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Imperial College London. Проф. Чедо Максимовић c.maksimovic@imperial.ac.uk. Iimperial College, Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Section (EWRE) and Urban Water Research Group (UWRG). САДРЖАЈ. Део 1: Основе 1. Плаво-Зелене технологије – Зашто и Како 2. Концепт
Imperial College London Проф. Чедо Максимовић c.maksimovic@imperial.ac.uk Iimperial College, Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Section (EWRE) and Urban Water Research Group (UWRG)
САДРЖАЈ Део 1: Основе 1. Плаво-Зелене технологије – Зашто и Како 2. Концепт 3. Моделирање и интеракције Део 2: Могућности примене у Београду (Маја Лалић)
Стање у УК Both affected areas and duration of bans is increasing Is there a reason for panic ? Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-17340844
Elmvale Row 30 July 2002 18h00 hours
Kључни проблеми у адаптацији урбаних средина на климатске промене Повећање непропусних средина (“Urban creep”), лоше одводњавање, поплаве и суше, загаћивање поврчинских и подземних вода, урбана топлотна острва, ниска енергетска ефикасност, лоши еко-системиКлиматске промене ће највероватније изазвати повећање фреквенције ектрема Конвенционална “мудрост” - Независни присуп по посебним методологијама, монокултура, - Недостатак интеракција-мултидисциплинарних решења ове две групе
Water supply access & security Public health protection Flood protection Social amenity, environmental protection Limits on natural resources Intergenerational equity, resilience to climate change Adaptive, multi-functional infrastructure & urban design reinforcing water sensitive behaviours Diverse, fit-for-purpose sources & conservation, promoting waterway protection Point & diffuse source pollution management Separate sewerage schemes Supply hydraulics Drainage, channelisation Приритети у развоју система градских вода (Hydro-Social Contract) Socio-Political Drivers Water Sensitive City Water Cycle City Waterways City Drained City Sewered City Water Supply City Service Delivery Functions Brown et al, 2008
Савремени концепт (“Current “wisdom”)A. У инфраструктури Урбаних Вода доминирају “Плави” (BLUE PEPOLE”)Water supply (including waterworks)Wastewater collection, separation, reuse and treatment Stormwater collection and disposal (from SUDS to WSUD)Urban water amenities - Urban Streams and river corridors Urban lakes ponds and coastal water bodiesB. У зеленој инфраструктури доминирају “Зелени” (GREEN PEOPLE)Urban green spaces (parks, tree alleys, green roofs & walls, roof & ground gardens, Urban ECO-services, urban agriculture
Зашто је потребан WHYBGDproject • Climate change and increasing urbanization call for creative planning of new urban developments and retrofitting of existing urban areas to increase resilience to the adverse effects of CC. • Green and blue infrastructure assets, currently largely operating as two separate systems – no interactions • A major change in the existing paradigm of design and operation of urban blue and green infrastructure and systems is urgently required to achieve the above aim.
Шта ће да се постигне “BLUEGREENDREAM PROJECT”-ом Bring blue and green communities to work together in coupling urban vegetation with urban water infrastructure Develop a new paradigm based on innovations Involve stakeholder: new business, jobs (KIC mission) and Increase resilience (decrease vulnerability) of urban areas to climate change and natural disasters
Утицај урбанизације на површинско течење • surface runoff • subsurface flow • groundwater flow • evaporation
Conveyance Conveyance Conveyance Prevention Discharge Source control Site control Regional control Receiving water “Упправњачки воз” ОСУО (“SUDS management train”)
Плаво-Зелене Интеракције Плаво зелени: кровови, фасаде, паркинзи, кишне баште, паркови, дрвореди, остале зелене површине
Urban stream rehabilitation – daylightingSimilar to the project case Cheong Gye Cheon
BGD Partners and national clusters Academic partners: Imperial College London, TU Berlin, Ecole des Ponts Paris Tech and TU Delft, Business Partners and end users:Arcadis, Aecom, Deltares, Alterra, Sainsbury and Institute of Sustainability Partner cities: Berlin (Tempelhof), Paris, Rotterdam and London SMEs:, ICCI Ltd, AScA, Ingenieurgesellschaft Prof. Dr. Sieker mbH, Clean Tech Delta (CleanTech Delta CTD Rotterdam) , Bosch-Slabbers and Studio Exter National Clusters (Test, Implement, Multiply, Train, Disseminate) UK : Blue Green Partnership for London, MoL, EA, GLA, University of Reading, Royal Horticultural Society, Green Building Council, British Land, WSAtkins, SWIG, Watermatic, Green Roof Consultancy… ROOM FOR YOU Germany: Berliner Wasserbetriebe, Tempelhof park, Watergy France: Advancity, AgroParisTech, Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment, Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers, Lamache-Architecte, Le ministère de l'Ecologie du Développement Durable des Transports et du Logement, Seine-Saint-Denis county, Val-de-Marne county, Veolia NL: Utrecht Province, Utrecht city,
) Демонстрациони сајтови - локалитети BlueGreen Dream Project (BGD)-а
Benefits of interactions Garden watering Groundwater recharge Green PR - credentials Reduced wastewater Erosion control Natural capital Improved amenity Flood management External costs Soil Moisture Noise reduction Health & safety Reduced heat island effect Eco systems Job creation Pollution control Biodiversity Ecological complexity Hydraulic capacity Water quality Land value Reduced CSO impact 68
Децентрализовани системи за пречишћавање отпадних вода Water Reuse + Education + City Park
Просторно распоређени елементи за анализу утицаја микро климатских промена
CASE STUDY 2Interactions of surface water and groundwater flooding
Photos provided by The Royal Parks DAVID MORLEY ARCHITECTS
Assessment of the potentials for urban pluvial flood reduction by Blue-Green technologies in the Victoria station area Source: A Green Infrastructure Audit of the Victoria Business Improvement District
MSc Project ::Paramee Sindhuseka Supervised by Čedo Maksimović and Lind aDavies Assessment of Blue-Green Infrastructures’ Ecosystem Service Functions The case of Cheapside, London, UK Scopinginto the performance indices and assessment of urban retrofit using green-blue infrastructures Spellingout the ecosystem services in the urban system as “Functions” covering variables for human “well-being”(De Groot, 2002): Pluvial flood risk mitigation Pollution reduction Biodiversity enhancement Aesthetic values add-in Energy Saving Carbon sequestration Acoustic Abatement Runoff quality Support of External partners acknowledged Aerial Pollution Concentration Source: LUC (2012)
За предлог закључака Прикључити се систему Плаво Зелени Сан (BGD) Организовати сопствене примене Прихватити нове методе пројектовања Комбинација централизованих и децентрализованих система (укључујући пречишћавање отпадних вода) Мењати стил живота
Climate-KIC core partners • Fig. European network of Climate-KIC with core partners from academia (blue boxes), industry and the public (logos in the footer) (updated March 2011, click to enlarge).
Детаљи за контакт Prof. Čedo Maksimović Imperial College London c.maksimovic@imperial.ac.uk 020 7594 6013