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Enhancing International Mobility Experience through ViCaDiS at Oulu UAS

Explore how ViCaDiS pilot course at Oulu UAS utilizes ICT and social media to support outgoing students in preparing, documenting, and reflecting on their mobility activities, fostering social and collaborative learning. Preliminary results highlight valuable outcomes and areas for improvement.

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Enhancing International Mobility Experience through ViCaDiS at Oulu UAS

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  1. International StudentMobility Course Piloting ViCaDiS at Oulu UAS (Virtual Campus for Digital Students) Aims, Methods andPreliminary Results (Bastian Fähnrich, September 2009)

  2. Aims • Create a good international mobility experience(studies and/or work placements abroad)for and with outgoing students • Establish a social and academic/professional networkamong students and staff members • Use ICT and social media as a meansto facilitate and support the(a) preparation of(b) documentation of(c) reflection uponoutgoing students’ international mobilityas a joint effort of students and international coordinators • Social and collaborative learning theories in practice

  3. Aims • Replace an earlier courses’ tasks(Orientation to Student Exchange, 3 ECTS credits, pass/fail) • Pilot the ViCaDiS’ virtual learning environment • Gather students’ and staff members’ experiences of using ICT and social mediafor purposes in higher education

  4. Methods • ICT and Social Media:(ViCaDiS virtual learning environment based on Moodle, wiki, blog/learning diary, forum, presentation software etc.) • Activities planned according to the chronological process of students’ international mobility period • Activities consist of reading guidelines and using/creating resources for personal and common use • Three (3) phases:Before International Mobility PeriodDuring International Mobility PeriodAfter International Mobility Period

  5. Methods / Before Mobility Period • Pre-piloting QuestionnaireRelated to the use of ICT and social media for learning purposes

  6. Methods / Before Mobility Period • Home Country PresentationEnglish ppt presentation about Finland/your home country, approx. 10-15 slides

  7. Methods / Before Mobility Period • Target Country WikiEnglish wiki about target country, city, study and work place; use of text and other means (pictures, graphs, videos etc.). The target country wikis are placed in the course “International Student Mobility Cooperation WIKIs” (possible cooperation with incoming students or students/staff at partner institutions

  8. Methods / Before Mobility Period • Learning Diary (Blog)English blog about students‘ international mobility period; initial task, has to be updated at least once a week, commenting upon others’ blogs etc.

  9. Methods / During Mobility Period • Home Country PresentationStudents share own presentation at your study/work place • Target Country WikiStudents update the wiki and invite others to contribute • Learning Diary (Blog) Students update learning diary (blog) at least once a week to document and reflect upon international mobility and learning experience. Fellow students and staff members should post comments to blogs ;-)

  10. Methods / After Mobility Period • International Mobility ReportEnglish/Finnish ppt presentation about students‘ exchange, approx. 10-20 slides, will be published and later used at Going Abroad events to share your experience with students who are planning studies/placements abroad

  11. Methods / After Mobility Period • International Mobility Evaluation QuestionnaireRelated to students‘ experience, important feedback to staff members • Post-piloting Questionnaire and InterviewRelated to the use of ict and social media, closing the piloting activities

  12. Preliminary Results • Course proves valuable to help students preparing, documenting and reflecting on their mobility activities as a joint effort.However: • More time and expertise needed to support students on behalf of international coordinators, teachers and students themselves (both on a domestic and international level) • More technical and pedagogical advice and guidance needed to use certain ict and social media for the benefit of learning • More appropriate theoretical reflections and practical measures needed to utilise and enhance the social and collaborative nature of learning

  13. ViCaDiS Virtual Learning Environment ViCaDiS Virtual Learning Environment Subscribe via the web page athttp://www.vicadis.net/campus/login/ by creating a new account and following the instructions. Cheers!

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