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Leaders in International Health Program (LIHP) 2013. Module 8 activities December 03, 2013. Convergence of Health Agendas PAHO, UNASUR and ACTO: A possible cooperation?. ParticipantS : Ximena Pamela Díaz Bermúdez : OPS/OMS
Leaders in International Health Program (LIHP) 2013 Module 8 activities December 03, 2013
Convergence of Health Agendas PAHO, UNASUR and ACTO: A possible cooperation? ParticipantS: XimenaPamelaDíazBermúdez: OPS/OMS FláviaThedim Costa Bueno: Instituto Suramericano de Gobierno en Salud –ISAGS/UNASUR Luis Francisco Sánchez Otero: Organización del Tratado de Cooperación Amazónica - OTCA
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1. PROBLEM • Existence of multiple health agendas currently in development, with frailties of coordination and synergy between the actors, which can lead to duplication of effort.
Health agendas of the agencies to which we belong as a team have common points based on the MDGs and DSS PHC. Some points with similar activities with risk of duplication of activities. The actors are in most cases the same. Several previous labor agreements with countries 2. JUSTIFICATION
3. FORCES • International relations (constitutive treaty bodies - general strategic policy guidelines, values, etc..) • International Cooperation (cooperation strategies health blocks, cooperation models used)
3. FORCES External policies of Member countries internationalrelations • Strategies and models of international cooperation • Political and strategic guidelines of the institutions. • Relationships are established between the states. • Signed international commitments. • Capacity of countries to implement these agreements. Health agendas of international organizations Insatitutionalstrategicpoliticalguidelines Strategies and models of international cooperation privateinterests
4. UTILITY • Develop a common baseline between the three organizations, to guide health work. • From the present analysis points of convergence for the development of joint projects. • Identify lines of action (and communication) that can be implemented among agencies to minimize duplication and promote joint efforts.
Exist convergences on the agendas of Health PAHO / WHO, UNASUR and ACTO? 5. GENERETOR QUESTION
Characterize possible areas of cooperation, based on the analysis of convergence of the health agenda of PAHO/WHO, UNASUR and ACTO in South America countries. 6. GENERAL PURPOSE
Identify the thematic lines of cooperation in health developed by PAHO / WHO, UNASUR and OCTA; Check the agreements and understandings between these agencies over the past five years; Define the main strengths, vulnerabilities and best practices on cooperation established by PAHO / WHO, UNASUR and ACTO. 7. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES
Comparative analysis focused on the analysis of the diaries, official documents, work plans and agreements PAHO, UNASUR and ACTO. 8. PROJECT TYPE
POLICY ANALYSIS IN THE REGION Foreign policy of the Countries Bi / tri NationalCooperation Regional/Subregional Cooperation International Law (Treaties, Agreements) Amazon Cooperation Agenda Quinquennial Plan 2010-2015 Health Agenda for the Americas
RELATIONS BETWEEN INTERGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS IN INTERNATIONAL HEALTH Internacional Health • Principal Estate Nation Focus International Agreements • emphasis Interests of the Country Needs Countries
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN AGENDAS IN OUR PROJECT Numberof country members PAHO: 35 UNASUR: 12 ACTO: 08 OTCA UNASUR Plan quinquenal 2010 – 2015 Presupuesto para programas Agenda de Cooperación Amazónica Presupuesto por Programas y Proyectos
METHODOLOGY ANALYSIS AND MAPPING OF SHARES First: Literature review and data collection by a matrix Health agenda PAHO/WHO Work Agenda CSS ACTO Work Agenda Product: Set of subjects / cross agendas
FACTORS THAT MAY AFFECT DECISIONS Significance: Relationship between objectives and stakeholder participation Power: influences, decisions, Resource Control Marcos: Vision of world Resources: Availability mobilization of financial, technical, symbolic Risk-return: Meanings of what is at stake for institutions Interests: Expectations, benefits
SELECTION OF TOPICS OF WORK Second stage: Selection and analysis of tracer topic Mapping the converging agendas in health; Identification of joint synergies and strategic issues between these converging agendas; Identification and selection of a structuring element tracer possible converging agendas among these agencies. Mappingcommonalitiesworking
FINAL PROPOSAL FOR COOPERATION IN CONVERGENCE ISSUES • Third: Develop baseline proposal that allows to propose strategies for triangular cooperation, which will be presented to the leaders of the three agencies. Salas SISI Resultado delanálisis de las agendas de trabajo y lospuntos comunes de trabajo Analisis de factibilidad institucional Acuerdos de trabajo y comunicación de actividades BENEFICIARIOS DIRECTOS E INDIRECTOS
MODULE 8: Our Task • Develop general considerations on the relationship of the country project topic with the force of trade. • Explain if the discussions and activities of the module helped you to define new possibilities regarding your country project topic.
Forces and contexts External policies of Member countries internationalrelations • The main force of our project is the International relations. • We also see cross-cutting perspectives: • External country policy • International cooperation model • Private sector • Institutional Politic and Strategic guidelines Health agendas of international organizations Insatitutionalstrategicpoliticalguidelines Strategies and models of international cooperation privateinterests
TRADE FORCE • economies of the countries in the context of globalization are more linked than ever and the field of health is strongly marked by the different interests of the global economy. • private interests are present in the scenario of the health agendas, and they can constituted, depending on the contexts a central element in the configuration of responses to the large health problems that lives the region.
Relationship between trade and financial factors on health management in International Relations Economic Power andInternationalRules Relevantaccordings International Actors COUNTRY(IES) FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC POLICIES Internationalcoopertion International Actors HEALTH SYSTEMS
TRADE FORCES • Full right to health is an exercise that demands not only the effort of the health sector, particularly, in the constitution of comprehensive and quality health systems, but also of other sectors like that of the production and the trade • Many countries carry out to negotiations on trade agreements, such as TRIPS that can affect directly the access to the drugs. • As UN documents point out the standards of protection of the intellectual property can have direct effect in the access health technologies and drugs (UN, 2009).
TRADE FORCES • Drug production involves four dimensions: highlightening two of them: techno science and market • The role of the industry has been subject to academic reflection, political and economic dispute with an important role performed by the state and its entities: health authority and regulatory frameworks
Why is trade analysis relevant to our project • Increase the role of the states in the recognition of use of the flexibilities of the Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of the Intellectual Property Rights as a strategy to guarantee people's access to the drugs. • Generating evidence on the relationships between health, equity, and trade is a challenge in the region and the dissemination of this information can be useful for the citizenship and the active role of the social groups in the struggle for the health as right. • With the development of the Agendas, in one moment, this could be a important theme to have cross activities between PAHO, UNASUR and ACTO.