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Regional Public Transport Seminar Contracting, Financing and Corporate Management in public transport. OPERATION WITHOUT SUBSIDIES IN TIRANA : ACHIEVEMENT OR NIGHTMARE. Hazbi PARLLAKU Skopje, 13 October 2011. Urban Lines in Tirana. Public Transport of Passengers in Tirana.
Regional Public Transport Seminar Contracting, Financing and Corporate Managementin public transport OPERATION WITHOUT SUBSIDIES IN TIRANA : ACHIEVEMENT OR NIGHTMARE Hazbi PARLLAKU Skopje, 13 October 2011
Public Transport of Passengers in Tirana Inventari i Autobusave Bus inventory The total buses with 2 or 3 axis (capacity: 35-166 seat)…….290, that various types of bus production resulting: IVECO……………………….33 %, MAN ……………………….13.2 % ZONDA…………………….10.5 % EURORIDER+DAF…….…9 % Average age of buses: 10.7 year; • Autobusa 2-3 akse (35-166 vende) ,......290 cope, qe sipas tipeve rezultojne: • IVECO……………………….33 %, • MAN ……………………….13.2 % • ZONDA……………………10.5 % • EURORIDER+DAF………9 • Mosha mesatare e autobuzave ……………..10.7
Contract arrangements • Operime ne linjatqytetes, nje operator njelinje. • Periudha e kontrates 5 vjet. • Mosha e autobusave ne perdorimjo me shume se 10 vitesh. • AutobusattemundesojnesherbiminkomfortdhecilesitesherbimevetestandarteveEuopian. • Operations in urban lines, one operator in a line; • Contract duration: 5 years; • Average age of buses in operation: at least 10 years; • Buses ought to offer comfort and a service with good quality based on European standards.
Legislation of Public Transport • Ligji nr.8308, datë 18.3.1998, “Përtransportetrrugore”, indryshuar me ligjet nr.8908 ne 2002; nr.9373, ne2005 dhe nr.9760, ne 2007. • Ligji nr.8378, datë 22.7.1998, “KodiRrugoriRepublikëssëShqipërisë, me ndryshimet ne 2001;2004 dhe ne 2007. • Ligji nr.8652, datë 31.7.2000, “Për organizimin dhe funksionimin e qeverisjes vendore”, tëndryshuar me ligjin nr.9208, datë 18.3.2004. • Ligji nr.7581, datë 7.7.1992, "Përçmimetdhetarifat", tëndryshuar me ligjet nr.7646, datë 8.12.1992; nr.7817, datë 21.4.1994 dhe nr.7898, datë 2.2.1995 • VendimiiKeshillitteMinistrave nr.637, datë 21.5.2008, “Përndryshimin e tarifavetëtransportitqytetastëudhëtarëve” tëmiratuara me vendimin nr.146, datë 26.2.1998.” • Law number 8308, dated 18.3.1998 “Road Transport” amended with law 8908, dated 06.06.2000; law no.9373 dated 14.04.2005; law no.9760 dated 21.06.2007; • Law number 8378, dated 22.7.1998 “Road Code of Republic of Albania” amended with law nr.8738, dated 12.2.2001; law nr. 9189 dated 12.2.2004; law nr.9808, dated 24.9.2007; • Law nr.8652, dated 31.7.2000, “Organisation and functioning of local governement” amended with law nr.9208, dated18.3.2004; • Law nr.7581, dated 7.7.1992, “Prices and tariffs”, amended with law nr.7646, dated 8.12.1992; law nr.7817, dated 21.4.1994; law nr.7898, dated 2.2.1995; • Decision nr.637, dated 21.5.2008, of Council of Ministers “Changing of tariffs of public transport of passengers, approved by Decision nr 46, dated 26.2.1998 of Council of Ministers”;
Financing Public Transport Burimet e Financimit Sources of Financing The revenues from one way tickets, with the price of 0.21 € ; Revenues from monthly tickets (abbonement), according to their use: Tariffs for one line: …..6.42 €; Tariffsfor all lines:……. 8.57 €; Tariffs for students: ...4.28 € Incomes from some auxiliary services, like promotions etc. • Te ardhuratngaudhetimet me biletatteshitura per njeudhetim, me tarife......................... 0.21 €. • Te ardhuratngabiletat e pajtimitmujore, abonetsipasllojeveteperdorimttetyre: • tarife me linjattevecante..6.42 € • tarifa me linjateperziera…8.57 € • tarifat per studentet……….4.28 € • Te ardhurangadisasherbimetetjerandihmse, sireklamat,etc.
Economic and Financial Indicators of Operators of public transport of passengers in Tirana, on 2010 • Te ardhurat……6.8 mln€, • Biletatnjeperdorishme……. 55.8%, • Biletatshumeperdorimshe…43.3%. • Shpenzimet .…6.5 mln€, • Shpenzimet per karburante 47-49 % • FitimiBruto ….0.3 Mln€, • 3 here me pakngaplanifikimiipreventivuar. • Investimetgjateviteve 2010-2011 per blerjen e autobusaveterinje 7-8 mln € ne vit (ne total 19 mln Euro) • Incomes:…….6.8 million€: • One way tickets:……………55.8% • Reconciliation tickets:…..43.3% • Expenses:….6.5 million € • Expenses for fuel: 47-49% • Gross profit:..0.3 Million € • 3 times less by prevision planning ; • Investments during the years 2010-2011 for the purchase of new buses are: € 7-8 million per year (Totaling 19 million Euro)
Subsidy for Public Transport in Tirana Para vitit 2004 Before 2004 Subsidy for the years 1994 -2000 period was planned and approved from the Ministry of Transport for public transport of passengers; Subsidy, approved in the annual State Budget transferred to municipalities, for the finance urban transport operators; Since 2003 until now, in the framework for the decentralization of local government, planning and provision of subsidy is in the competence of municipalities. • Subvencioni, per periudhen e viteve 1994 -2000 planifikohejdhemiratohejngaMinisria e Transportit per transportinpublikteudhetareve • Subvencion, imiratuar ne PlaninvjetoreteBuxhetitteshtetititransferohejbashkive, me destinacion per tefinanacuaroperatoret e transportit urban. • Qyshprejvitit 2003 e deritani, ne kuadertedecentralizimittepushtetit vendor, planifikimidhedhenia e subvencioniteshte ne komptencetebashkive.
Subsidy for Public Transport in Tirana Situataaktuale e subvencionit. Actual situation related with subsidy After 2004, no private operator performing this service has received a subsidy or a although operating under contract agreement; Legal framework for planning and provision of subsidy exists, through the planning process by municipality, together with the activity of cleaning, greening, etc. These are included in grant funds that Government allocates for Municipality. • Pas vitit 2004, asnjeopertorprivatqesherben ne transportinpublik ne Tiranenuk ka marresubvencionet, edhepseeshteoperuar me kontrate. • Hapsiraligjore per planifikimindhedhenien e subvencionitekziston, nepermjetprocesitteplanifikimitngaana e bashkive,sebashku me aktivitetin e pastrimit, tegjelberimit, etj duke u perfshire ne fondet grant qejepQeveria.
Subsidy for Public Transport in Tirana Aktualititet Actuality Subsidy of private operators is not provided for 2010 and 2011, for: 1. Subsidy for all categories travelling free (i.e. disabled, etc). Subvencioniioperatoreve private nukeshteparashikuardherealizuar per vitin 2010 e 2011, edhe me : • Subvencion per kategorite e njerezveqeudhetojne pa pagese.
Subsidy for Public Transport in Tirana Aktualititet Actuality 2. Subsidy for ticket price difference. 3. Subsidy for monthly ticket price difference. 2. Subvencion per diferencen e cmimittebiletes. 3. Subvencion per diferencen e cmimitteabonimitmujor.
Subsidy for Public Transport in Tirana Domosdoshmeria e Subvencionit The necessity for subsidy 1. To cover the cost of transport for citizens who profit free transport or reduced price. 2. To cover the cost of increasing annual taxes of registration for buses, approved in August 2011. • Per mbulimin e kostose se transportitfalasteqytetaretepercaktuar me ligjsiinvalide, veterane, te verber, jetime dhe atyre me gjysem cmimi per studentet. • Per mbulimin e shpenzimeveterritjes se takases se rregjistrimitvjetoreteautobusave, tehyre ne fuqi ne Gushtin e vitit 2011.
Subsidy for Public Transport in Tirana Domosdoshmeria e Subvencionit The necessity of subsidy 3. To improve the quality of urban service in Tirana. Recently years for the purchase of new buses, the operators invested about 19 million EUR; 4. With the lack of investments for infrastructure and implementing dedicated bus lanes, removing the parings in the main axes of the road etc. 3. Per rritjen e cilesise se sherbimit ose te nivelit te standartit te sherbimit urban ne Tirane. Ku vitet e fundit per blejen e autobusavejaneinvestuarrreth 19 Mln Euro. 4. Ne mungesen e investimeve per infrastrukturen per kalimin ne Linjatededikuara “Bus Line”, heqjen e parkimeve ne aksetkryesore,etj
Subsidy for Public Transport in Tirana Domosdoshmeria e Subvencionit The necessity for subsidy 5. The lack of differences in the V.A.T tax system, in customs system, in the price of fuel, local taxes, et. Specific percent of fuel expenses is over 40% of total structure of expenses. 5. Mungesa e diferencimeve ne sistemin fiskal per TVSH,ne taksat doganore, ne cmimin e karburanteve dhe ne taksat e tjera vendore,et. Pesha specifika e shpenzimve te karbuantit e ka kaluar nvieln e 40 % te struktures se kostes.
Subsidy for Public Transport in Tirana Me investimet e bere ne blerjen e autobusaveterinjedhengritja e taksavetemjetevetetransportin, ne lidhje me impaktin e mjedist per vitin 2011, treguesitfinanciarparashikohenteperteperkeqesuar e deri me humbje. Subvencioni= Makth Investments made to purchase the new buses and the incensement of taxes, related with the environmental aspect for 2011, financial indicators are highly worsened up to the loss. Subsidy = Nightmare
Suggestion made by SHKTQ 1. Mbeshtetje e vecante e zgjidhaj e kerkesave nga pushteti Qendror dhe Lokal per transportin publik ne Tirane. 2.Hartimin e nje masterplani te ri te transportit urban nga Bashkia e Tiranes. 3. Krijimin e terminaleve per autobusat e linjave rrethqytetse dhe nderqytetese, larg qendres, per te eliminuar konfuzionin ne rruget e Tiranes. 1 -Support from Central and Local Government for Public Transport in Tirana; 2 - Creating a new master plan for urban transport by Tirana Municipality; 3- The establishment of terminals for suburban buses and interurban buses, to eliminate traffic congestion on the streets of Tirana;
Faleminderit per Vemendjen HazbiParllaku President iShoqatesKombetareteTransportitPublik ne Tirane THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! HazbiParllaku E-mail: hazbiparllaku@yahoo.com President, Albanian Association of Public Transport