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Explore the significance of spatial models in accounting for spatial nature of data, including spatial smoothing techniques. Learn about Tobler's first law of geography and the importance of spatial dependencies in Bayesian models. Discover the benefits of spatial smoothing, how to quantify the degree of smoothing, and compare different spatial models. Dive into real data analyses to understand the impact of smoothing on statistical uncertainty and data confidentiality.
Comparing Bayesian spatial models in the presence of spatial smoothing Earl Duncan Newcastle University 4 Sept 2019
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions What is a spatial model? • A model that attempts to account for the spatial nature of data – autocorrelated and/or clustered. • Tobler’s first law of geography: “…near things are more related than distant things.” • Ignoring it is like ignoring the order of longitudinal data! • Spatial models account for the spatial dependencies in different ways via spatial smoothing. • Bayesian spatial models make this task easy: • Spatial data is inherently hierarchical; so are Bayesian models. • Different spatial structures can be specified through the prior. Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 20191
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions What is spatial smoothing? • Smoothing “flattens” a surface. • Two aspects: magnitude (extreme values) and local variation Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 20192
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions What is spatial smoothing? • Consider the time-series equivalent Trend? Trend? Trend? Seasonality Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 20193
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Why smooth? • Reduces statistical uncertainty. • Provides more insight. • The smooth surface represents a “layer” of the underlying data-generating process (similar to time-series decomposition) • Improves data confidentiality • This can be very important in epidemiological studies Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 20194
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions The problem: • Some amount of smoothing is beneficial. But HOW MUCH? • How can we quantify the degree of smoothing? • How can we compare spatial models? • Can we just rely on traditional goodness-of-fit (GoF) measures? • Typically we want to satisfy 3 objective functions: • GoF • Parsimony (simplicity over complexity) • Spatial smoothing DIC, WAIC Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 20195
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Plan: • Literature search. • Any attempts to quantify smoothing? • Can time-series approaches be applied? • Compare methods using real data. • It can be tricky to make simulated data realistic. • Simulated data can unwittingly bias results. • Publically available data is better for reproducibility and provides existing analyses. Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 20196
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Data: • Scottish lip cancer data set • First published in Clayton and Kaldor (1987) • Analysed by Breslow and Clayton (1993), Spiegelhalter et al. (2002), Duncan, White, and Mengersen (2017), and others… Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 20197
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Data: • North Carolina SIDS • First presented by Atkinson (1978) • Analysed by Cressie and Read (1989) and Banerjee, Carlin, and Gelfand (2014) amongst others… Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 20198
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Data: • New York leukemia incidence • First published by Turnball et al. (1990) • Analysed by Waller et al. (1992), Waller et al. (1994), Waller and Gotway (2004), and others… Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 20199
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Models: • Leroux et al. (2000) model • 1 spatial random effect parameter • conditional autoregressive (CAR) prior • Can be implemented in CARBayes • Inverse-gamma hyperprior on the variance • Also tested half-Normal hyperprior (using BUGS) • Besag, York and Mollié (1991) model • 2 spatial random effects • Inverse-gamma and half-Normal hyperpriors used Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201910
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Leroux model: Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201911
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions BYM model: Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201912
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Spatial weights matrix: • Determines the spatial proximity between random effects • (Controls the spatial dependencies) • Most commonly defined as a first-order, binary, adjacency weights matrix, e.g. Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201913
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Posterior summary – the risk surface: • The log risk-surface can be decomposed into: • The spatial random effect(s) (SRE): • Structured (SSRE), and • Unstructured (USRE), (BYM model only) • The covariate effect (including the intercept): • Note that the SSRE is zero centred (sum-to-zero constraint) • The risk (aka SIR) surface is then simply the exponentiated log-risk surface. Given that the smoothing applies to the SSRE only, do you expect the (log)risk-surface to be smooth? Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201914
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Posterior summary – the risk surface: • The SIR isn’t necessarily smooth due to covariate effects. • Define the covariate-adjusted SIR (CASIR) • Simply • By analogy, we can also define the covariate-adjusted raw SIR, CARSIR: • “raw” (observed) SIR is simply for BYM Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201915
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Posterior summary – the risk surface: • CASIR forms the basis of one approach to quantifying smoothing (see slide 20 and 21) • Why use CASIR over ? • It makes it comparable to the SIR (both on ratio scale) • We can compute an approximate range of permissible values: • CARSIR, and • The mean value of the neighbouring CASIR values, i.e. • (Taking logs to compute a range for is not reliable since may be zero.) Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201916
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Risk surface decomposition (Scottish lip cancer): Over-smoothed? Under-smoothed? (Results for the Leroux, inverse-gamma model) Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201917
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Risk surface decomposition (North Carolina SIDS data): (Results for the Leroux, inverse-gamma model) Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201918
Intro Methods1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Position of CASIRs relative to permissible range: • If no smoothing occurs, CASIR = CARSIR (because SIR = raw SIR) • If the maximum amount of smoothing is applied to area , then • The degree of smoothing exhibited by a given area can be quantified by considering how far the CASIR estimate has “moved” from the CARSIR towards the mean of the neighbouring CASIR values • 0 = no movement. • 1 = CASIR is equal to the neighbouring values. Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201919
Intro Methods1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Position of CASIRs relative to permissible range Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201920
Intro Methods1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Distribution of CASIR position: Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201921
Intro Methods1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Quantitative metric: • Overall measure of degree of smoothing is the proportion of areas that lie within a user-specified range • Allows user to specify desired level of smoothing. E.g. • the proportion of areas within the 90% quantile range • The proportion of areas within the range (greater preference towards models that exhibit more smoothing) Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201922
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Kurtosis Preservation: • Rongand Bailis (2017). • Address over-smoothing by using a simple moving average smoothing function such that: • the moving average window size minimises the “roughness” • with the constraint that the kurtosis of the smoothed time-series kurtosis of the original unsmoothed time-series • The idea is that the smoothed time series retains rare large-scale deviations while smoothing out more frequent modestly sized deviations. • Can we use this idea: • In a spatial context? • For quantifying rather than implementing smoothing? Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201923
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Kurtosis Preservation: • Spatial dependencies are quite different to longitudinal dependencies. • Consequently, defining “roughness” isn’t as straightforward • (Rong and Bailis(2017)define it as the standard deviation of the first-order difference series). • Could consider first-order differences between spatial neighbours. Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201924
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Kurtosis Preservation: Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201925
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Kurtosis Preservation: Drawback: appropriate degree of smoothing is assessed against model with minimum roughness. Several models are required to assess smoothing. Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201926
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Variogram: where • is the number of areas which are no more distant than the lag from area • is the variable of interest () • denotes all areas and which satisfy • is the distance between areas and • Great Circle distance • Voronoi tessellation-based distances (“the minimal number of boundaries that have to be crossed to move from one to the other”) – see Knorr-Held and Raβer (2000, pp. 14) Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201927
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Variogram: Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201928
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Other approaches: • Cohen’s kappa: • Criticism: • Designed for categorical data • Hard to choose “epidemiologically meaningful” cut-offs • Interpretation is difficult (no universal guidelines) Order of observations is ignored (see next slide)Newcastle University, Sept 201929 Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201929
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions • If there was a high degree of agreement, even 100%, could a large kappa value really imply that case A is under-smoothed? • Similarly, do small kappa values imply that case B is over-smoothed when the surface doesn’t even appear smoothed? • (This problem is related to the notion of a “baseline agreement”.) Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201930
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Classifying the models: Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201931
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Classifying the models: • Scotland Lip cancer, Leroux model, inverse-gamma prior: DIC WAIC Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201932
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Classifying the models: • Scotland Lip cancer, Leroux model, half-Normal prior: DIC WAIC Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201933
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Classifying the models: • NC SIDS, Leroux model, half-Normal prior: WAIC DIC Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201934
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Other metrics: Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201935
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Conclusions: • ‘CASIR position’ approach seems reliable • More testing required • Provides better comparison of spatial models when some level of smoothing is required? • Criteria can be adjusted to suit specific research problem/data characteristics • Variogram approach also promising • Kurtosis preservation approach may need more work • Kappa not recommended… Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201936
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Key references: Earnest, A. et al. 2007. Evaluating the effect of neighbourhood weight matrices on smoothing properties of Conditional Autoregressive (CAR) models. International Journal of Health Geographics, 6 (1), p.54. DOI: 10.1186/1476-072x-6-54. Clayton, D., and J. Kaldor. 1987. Empirical Bayes estimates of age-standardized relative risks for use in disease mapping. Biometrics43 (3): 671–81. doi:10.2307/2532003. Atkinson, D. 1978. Epidemiology of Sudden Infant Death in North Carolina: Do Cases Tend to Cluster? PHSB Studies, No. 16. Raleigh, North Carolina: N. C. Department of Human Resources, Division of Health Services, Public Health Statistics Branch. Besag, J., J. York, and A. Mollié. 1991. Bayesian image restoration with application in spatial statistics. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics43 (1): 1–20. DOI: 10.1007/BF00116466. Rong, K., and P. Bailis. 2017. ASAP: prioritizing attention via time series smoothing. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment10 (11): 1358–69. DOI: 10.14778/3137628.3137645. Leroux, B. G., X. Lei, and N. Breslow. 2000. Estimation of disease rates in small areas: a new mixed model for spatial dependence. In “Statistical models in epidemiology, the environment and clinical trials”, edited by M. E. Halloran and D. Berry, pp. 179-191. The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, vol 116. New York: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4612-1284-3_4. Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201937
Intro Methods 1 2 3 4 Results Conclusions Acknowledgements: Thank You! Contact: • earl.duncan@qut.edu.au • https://bragqut.wordpress.com/people/earl-duncan/ Earl Duncan Newcastle University, Sept 201938