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Welcome to the ACS 2012 Program Chairs’ Leadership Training. Gary Anderson, Divisional Activities Committee, Meetings Subcommittee Co-Chair. Top 10 Tips (from Program Chairs) for a Successful National Meeting Program.
American Chemical Society Welcome to the ACS 2012 Program Chairs’ Leadership Training Gary Anderson, Divisional Activities Committee, Meetings Subcommittee Co-Chair
Top 10 Tips (from Program Chairs) for a Successful National Meeting Program • Don't be afraid to jettison a symposium that doesn't look like it will be successful or to (nicely) replace organizers who look like they aren't going to be successful, responsible, and engaged. • Be prepared for 90% of the program to come together at the last minute. • Limit competition for the audience when scheduling. Organize your program as a series of topic-themed tracks so the speakers of one symposium can become the audience of related symposia. • Document everything! Keep records, templates for emails and calls for papers. This will help you and future program chairs. • ACS staff are there to help—use them and heed their advice. Don't be shy about asking questions. American Chemical Society
Top 10 Tips (from Program Chairs) for a Successful National Meeting Program Get familiar with PACS. Get an overview of national and regional meetings 1-2 years out and talk with thematic and fellow division program chairs well in advance about opportunities to collaborate. Broaden your network to make your job easier: Develop group of organizers who don't need handholding and keep them in the loop Always be on the lookout for active division members you can enlist Broaden your network to make your program stronger: Enlist your program committee Use division or field mailing lists to generate ideas Consider co-organizers to broaden your reach within the discipline Set deadlines for organizers ahead of the absolute deadlines; adhere to deadlines as much as possible. American Chemical Society 3
American Chemical Society Top 10 Actions Toward Planning a Successful Program/Event at a National Meeting Alan L. Hutchins Director, Meetings and Operations Membership & Scientific Advancement Division (MSA)
Top Ten Action Items to a Successful Program at a National Meeting • Division Identifies Program Chair • Know and Adhere to Deadlines • Take Advantage of PACS Training for Program Chairs • Build a Team • Understand Your Finances • Call for Papers • Session Assignment of Papers • Understanding Even Programming Rules • What to Do Onsite • After the Meeting American Chemical Society
#1 Division Identifies Program Chair • Educate the program chair on the quantity of work required. • Utilize the experience of the prior chairs. • Be accurate, tell them what they have volunteered to do! American Chemical Society
#2 Know and Adhere to Deadlines San Diego 2012 National Meeting Timeline Activity Date San Diego Call for Papers completed in PACS 7/4/2011 Division, Secretariat and Committee deadline dates (see below) due 7/4/2011 Call for Papers published in C&EN 8/22/2011 PACS opens for author abstract submission 8/22/2011 PACS closes to Authors (recommended) 10/17/2011 PACS closes to Symposium Organizers (recommended) 10/31/2011 Room requests due to ACS Meetings 11/2/2011 Preliminary program due from program chairs 11/14/2011 Final technical program due from program chairs (PACS closes to PC) 11/28/2011 Preliminary program publishes in C&EN* 1/30/2012 Final technical program publishes in C&EN* 3/5/2012 San Diego meeting begins 3/25/2012 * Dates subject to change according to C&EN publication deadlines American Chemical Society
#3 PACS Training • Schedule Program Chair PACS Training. • To be successful and eliminate many hours of “volunteer service” by the Program Chair, they should train symposia/session organizers: • Face to face • On-line - http://abstracts.acs.org • Specialized 1 on 1 training available • Hotline available (800) 333-9511 or email PACS@acs.org American Chemical Society
#4 Build a Team • Identify symposia/session organizers. • Educate them on the quantity of work required. • Again be accurate, tell them what they have volunteered to do. American Chemical Society
#5 Understand Your Finances • Communicate financial resources and limitations to symposia and session organizers. • Provide clear and accurate reimbursement policy to symposia and session organizers for funding available to presenters, including: • Airfare, Registration, Hotel, None • Provide written documentation to invited speakers defining financial consideration available to them. • Define reimbursement procedure – “When, Where and How do I get my money.” • “SHOW ME THE MONEY” • Thematic programming grants • Division grants • Look for sponsorships American Chemical Society
#6 Call for Papers • Program chairs and symposia chairs -- lay-out program in PACS. • If you need help www.acs.org/pacs_resources • This is a good time to use the Virtual Event Management System (VEMS)to plan non-technical events. Submit requests for non-technical meeting space prior to lay-out of program to get preferred location. • Breaks • Receptions • Ticketed Events American Chemical Society
#7 Session Assignment of Papers • Trust/Demand that symposia/session chairs complete this task in compliance with deadlines. • A well trained and dependable team will significantly reduce the hours required by the program chair. American Chemical Society
#8 Even Programming • Why -- limitations on available meeting rooms. • Condenses geographical area of the program • How -- MUST have 9, ½ day sessions before being assigned additional space. American Chemical Society
Even Programming Exceptions Thursday Afternoon Programming Exception Only one exception can be used per program. Either the Thursday Afternoon or National Award Exception The Technical Programming Subcommittee of the Meetings and Expositions Committee has approved a temporary exception to the even programming rule requiring divisions to program Sunday morning through Thursday afternoon. • A division can choose not to program on Thursday afternoon (or have reduced programming on Thursday afternoon) with specific stipulations. • o The division may not exceed their historical room usage for Monday or Tuesday programming to relocate sessions that would otherwise be held on Thursday PM. • National Award Exception Only one exception can be used per program -- Either the Thursday Afternoon or National Award Exception • A single instance of uneven programming on one half-day from Sunday through Thursday will be permitted for the purpose of enhancing the quality of symposia honoring national ACS award recipients • The greater-than-peak scheduling must NOT occur on Monday or Tuesday American Chemical Society
#9 What to Do On-Site • Check in with the ACS Operation’s office team. • Review your events with the ACS Operation’s office team. • Walk your rooms. • Remind chairs to complete Session Chair Report. • Maintain on-going communication with session/symposia organizers (touch base with them several times). • Confirm submission of Session Chair Report (s) on a daily basis. American Chemical Society
#10 After the Meeting • Confirm that Session Chair Report (s) reports have been entered into PACS • Session reports factor into division allocations • Missing reports reduce division allocations American Chemical Society
Experiencing Problems If you are experiencing problems with ANY portion of the meeting planning, contact me. Al Hutchins Telephone # (800) 227-5558, ext.6266 or (202) 872-6266 Email: a_hutchins@acs.org American Chemical Society
NETWORKING BREAK Please return at 4:15 pm for our joint session with the Division Leaders’ Track attendees. American Chemical Society
American Chemical Society Welcome to the Joint P2C2 and Division Leaders’ Session Gary Anderson, Divisional Activities Committee, Meetings Subcommittee Co-Chair
American Chemical Society Even Programming for ACS National Meetings Program Chairs’ Leadership Training January 20, 2012 Gary Anderson
What does M&E do that affects Program Chairs? Program Chairs’ view of Meetings & Expositions (M&E) American Chemical Society
What does M&E do that affects Program Chairs? We at M&E see ourselves differently. American Chemical Society
M&E Duties • Works with ACS staff to select the sites for future national meetings • Oversees the allocation of space/resources for National Meeting events including technical programming • Trains and advises Program Chairs • Creates policy regarding national meetings • Oversees the dissemination of program information, electronically and in C&EN News • Provides PACS training and advises ACS staff on future improvements American Chemical Society
M&E Goals • Best possible meeting • Best possible technical program within resource constraints • Least amount of work for Program Chairs
Even Programming Policy What is Even Programming? Why do we use this policy at ACS national meetings? How many half-day sessions are there at a typical ACS meeting? American Chemical Society 27
Even Programming Policy • Each division must spread its program out as evenly as possible over the entire week • We simply do not have enough rooms available to let everyone program at the times they would prefer. We have to try to allocate the resources fairly to all divisions
How many half-day sessions are there at a typical ACS meeting?
Rooms Needed per Half Day(Concurrent Technical Sessions) • Sunday AM 72 65 • Sunday PM 76 74 • Monday AM 78 77 • Monday PM 87 79 • Tuesday AM 82 80 • Tuesday PM 80 74 • Wednesday AM 81 72 • Wednesday PM 77 73 • Thursday AM 60 49 • Thursday PM 29 25 Anaheim 2011 Denver 2011
Rooms Needed per Half Day with no Even Programming(Concurrent Technical Sessions)* Anaheim 2011 Denver 2011 • Sunday AM 96 76 • Sunday PM 116 106 • Monday AM 129 111 • Monday PM 142 127 • Tuesday AM 128 90 • Tuesday PM 124 81 • Wednesday AM 67 59 • Wednesday PM 54 43 • Thursday AM 28 15 • Thursday PM 5 8 *This is my guess as to how the sessions would have been distributed if even programming were not enforced
How the policy works: Definition: Section = Room • A division program of up to 9 half-day oral sessions may be scheduled Monday through Thursday plus either Sunday morning or Sunday afternoon. • Additional half-day sessions up to 18 may be scheduled in a concurrent section (Section B) of up to 9 half-days during the same time period. • At the option of the program chair, a 10th half-day session may be added to the first section (Section A) for any oral session between 10 and 18.
How the policy works: • For a larger program (19 or more sessions), the 19th session must be scheduled for Sunday morning if that time period has not been used previously. • The 20th session must be added in such a way as to complete two, evenly-programmed sections (A&B) each consisting of 10 half-day sessions. • Additional half-day sessions must be added into a third section (Section C) until it is filled with 10 half-days Sunday morning through Thursday afternoon, before a fourth section (Section D) can be programmed on any half-day. • This pattern of even programming must be continued, i.e. Section D filled by 10 half-days before a Section E can be started.
Red Division Oral ½-Day Satisfies even programming rules
Green Division Oral ½-Day Satisfies even programming rules
Purple Division Oral ½-Day Does not satisfy even programming rules because there are no sessions scheduled on Thursday
Yellow Division Oral 1/2-Day Does not satisfy even programming rules because there are no sessions scheduled on Thursday
Orange Division Oral 1/2-Day Does not satisfy even programming rules because there are no sessions scheduled on Tuesday PM
National Award Exception • A single instance of uneven programming on one half-day from Sunday through Thursday will be permitted for the purpose of enhancing the quality of symposia honoring national ACS award recipients • The greater-than-peak scheduling must NOT occur on Monday or Tuesday
Are there ever any exceptions? • If a division or committee can convince the M&E Technical Programming Subcommittee that a variance would result in improving the overall technical program an exception can be made • How can I “cheat”? • Work with another division or a committee • Have them be the primary sponsor of one or more sessions using their even programming grid
Noncompliant Programs • If program is not within rules, M&E will try to work with program chair to make necessary adjustments • If program chair is unable or unwilling to make adjustments then M&E will make the necessary adjustments - every effort will be made to minimize the impact on the program
Other Programming Issues Co-location • You can request that your Division’s programming be located near another Division’s or near Thematic Programming • If both Divisions list the each other first you will be most likely to get your request • It is unfortunately impossible to satisfy all requests
Other Programming Issues Cosponsorships When you agree to cosponsor a symposium with another division or committee it is important to work out the details in writing: • Invitations • Scheduling • Co-location • Acceptance of contributed papers • Payment of registration fees (only division program chairs can register speakers directly)
Other Programming Issues Exhibits During ACS National Meetings American Chemical Society
MPPG & Thematic Programming 2012 & Beyond Dave Lohse, MPPG Past-Chair Leadership Institute – Fort Worth, TX 20 January 2012 Multidisciplinarity is how science is done today
What is MPPG? • Mission:Provide the infrastructure that enables national meeting programming groups to develop collaborative thematic programs and to explore alternative meeting formats • Composition:Representatives of all technical divisions and council committees (DAC, ComSci, M&E,CEI, IAC, YCC, WCC, CCA) impacted by national meeting technical programming
How does MPPG operate? • Division chairs appoint members (substitutes allowed) • MPPG meets during at least one national meeting/yr • Practice has been to meet at each national meeting for the past several years – Saturday afternoon • Executive committee provides focus; meets at national meetings and via teleconference during the year • MPPG operates as a DAC subcommittee but may become an independent group at some time in the future • MPPG seeks theme ideas, organizers broadly from divisions, the Society, and beyond • MPPG seeks to coordinate with Presidential themes
How can my division participate? Make sure you have a representative on MPPG. Participate actively through your rep in selecting themes, theme chairs, programming within themes. Participate actively in improving national meetings; propose ideas & experiments. Collaborate with other divisions within and outside of thematic programs.
Organization Executive committee composed of subcommittee chairs, vice chair, chair and past chair, DAC and M&E reps, plus two at-large members. Chair is elected at the fall meeting of the full MPPG. Call for nominations takes place prior to the meeting. Three subcommittees: Thematic Programming Alternate Meeting Format Communications and Outreach Themes are vetted by the divisions through the thematic subcommittee. Past chair stays as main contact for organizers of upcoming themes to provide them help & experience