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MASS-TO-LIGHT FUNCTION: from Galaxies to Superclusters. Celebrating Vera Rubin Neta A. Bahcall Princeton University.
MASS-TO-LIGHT FUNCTION: from Galaxies to Superclusters Celebrating Vera Rubin Neta A. Bahcall Princeton University
“In a spiral galaxy, the ratio of dark-to-light matter is about a factor of ten. That's probably a good number for the ratio of our ignorance-to-knowledge. We're out of kindergarten, but only inabout third grade.”
Vera’s Rotation Curves M/L Kaptyen (Local) 1920’s Zwicky (Clusters) 1930s Rubin (Galaxies) 1970s ( M/L ~ R )
Mass-to-Light FunctionM/L(R) • How does M/L depend on scale? • How and where is the mass distributed? • How use it to weigh Universe? • <M/L>rep Luniv(Lo/Vol) = m(Mo/Vol) • Determine M, <M/L> of clusters, SCs, LSS <M/L> rep [≈ 300h] • m ~ 0.2 +-0.05
Weighing Clusters 3 Basic Methods • Motion of galaxies[MR ~ v2R] Temperature of hot gas[MR~TR] Gravitational lensing[MR]
M/L(R) (Davis etal 1980) Ωm=1 Clusters Groups Galaxies
Mass-to-Light Function (Bahcall, Lubin & Dorman ‘95; Bahcall and Fan ‘98) Ωm = 1.0 Ωm = 0.3 Ωm=0.25 1. M/L flattens on large-scales: M ~ L. End of Dark Matter. 2. Sp + E produce M/L of groups, clusters; Clusters: ~ no excess DM ! 3. Most of the DM is in huge halos around galaxies ( ~200-300 Kpc)
Mass-to-Light Function (Bahcall, Lubin & Dorman ‘95; Bahcall and Fan ‘98) SDSS Ωm=0.2
M/L(R) Function: simulations(Bahcall, Yu, etal ’01) Same shape as observed: FLAT on large-scales (M ~ L) Cluster M/L increases with Mcl. Explains M/L Groups to Clusters Anti-Bias of Rich Clusters: their M/LB larger than average (LB low)
Cluster M/L versus T (or M) (Bahcall and Comerford ’02) M/L=(173+-29) Tkev0.30+-0.08 Data vs Sims Data vs Sims Due to mergers (lowers L at a fixed Mass)? Increase in E-fraction; Older systems (L fades)?
Theory vs. Observations (Bahcall, Yu, et al ‘01) ------------- ----------
SDSS Cluster Mass Profile: Weak Lensing 2x104 SDSS clusters, N=3 to 220. (Sheldon et al 2008) X = R200 NFW
Cluster M/Li(R) Profile (SDSS, weak lensing2x104 clusters N= 3 to 220 (Sheldon etal 2008) Flat >~ 1Mpc M ~ L X=R(vir)
Cluster (M/L)200 versus M200 M/L~M0.33+-0.02 M/L ~ M0.33+-0.02
M/Li(r=22Mpc) vs. Mcl(SDSS; Sheldon etal ‘08) Ωm= 0.2 +- .03 Flat M/L on large scales; SAME for ALL clusters!
M/L Function: Conclusions • M/L Function Flattens on Large Scales M ~ L(reaching end of Dark-Matter) • Dark Matter located mostly in large galactic halos ~300s Kpc) Group/Clusters: made up of Sp+E; no significant additional DM • Cluster M/L increases slightly with M (mergers?) • Rich clusters M/LB is ‘Anti-biased’ (M/LB>mean) • Asymptotic Cluster M/Li(22Mpc) is same for ALL Groups and Clusters, 362+-54h ! • Mass-Density of Univers: m = 0.2 +- 0.04
Improved Cluster Mass Tracer from SDSS(R.Reyes etal 2008) • Improved optical cluster mass tracer from SDSS, using weak-lensing calibration • Tested M200 versus N200 (richness), L200, LBCG, and combinations (avail in many surveys) • Best tracer (least scatter, highest Mcl): Combination of RichnessandLBCG: M ~ N1.2 LBCG0.7 M200 = (1.27+-0.08) (N200/20)1.20+-0.09 x [LBCG/<LBCG>(N200)]0.71+-0.14 • LBCGimportant second parameter. Consistent with merger picture: At fixed Mcl mergers produce Lower N and Brighter LBCG
M200 vs. LBCG [at fixed N200] (Reyes etal ‘08) M200 = (1.27+-0.08) (N200/20)1.20+-0.09 x [LBCG/<LBCG>(N200)]0.71+-0.14
Weighing the Universe M/L Function m= 0.2 +- 0.04 Baryon Fraction 0.24 +- 0.04 Cluster Abundance 0.2 +- 0.05 and Evolution [8 =0.9 +- 0.1] • Supernovae Ia + Flat 0.25 +- 0.05 • CMB + LSS + h + Flat 0.24 +- 0.04 m ≈ 0.23 +- 0.05 4% Baryons + ~20% Dark Matter • Mass ~ Light
“ The joy and fun of understanding the universe is what we bequeath to our grandchildren and their grandchildren. With over 90% of the matter in the universe still to play with, even the sky will not be the limit.” Vera C. Rubin
Dedication to Women inScienceGreatWall, China 1986 (Margaret, Anna, Vera, Neta)