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当我们同心敬拜 dang wo men tong xin jing bai As we worship You o Lord 祢荣耀充满这地

Verse 1. 当我们同心敬拜 dang wo men tong xin jing bai As we worship You o Lord 祢荣耀充满这地 Ni rong yao chong man zhe di May Your glory fill this place. 合一宣教 He yi xuan jiao 1/20. Verse 1. 怜悯医治 lian min yi zhi Lord have mercy 祢的子民 Ni de zi min And heal Your people. 合一宣教

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当我们同心敬拜 dang wo men tong xin jing bai As we worship You o Lord 祢荣耀充满这地

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Verse1 当我们同心敬拜 dang wo men tong xin jing bai As we worship You o Lord 祢荣耀充满这地 Ni rong yao chong man zhe di May Your glory fill this place 合一宣教 He yi xuan jiao 1/20

  2. Verse1 怜悯医治 lian min yi zhi Lord have mercy 祢的子民 Ni de zi min And heal Your people 合一宣教 He yi xuan jiao 2/20

  3. Verse1 当我们谦卑呼求 dang wo men qian bei hu qiu As we humbly call on You Lord 祢洁净我们嘴唇 Ni jie jing wo men zui chun Wash away all our sins 合一宣教 He yi xuan jiao 3/20

  4. Verse1 赐下灵火 ci xia ling huo Send holy fire 复兴我们 fu xing wo men And revive us 合一宣教 He yi xuan jiao 4/20

  5. Verse2 主祢察看世人的痛 Zhu Ni cha kan shi ren de tong Look at the pain of this world 侧耳聆听他们哀声 ce er ling ting ta men ai sheng Listen closely to their cries 合一宣教 He yi xuan jiao 5/20

  6. Verse2 求祢赐下 qiu Ni ci xia Lord please send us 祢的救恩 Ni de jiu en Your saving grace 合一宣教 He yi xuan jiao 6/20

  7. Verse2 主说有谁愿意被差 Zhu shuo you shui yuan yi bei chai Lord says whom shall I send 谁肯为我们而去 shui ken wei wo men er qu And who will go for us 合一宣教 He yi xuan jiao 7/20

  8. Verse2 到那黑暗 dao na hei an To the land of darkness 堕落之地 duo luo zhi di And of the lost 合一宣教 He yi xuan jiao 8/20

  9. Chorus 差遣我们 如羊进入狼群 cai qian wo men ru yang jin ru lang qun Send us o LordLike sheep among wolves 抢救失丧的灵魂 qiang jiu shi sang de ling hun Save the soul of the lost 合一宣教 He yi xuan jiao 9/20

  10. Chorus 付上一切的代价 fu shang yi qie de dai jia Take up our cross 如同祢被钉在十架上 ru tong Ni bei ding zai shi jia shang Just like You were nailed on the cross 合一宣教 He yi xuan jiao 10/20

  11. Chorus 差遣我们 宣扬祢的慈爱 cai qian wo men xuan yang Ni de ci ai Send us o LordProclaiming Your great love 建造荣耀的国度 jian zao rong yao de guo du Building Your glorious kingdom 合一宣教 He yi xuan jiao 11/20

  12. Chorus 圣洁的国度 sheng jie de guo du Holy kingdom 祢合一的国度 Ni he yi de guo du Your kingdom of Oneness 合一宣教 He yi xuan jiao 12/20

  13. Bridge 主 祢立我们  Zhu Ni li wo men LordYou appoint us 在列国列邦之上 zai lie guo lie bang zhi shang Over nations and kingdoms 合一宣教 He yi xuan jiao 13/20

  14. Bridge 宣扬祢福音  xuan yang Ni fu yin Proclaiming Your gospel 见证祢的作为 jian zheng Ni de zuo wei Witness to Your great works 合一宣教 He yi xuan jiao 14/20

  15. Bridge 愿祢国度降临  yuan Ni guo du jiang lin May Your kingdom come 祢旨意成全 Ni zhi yi cheng quan Your will be done 合一宣教 He yi xuan jiao 15/20

  16. Bridge 祢的权柄   Ni de quan bing Your kingdom 统管万有 tong guan wan you Rules over all 合一宣教 He yi xuan jiao 16/20

  17. Ending 差遣我们 忠于祢的呼召   cai qian wo men zhong yu Ni de hu zhao Send us o LordFaithful to Your calling 我们同心祷告 wo men tong xin dao gao We agree in prayer 合一宣教 He yi xuan jiao 17/20

  18. Ending 齐心建造  qi xin jian zao Together we build 遵守主的大诫命 zun shou Zhu de da jie ming Fulfilling Your great commandment 合一宣教 He yi xuan jiao 18/20

  19. Ending 差遣我们 为了华族的救恩   cai qian wo men wei le hua zu de jiu en Send us o LordFor the Chinese’s salvation 我们各尽其职 wo men ge jin qi zhi We fulfill our own roles 合一宣教 He yi xuan jiao 19/20

  20. Ending 合而为一  he er wei yi Yet be in one 完成主的大使命 wan cheng Zhu de da shi ming Accomplishing the great commission 合一宣教 He yi xuan jiao 20/20

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