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This update outlines the communications requirements for Demand Designated Entities in preparation for the integration pilot program. It covers training, operational details, and the transition timeline.
DRITWG UpdateDemand Response PilotVoice Communications RequirementsDDE expectations John Norden Manager, Renewable Resource Integration February 22, 2010
Demand Designated Entity Overview • As part of the Demand Resource Integration (DRI) Project which will go live on June 1, 2010, the ISO has created Demand Designated Entities (DDEs) that will operate in a very similar capacity to Generator Designated Entities for operation of the Demand Resources under the Forward Capacity Market • ISO System Operators will receive full training on the changes associated with the DRI project under cycle 2 training in the spring of 2010 prior to go live and have been trained on the pilot program which went live on February 1, 2010, • Demand Designated Entities and Resource Owners will also receive detailed training in the spring of 2010 prior to the official DRI project go live of June 1, 2010. • ISO New England is conducting pilot integration of DDEs to make the transition smoother for June 1, 2010. • The initial pilot involves the largest DR providers in New England
Demand Designated Entity Overview (cont.) • The pilot has the participating DDEs reporting directly to the ISO just like a generator for the operation of the Demand Resources under the existing Demand Response Programs that currently utilize the IBCS-OS software to dispatch • The main focus of the Pilot Program is to introduce the DDEs to day to day voice communications with the ISO New England System Operators instead of calling the ISO DR or Customer Service departments about dispatch issues • The goals are to identify and correct operational issues to June 1, 2010 go live of the DRI project
Communications • Voice Communications • Implementation of direct land lines to DDE for ISO only use • Must have 24/7 connectivity with operations person at DDE available to dispatch and communicate with the control room • Implementation of Automatic Ring Down circuits for DDEs with more than 500 MW of dispatchable resources • Closer day to day relations between the ISO and DDEs • As a DDE you are no different to us than a generator and we expect to have the same type of responsiveness and 24 hour contact with you just like a generator • Dispatch Instructions will be provided via the RTU in Resource MW pairs just like generators and will go up, down or to zero at varying intervals