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Scalp distribution of human frequency-following responses to pitch contours in mandarin tones. Jiong Hu Fall 2008. Introduction -- FFR. A type of sustained brainstem neural activity that reflects the potentials integrated over a population of neural elements
Scalp distribution of human frequency-following responses to pitch contours in mandarin tones Jiong Hu Fall 2008
Introduction -- FFR • A type of sustained brainstem neural activity that reflects the potentials integrated over a population of neural elements • Has periodic peaks with intervals that correspond to the periodicity of the stimulus token. • Reveals the phase-locking activity of a population of neural elements that is to the individual cycles of the stimulus waveform and the envelope of periodic stimuli
Introduction -- FFR • Carry information about certain steady-state and time-variant acoustic features of speech sounds • Preserve information about the spectra and pitch of speech sounds • Thus, speech stimuli have been used to study the response characteristics of the FFR
Introduction -- FFR • Besides those studies in FFR to neural representations of both steady-state and time-variant stimuli, voice pitch had undergone substantial researches recently • The human FFR representation of pitch contours (pitch contour following response, PCFR)
Introduction -- PCFR Why Chinese Tones? • Lexical tones have harmonics and pitch trajectories that lie within the range of easily recordable PCFRs • Different directional rising or falling of the contours of those lexical tones permits researchers the possibility of examining complex contours and directional changes in pitch • Those syllables allow people to evaluate the encoding of spectral components as well as voice pitch that are associated with vowels and lexical tones
Introduction -- PCFR Recording Montage • To date, all of the previous studies on human PCFR used only one channel recording • Multiple recording montages were used by previous researchers
Introduction -- PCFR Recording Montage (Inverting - NonInverting - Gnd) • Fz - C7 - Fpz (Krishnan et al., 2002; Krishnan et al., 2004; Krishnan et al., 2005) • Fz - ipsimastoid - Fpz/Fz - ipsimastoid – contramastoid (Swaminathan et al., 2008) • Cz - ipsilateral earlobe - Fpz (Krista et al., 2005) • Cz - posterior midline of the neck - collar bone (Dajani et al., 2005)
Introduction -- PCFR What about the distribution on human scalp? • There are no studies aimed to examine the distribution • The best location to record PCFR? • Where is the “hot spot” on its scalp topography?
What is the scalp distribution of PCFRs in response to Mandarin tones? Research Question
Hypotheses • PCFR has a typical response onset latency of about 6 ms • Phase-locked neural activity primarily arises from neural elements deep inside the brain • Homogeneousdistribution on the scalp ? • Small magnitude differences between recording locations? • A unique pattern on the scalp for acoustically evoked ABR. (Starr et al., 1982; Norrix et al., 1996)
Hypotheses • The scalp distribution of the PCFR will be inhomogeneous with a specific pattern. • The PCFR scalp topography will have the largest response amplitudes located at the temporal area contralateral to the stimulation site.
Specific Aims • To quantify and investigate the topographical distribution of the PCFRs on the scalp. • To determine the most promising location and recording montage to mearsure the Mandarin-tone elicited PCFRs.
Methodology-- Subjects • Twelve native speakers of Mandarin Chinese, ranging in age from 20 to 30 years • Hearing threshold greater than 20 dB HL for octave frequencies between 250 and 8000 Hz • Eyes closed and recline on a comfortable chair in an acoustically and electrically treated sound booth
Methodology-- Stimulus Presentation • A set of monosyllabic Mandarin Chinese syllables will be prepared to contrast the four lexical tones: yi1, yi2, yi3, yi4 • Recorded by a native Mandarin Chinese male speaker, with a sampling rate of 40000 samples/sec • Duration of 250 ms with a rising and falling time of 10 ms. The inter-stimulus-interval will be set to 50 ms.
Methodology-- Stimulus Presentation • LabView software written in National Instrument, delivers a trigger pulse synchronized to the onset of each stimulus token • PCI 6221 Input-output card, sampling rate of 40 kHz • Wavetek low-pass filter, TDT PA4, TDT HB6 • Custom-built electromagnetically-shielded insert earphone (Etymotics, ER-3A) • Presented monaurally to the right ear at 55 dB SPL • Two trials of 1100 repetitions for each token
Methodology-- Recording System • Fourteen electrodes will be placed on the scalp based on the modified international 10-20 recording system • Cz, Fz, C3, C4, T3, T4, F3, F4, P3, P4, O1, O2, M1, M2
Methodology-- Recording System • Mid-place between Cz and Cpz serves as non-inverting • low-forehead (Fpz) serves as the Ground • impedances will be maintained below • Amplified through NeuroScan SynAmp2 (24 bit resolution, least significant bit: 0.15 nV) • Recorded using the NeruoScan ACQUIRE 4.3 software, bandpass filtered at 0.05–3500 Hz (6 dB/octave)
Methodology-- Data Analysis • MatLab (2007b) and EEGLab (6.0.1b) • 100-3000 Hz band-pass filter; Segmented 0 to 30 ms • Artifact rejection criteria: • After averaging, carry out a periodicity detection short-term autocorrelation algorithm (Boersma, 1993) on both the stimulus and recordings • Find the major maxima in the autocorrelation function of both the stimulus and response, calculate the corresponding pitch strength • Determine the relative pitch strength between them • Plot a relative pitch strength (PCFR topography) on the scalp
Preliminary Examination • Figure 1: Spectrogram of the stimulus and response
Preliminary Examination • Figure 2: Autocorrelation function, Autocorrelogram, Spectrogram and Power spectral density of the response.
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