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Atlanta Polyamory Inc. What is Polyamory ?

Atlanta Polyamory Inc. What is Polyamory ?. Non-Monogamy. Swinging Cheating Polyamory Polygamy Polyandry Polygyny Open relationships. Atlanta Polyamory Inc. .

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Atlanta Polyamory Inc. What is Polyamory ?

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  1. Atlanta Polyamory Inc. What is Polyamory?

  2. Non-Monogamy SwingingCheating PolyamoryPolygamy PolyandryPolygyny Open relationships

  3. Atlanta Polyamory Inc. • Founded in March of 2010 by Billy, Melissa, and Jeremy who wanted to help build a better community. • The Second Polyamory Non Profit in the USA! • The ONLY Polyamory Non Profit in the Southeast US.

  4. Polyamory According to Dictionary.com, polyamory is: • participation in multiple and simultaneous loving or sexual relationships.

  5. What is Polyamory? • Polyamory is the non-possessive, honest, responsible and ethical philosophy and practice of loving multiple people simultaneously. • Polyamory is an umbrella term which integrates traditional multi-partner relationship terms with more recent terms. Polyamory is from the root words Poly meaning many and Amor meaning Love hence “Many Loves” or Polyamory.

  6. What is Polyamory? • Polyamory is a love style. Not a group, sect, or cult asking Polyamorists to isolate themselves from their loved ones or asking them to follow a specific dogma or doctrine. • Polyamoryis about community, honesty, families, and ethics. • Polyamoryis about committing ourselves to a group of people and purpose(s) that we identify with and love to be with.

  7. Obstacles for Polyamorists • LEGAL –Fornication (GA CODE 16-9-18)- Marrying a bigamist (GA CODE 16-9-21) - Bigamy (GA CODE 16-9-20)- Adultery (GA CODE 16-9-19)- Child Services, Loss of employment • SOCIAL/FINACIAL- Social construct disobedience labels, Misunderstood as “swingers and/or cheaters” Pay more for vacations, health insurance, car insurance, NO Domestic Partner Benefits, and more.

  8. Fornication (GA CODE 16-9-18) • The act of sexual relations between Unmarried partners. Misdemeanor • OMGEEE They are having SEXORS!!!!!

  9. Bigamy (GA CODE 16-9-20) • A person commits the offense of bigamy when he, being married and knowing that his lawful spouse is living, marries another person or carries on a bigamous cohabitation with another person.--A Felony punishable with Jail time not less than 1 year or more than 10

  10. Adultery (GA CODE 16-9-19) • A married person commits the offense of adultery when he voluntarily has sexual intercourse with a person other than his spouse and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished as for a misdemeanor.

  11. Marrying a Bigamist (GA CODE 16-9-21) • An unmarried man or woman commits the offense of marrying a bigamist when he marries a person whom he knows to be the wife or husband of another.(b) It shall be an affirmative defense that the prior spouse of the bigamist has been continually absent for a period of seven years, during which time the accused did not know the prior spouse of the bigamist to be alive, or that the accused reasonably believed the bigamist was eligible to remarry.(c) A person convicted of the offense of marrying a bigamist shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than ten years. (Felony)

  12. Social • Social construct disobedience labels, IE Weirdo, lideral, hippie types that always push the limits of the legal system. • People use this as a dismissive argument to say that “insert group here” Do this for attention and society should ignore it. • Not true and they should listen because these fringe movements are what can make big changes. 

  13. Social • Misunderstood as “swingers and/or cheaters” Polyamory is not an excuse to cheat or necessarily a form of swinging. While some Polys swing and some swingers are poly the two are independent relation ship structures and should be treated as such. • Pay more for vacations, health insurance, car insurance, NO Domestic Partner Benefits, and more.

  14. Financial • Pay more for vacations, health insurance, car insurance. Family vacations are normally priced as a 4 person (2 adult 2 child) package. Adding additional adults incurs greater expenses. • Health and car insurance are based on legal dependence status

  15. Financial • NO Domestic Partner Benefits, This goes beyond health care. How about survivor benefits, Taxes, hospital visitation, child custody, act. All these things will require court orders to make official where as if Poly relationships were legally recognized they would come with all these benefits .

  16. LONG ROAD AHEAD • We know that it is going to be a long road and a lot of fighting for what we want. Maybe 20 years of more before change begins to take hold. Look how long the fight for Gay marriage took and it is still going on. • How can you help? Easy be supportive of adults in their decisions to have WHATEVER relationship they want.

  17. Poly Resources • http://atlantapolyamory.org/ • https://atlantapolyweekend.com/ • http://www.meetup.com/Atlanta-Polyamory/ • http://elisabethsheff.com/ • http://www.morethantwo.com • http://www.lovemore.com • http://polyweekly.com/

  18. Poly Resources • Article CNN Emanuella Grinberg 10-26-2013 http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/26/living/relationships-polyamory/index.html?iref=allsearch • Polyamory in the news ‎http://polyinthemedia.blogspot.com/

  19. References • Atlanta Polyamory Inc. (n.d.). Atlanta Polyamory Inc. Retrieved February 05, 2013, from http://atlantapolyamory.org/ • CONSENSUS? | Functional consensus. (n.d.). CONSENSUS? | Functional Consensus. Retrieved February 5, 2013, from http://www.functionalconsensus.org/ • Loving More Your #1 Resource for Polyamory. (n.d.). Loving More Your #1 Resource for Polyamory. Retrieved February 5, 2013, from http://www.lovemore.com/ • More Than Two | Polyamory Resources and Guidelines by Franklin Veaux. (2013, February 5). More Than Two RSS. Retrieved from http://www.morethantwo.com/

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