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The State of STEM in a Time of Transition Chris Roe, CSLNet Gateways STEM Stakeholder Meeting

The State of STEM in a Time of Transition Chris Roe, CSLNet Gateways STEM Stakeholder Meeting Oct. 10, 2014. The State of STEM in a Time of Transition. New research and key reports on STEM Deeper look into three key STEM policy areas/opportunities: NGSS: The long and winding road…

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The State of STEM in a Time of Transition Chris Roe, CSLNet Gateways STEM Stakeholder Meeting

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  1. The State of STEM in a Time of Transition Chris Roe, CSLNet Gateways STEM Stakeholder Meeting Oct. 10, 2014

  2. The State of STEM in a Time of Transition • New research and key reports on STEM • Deeper look into three key STEM policy areas/opportunities: • NGSS: The long and winding road… • New education financing & accountability systems • Computer science education • Your turn: Take Action

  3. STEM Task Force report • Key Recommendations: • Increase public awareness of STEM • Increase resources for STEM from all stakeholders (government, business, philanthropy, communities) through new funding, in-kind support, multi-sector participation, and innovative public/private partnerships • Make access to high-quality STEM experiences and programs through a opportunities in school, expanded learning, and community partnerships

  4. STEM Task Force Recommendations • Key Recommendations (Cont’d): • Establish a K-12 STEM Framework for teaching and learning that identifies the sequence of STEM knowledge, skills, and attitudes toward developing college, career, and life readiness skills • Integrate STEM into assessment and accountability systems • Ensure that state, regional, and local STEM educators can identify and access excellent learning resources.

  5. NGSS: The Long & Winding Road New Financing System Teacher Prep & Credentialing New Accountabilty Systems Connections to other disciplines NGSS Assessment Development CA NGSS Curriculum Framework Development NGSS Statewide Implementation Plan NGSS Adopted – Sept 2013

  6. New Education Financing System: Where Does STEM Fit? • LCFF: new funding system for public schools • LCAP: Starting with 2014-15 academic year districts must develop a plan for how they will use state funds. • State has identified 8 Priorities that districts must address in their LCAP with input from stakeholders. • includes Academic Content Standards (Priority 2)

  7. LCAP Research re: STEM & Science • Ed Trust-West - LCAP Watch to provide transparency http://lcapwatch.org/ • Searchable, crowd-sourced database accessible to public • CSLNet role: Conduct research re: STEM & Science • Sampled 92 districts: • 50 largest districts in California • Largest district in each county not already part of the sample *

  8. Findings re: STEM & NGSS • 41% included some reference to STEM • Top three STEM related activities: • CTE Coursework (9.1%) & Career Pathways (4.5%) • Expanded Learning (9.1%) • 43% included references to NGSS • 28% included reference to professional learning

  9. Next Steps • Advocate for changes to LCAP Template to clarify Priority 2. • Work with partners to develop a best practices guide for including STEM and NGSS in LCAPs.

  10. Computer Science Education: K-12 through Workforce • Challenge #1 - Access • Insufficient course offerings in K-12 • 9 of 10 students will leave K-12 with no CS course • Challenge #2 - Completion • Production of computer scientists is low given key role in CA economy • Few women and under-represented students among degrees awarded • Challenge #3 – Workforce Demand • Projections all point to significant increases in the demand for computer science jobs through 2022.

  11. Computer Science Degrees: CA Flatlines While Nation Rebounds

  12. Computer Science Degrees: Women & URMs Lose Ground

  13. Your Part: Call to Action • Help CA develop a robust plan for implementing NGSS • Ensure that in 2015 LCAPs, 100% address science and 75% address STEM • Support increased awareness among LEAs • Support increased awareness among students and parents about STEM • Help California develop a comprehensive policy agenda for computer science

  14. Got Questions??? Thank You!!! Contact Information: Email: croe@cslnet.org Website: cslnet.org Twitter: @CSLNet_roe

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