Telehealth Network Grant Program – $8.5B • Focuses on bringing telehealth to hard-to-reach places • FCC Connected Care Pilot – 3-year program, $100 million • Supports brining telehealth services directly to low-income patients and veterans


  14. Balanced scorecard slide 3 CONNECT ILLINOIS VISION • To provide ubiquitous broadband connectivity that is reliable and affordable to all homes, businesses, and community anchor institutions throughout Illinois • To promote digital literacy and adoption • To drive economic development and expand opportunity and innovation in such areas as education, health care, and agriculture

  15. Balanced scorecard slide 3 CONNECT ILLINOIS MISSION • Expand broadband connectivity across the entire state • Provide all Illinois public K-12 students access to high-speed broadband at no charge • Create $400 million broadband grant program • Invest $20 million in Illinois Century Network, a high-speed broadband network serving K-12 and higher education institutions, among others • Convene the Broadband Advisory Council to inform strategy, promote opportunities and successes • Create the Illinois Office of Broadband within Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity

  16. Balanced scorecard slide 3 CONNECT ILLINOIS APPROACH • Set specific speed goals & track progress over time • Make state investments that leverage external resources • Federal government • Private providers • Local matching funds • Target investment to promote broadband applications & adoption • Adopt policy to optimize investment impact

  17. Balanced scorecard slide 3 BROADBAND STRATEGY ANCHORED BY SPEED GOALS • Short term ubiquitous service goal … ensuring that all Illinois homes, businesses, and community anchor institutions can use broadband at basic service levels • Longer term competitiveaccess goal … ensuring that all Illinois homes, businesses, and community anchor institutions have direct access to a provider with service levels necessary for advanced applications or heavy bandwidth use

  18. Balanced scorecard slide 3 KEY NEXT STEPS TO MOVE STRATEGY FORWARD • Develop a more accurate map of service level and access across Illinois to be updated annually • Supports goal setting and progress marking • Provides baseline for grant eligibility • First wave of investments anticipated through early 2020 NOFO(s)

  19. Balanced scorecard slide 3 KEY CRITERIA FOR GRANT FUNDING • Competitive matching grants • Score based upon merit • Require a certain non-state match • Technology neutral • Open to a diverse range of providers and related technology • Scalable service • Future upgrades to ensure long-term return on state investment • Applicant inclusive • Encourage a wide variety of proposals, including but not limited to those from providers, cooperatives, municipalities, tribal entities, nonprofits, and P3s

  20. Balanced scorecard slide 3 • KEY CRITERIA • FOR GRANT FUNDING, cont’d • Community driven approach • Create incentives for direct engagement with local communities, various stakeholder groups, and/or inclusive community technology goals • Balanced challenge process • Providers, communities, and other stakeholders to challenge the accuracy of broadband mapping, service levels, and grant eligibility • Additional scoring for alignment with Five-Year Economic Plan and policy goals including telehealth and education • Invite applicants to identify how proposed projects align with related opportunities

  21. Balanced scorecard slide 3 STATE MAPPING AVAILABLE SERVICE • Invest in state mapping to measure: • Where we are • Where we want to go • Progress made over time • RFP for state mapping pending, to be updated annually • Interactive mapping housed at Connect Illinois webpage

  22. Balanced scorecard slide 3 QUESTIONS?

  23. Balanced scorecard slide 10 NEXT MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18

  24. Balanced scorecard slide 10 ADJOURNMENT

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