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Weather Adventures in Guangzhou and England

Discover the contrasting weather of Guangzhou and England through a student's experiences in this language learning activity. Learn about the unique climates and seasons in these locations, and engage in a fun comprehension exercise.

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Weather Adventures in Guangzhou and England

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Now I am /look.... I was/looked...before.

  2. How is the weather?

  3. Free talk How many seasons are there in a year in Guangzhou? What are they?

  4. What is the weather like in spring in Guagnzhou? It usually rains and it's warm and wet. So don't forget to take your umbrella!

  5. What is the weather like in summer? It's sunny and it is too hot to go outside. out side outside

  6. What is the weather like in autumn? It's cool and windy. The trees are green in spring and summer. In autum , they turn yellow. turn

  7. What is the weather like in winter? It never snows , but it is sometimes very cold. Don't forget to put on your coat when you play outside.

  8. What about the weather in England? Is the weather in England the same asin Guangzhou? 2020/1/6

  9. pen friends Mary Wang Jun

  10. He is in England now. He learnedsomething interesting about the weather in England and he told Mary in a letter.

  11. What did he learn? Let's listen and watch.

  12. 8:00 9:00 The people in England can have four seasons in on day! 2020/1/6

  13. Four seasons in one day Dear Mary, _________________________ ____________________________. Yours, Wang Jun

  14. First read: Read and answers. Dscuss and find the answers in four. 1).What season was it in the morning? 2). What season was it at lunchtime? 3). What season was it in the afternoon? It was ______ and __________. winter summer It was ________. spring It was ________. autumn

  15. Second read: Find out the answers in the letter, underline the sentences and number them. (细读全文,在文中找出下列问题的答案并划线,在所划答案旁标出题号。) 1).What was the weather like in the morning? 2). What was the temperature? 3). What did Wang Jun do before he go to his new school? 4).What was the weather like when Wang Jun was outside? 5). What was the weather like at lunch time? 6). What was the weather like at 3:00 p.m in the afternoon?

  16. Dear Mary, Today was my first day in England and I learned something interestiing about the weather here. It was cold in the morning. The weather report said the temperature was only 15℃, so I put on a lot of clothes before I went to my new school. 1).What was the weather like in the morning? It was cold in the morning.

  17. 15℃ Dear Mary, Today was my first day in England and I learned something interestiing about the weather here. It was cold in the morning. The weather report saidthe temperature was only 15℃, so I put on a lot of clothes before I went to my new school. say 的过去式 2).What was the temperature? It was only 15℃.

  18. Dear Mary, Today was my first day in England and I learned something interestiing about the weather here. It was cold in the morning. The weather report said the temperature was only 15℃, so I put on a lot of clothes before Iwent to my new school. put的过去式 go 的过去式 3).What did Wang Jun dobefore he go to his new school? He put on lots of clothes before he went to school.

  19. When I was outside the weather quickly changed. The clouds went away; the sky turned blue and the sun started to shine. I was so hot! Then at lunch time I wanted to go to the playground, but the sky was black and it was raining hard. I had no umbrella. I thought, "How can I go home after school?" But when school finished at 3:00 p.m. , there was no rain.Now it was very windy and cool. I put on my coat and walked home. 4). What was the weather like when Wang Jun was outside? It was sunny and hot.

  20. "When I was outside the weather quickly changed. The clouds went away; the sky turned blue and the sun started to shine. "

  21. "When I was outside the weather__________. The clouds _________; the sky _______ and the sun ____________ "

  22. When I was outside the weather quickly changed. The clouds went away; the sky turned blue and the sun started to shine. I was so hot! Then at lunch time I wanted to go to the playground, but the sky was black and it was raining hard. I had no umbrella. I thought, "How can I go home after school?" But when school finished at 3:00 p.m. , there was no rain.Now it was very windy and cool. I put on my coat and walked home. 5). What was the weather like at lunch time? It was rainy.

  23. "Then at lunchtime I wanted to go to the playground, but the sky was black and it was raining hard. " It was raining cats and dogs.

  24. Did Wang Jun look happy? He was worried. Why did he worry ?

  25. When I was outside the weather quickly changed. The clouds went away; the sky turned blue and the sun started to shine. I was so hot! Then at lunch time I wanted to go to the playground, but the sky was black and it was raining hard. I had no umbrella. I thought, "How can I go home after school?" But when school finished at 3:00 p.m. , there was no rain.Now it was very windy and cool. I put on my coat and walked home. have 的过去式 think 的过去式 Because he had no umbrella. He thought, "How can I go home after school?"

  26. When I was outside the weather quickly changed. The clouds went away; the sky turned blue and the sun started to shine. I was so hot! Then at lunch time I wanted to go to the playground, but the sky was black and it was raining hard. I had no umbrella. I thought, "How can I go home after school?" But when school finished at 3:00 p.m. , there was no rain.Now it was very windy and cool. I put on my coat and walked home. 6). What was the weather like at 3:00 p.m in the afternoon? It was windy and cool.

  27. "But when school finished at 3:00 p.m. , there was no rain.Now it was very windy and cool. I put on my coat and walked home. " 放学

  28. Four seasons in one day in England in the morning sunny, hot in the morning cold 8:00 9:00 at lunchtime rainy in the afternoon windy, cool The weather in England changes a lot in one day! It’s really true! 2020/1/6

  29. Four seasons in one day In the morning it was cold , it was cold. Cold , cold ! In the morning It was cold, it was cold. Cold, cold. When I wasoutside, the weather quickly changed, When I was outside, the weather quickly changed. Quickly changed. The clouds went away , the sky turned blue. Blue, blue! The clouds went away, the sky turned blue. Blue, blue! The sun started to shine, to shine, The sun started to shine, to shine. Shine, shine! At lunchtime it was raining hard. Raining hard. At lunchtime it was raining hard. Raining hard. But when school finished at 3:00 p.m.; It was very windy and cool. Cool, cool!

  30. Read the letter quickly and circlev-ed. Third read: 快速读信,并圈出信中出现的动词过去式。

  31. Read the past tense words and find the rules. was-is changed-change learned-learn turned-turn thought-think said-say started-start finished-finish put-put wanted-want walked-walk went-go had-have/has

  32. Read and match . 2020/1/6

  33. Let me tell you something interesting about the weather in England. 2.When I was outside : The weather....changed. The clouds...away, the sky...blue, and the sun....shine. I ...hot. 1.In the morning : It... cold . the weather report said....15℃, so I put on lots of clothes before...went...my new... Four seasons in one day 3.At lunchtime: I wanted to go the the playgound, but the sky was...... It ...raining... ...had no... I thought," How can....after...?" 4.But When school finished at 3 p.m. there was no... Now, it was...and... I put on...and walked... So it's really true. In England you can have four seasons in one day.

  34. We learned: The weather in England changes a lot in one day! Dear 人名, _________________________ ____________________________. Yours, 人名 收 信 人 写 信 人

  35. Homework Read another passage about the the weather in England in the worksheet. 2.Create a weather report for England. 35

  36. Weather report Good morning , everyone. I am... Here's the weather report for England tomorrow. In the morning /afternoon / evening it will be... The weather will be.. The sun will... The sky will.... The clouds will... So don't forget to put on / take.... Have a nice day! /See you tomorrow at the same time. Phrases you may use: quickly change, go away, turn blue, start to shine

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