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Get your Springboard book. . 3-4. Objective: Through reading, writing and discussion, students will analyze the theme of justice in Romeo and Juliet and in the Michael Fay controversy by evaluating different perspectives and arguments. Agenda: Turn in research papers
3-4 • Objective: Through reading, writing and discussion, students will analyze the theme of justice in Romeo and Juliet and in the Michael Fay controversy by evaluating different perspectives and arguments. • Agenda: • Turn in research papers • Discuss Things Fall Apart Essays • Romeo and Juliet • Justice terms • Discussion • Michael Fay controversy
Things Fall Apart Essays • If you would like to revise it, revisions are due March 11 (one week from today). Unc. =unclear Awk=Awkward Context
Context • Give context for your quotes: What is the background? Connect them to your thesis statement. If someone is talking, who is talking? To whom? What do we need to know to make the connection. • Don’t use: The quote shows… or In this quote…use the context to introduce the quote.
Integrate your quotes • Explain your quote, then your quotes should flow within the paragraph, not stand out… • Example: • Estaban had an indirect means of getting to the man that he wanted acceptance from. His one and only accepted granddaughter. Alba was the perfect target for him. He found her and “Alba tried to turn her face away, but he held it firmly…
Romeo and Juliet • In small groups, answer the questions from this excerpt on page 204. • Discuss
EXIT TICKET • How do you define Justice?
3/5 • Objective: Students will discuss the theme of justice through evaluating the Michael Fay controversy, international justice, and discussions of their choice novels. • Agenda: ACT English practice • Michael Fay discussions • International justice discussion • Small group book discussions • Timed writing: Use examples from the various pieces of work we talked about today, should there be a universal code of justice?
Get an ACT practice and your Springboard book. • What side is the article taking? What arguments is it using to support that side? • What counterpoints does it mention?
What arguments are made in the article to support each side? • Do you agree or disagree with the points?
Michael Fay Discussion • Do you think the punishment was just? • Do you think the US should have intervened?
Power of One • What advice has Hoppie left Peekay with regarding the power of one? • What influence does Big Hettie have on Peekay? • What is the symbolism of the eggs and the loneliness birds? • What stereotypes and generalizations about race is Peekay forced to confront? • Cry the Beloved Country • Msimangu is angry at his people. The white reformatory director is mad at Absalom’s mistakes. Kumalo, upon being reunited with his son, is angry. Why are they angry? • What parallels do the fathers Jarvis and Kumalo have? • How is justice being addressed?
Use examples from the various pieces of work we talked about today, should there be a universal code of justice?
If you research paper doesn’t have in-text citations, it is plagiarized. • I will not grade your research paper until… • you have in-text citations, written as quotes or paraphrases • and cited and a works cited.
Objective: Students will understand citations using the MLA format for their research papers revisions, and their in-class essay.
How to do in-text citations: • For direct quotes: Use quotation marks and the citation at the end.
Revised research papers due Monday, March 10. • Revised essays due Friday, March 14.
In-Class Essay: You may use your notes and Dialectical Journals • Power of One: • How are Hoppie and Doc mentors to Peekay? • Cry the Beloved Country: • What conflicts are there between Arthur Jarvis and his son, and what lessons is his son trying to teach him?
3-10 • Through discussion and reading, students will and analyze international laws on the rights of children. • Agenda: • Turn in research papers (make sure you have citations and works cited) and essay revisions (today or Friday) • Quick write • Survey: page 215 • Declaration of the Rights of the Child • Mandela’s speech • Discussion • Exit ticket • Period 7: Put desks in rows.
If you do not have your research paper, please turn it in to my box tomorrow morning. • You will not be able to come upstairs, so turn it in to my box in the office. Your research paper will be on eligibility this week.
What laws should there be to protect or apply to all children of the world?
Declaration of the Rights of the Child (218) • Paraphrase and document (in MLA format) each of the principles in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. • Do you agree or disagree with each of these principles? Should they be required for every country to abide by?
Read Nelson Mandela’s Speech (p. 221) • What are his objectives as President? • As you read each of these, do you believe these principles are being met here?
Discussion • Should their be international laws to protect children?
EXIT Ticket • Should their be international laws to protect children? If so, what should they be? If not, why not?
Objective • Through writing and discussion, students will evaluate their own beliefs and analyze Ghandiand King’s thoughts on civil disobedience. • Agenda: Journal entry (check dialectical journals) • Civil disobedience • Letter from a Birmingham Jail • Homework: Keep up with your reading schedule.
Journal Entry • What do you believe in? What are you are willing to take a stand for? • You can use repetition…I believe in…
Civil Disobedience • Read “On Civil Disobedience” • Highlight or underline main points he is making. • How does he organize his essay? • What beliefs is he willing to stand up for?
Objective-March 17-GET YOUR SPRINGBOARD BOOK • Through writing and discussion, students will evaluate their own beliefs and analyze Gandhi and King’s thoughts on social justice, and connect them to their novel. • Agenda: Continue working on chunks from King and Gandhi (check dialectical journals) • Letter from a Birmingham Jail • Socratic Discussion-Are there any causes that justify breaking the law? • Timed writing • Homework: Keep up with your reading schedule-book discussions tomorrow.
Letter from Birmingham Jail-p. 250 • Chunk 1: How does he set up his letter? Who is he writing to? What is his purpose as an author? • Chunk 2: What are his concerns and refutations? • Chunk 3: What are similarities and differences between Gandhi and King’s arguments? • Chunk 4: What appeals is King using(logos, ethos, pathos)? • Chunk 5: What is civil disobedience? • Chunk 7: What allusions does King use? Why does he choose these allusions for this audience? • Chunk 8: What imagery does King use? • What is he trying to persuade the audience of? How is he doing that?
Timed Writing-15 minutes-Using your Dialectical journals • Power of One: • How is apartheid present in the novel, and how is Peekay standing up for social justice? How is that similar to or different from what Gandhi and King were arguing for? • Cry the Beloved Country: • How is James Jarvis standing up for social justice? How is that similar to or different from what Gandhi and King were arguing for?
Exit Ticket • Are there causes today that would justify civil disobedience?
3/18 • Objective: Through discussion and writing, students will develop an understanding of the plot in their novels, and begin discussion on their essay topics. • Agenda: • Discuss questions about the novels. • Small group discussion on chapter sections with questions from individual groups, or given questions. • Essay writing protocol
Take a few minutes and think about questions that you have about your novel. • Write down three questions you have—they can be about what you don’t understand or discussion questions.
Chapters 10-15 Discussion • 1. Doc's time in jail provides Peekay with many opportunities. What does Peekay learn about music, boxing, treatment of prisoners, and the unfairness of laws? • 2. What was your first impression of Geel Piet? Did your opinion of him change as your learned more about him? What is his function in the book? • 3. What effect does Peekay's success have on his integrity? Consider the letter-writing project, his win in the ring, the boots from Geel Piet and the other prisoners, and his new name, Tadpole Angel. • 4. Why does Lt. Smit invite Geel Piet to be in the photo with the boxers and trainers? Why did he destroy the pictures and the photographic plate? • 5. What are the results of the prison concert? How do these events figure in Peekay's journey to maturity? What do you make of the mix between the good and bad results of the concert? • 6. What happens to Borman? Was there magic involved? What about irony?
Small Group Chapter Discussions • Take a few minutes and think about questions that you have about your novel. • Write down three questions you have—they can be about what you don’t understand or discussion questions. • In small groups, discuss the questions, with each person taking their own notes. • OR • If your group would rather use the questions I have for you, you can do that.
British: won the Boer War (Afrikaners and British), white. • Arthur Jarvis • Peekay, his mother, grandfather, • Supporters of the Allies (against Germany) • Afrikaners: Dutch settlers • White • Boer War(fought against the British—lost) • Farming • Judge, Mevrou, Jury, (boarding school) • Characters support the German side in World War II • Native South Africans: Zulu, Xhosa • Black • Apartheid—separation between whites and blacks • Nanny, Hoppie, • Supporting the Allies in World War 2 • German: Doc
Power of One: Groups • British: White Peekay, Grandpa, Mrs. Boxall, Mother-Allies side of the war (Hate Hitler), conflict with Afrikanners, loyal to King George, Afrikaners: White—Dutch descent Judge and jury, Mevrou, Lt. Smit, German: Doc Native South Africans: Zulu, Xhosa, Black Nanny, Hoppie, Giel Piet, Big Hettie,
Discuss Essay Topics • Protocol: • Select a question as a group. • Discuss it without writing anything down (or just taking brief notes) for 5 minutes. • Silent: write down notes and ideas on your own paper to help you get ideas for your essay.
3/21 • Objective: Through writing and discussion, students will deepen their understanding of the cultural background of their novel and evaluate important events and themes in their novels and present them. • Agenda: • Group discussion about questions. (Check dialectical journals) • Small group presentations • Exit ticket • Homework: Continue reading and dialectical journals. Books need to be done next Friday.
Essay Timeline • Get out the essay topics I gave you last week: Write this on the top… • For next Friday: Finish the novel • Draft of your essay: For Wednesday, 4/9 (the Wednesday after Spring Break) • Essay due: Tuesday, 4/15
Groups: Period 5 • Sasha • 1. Prakash, Laura, Meron, Deremiah, Phouc • 2. Yuneisi, Luis, Dahlia, Kawther, Jack • 3. Chansae, Carolina, Achaya, Heven • 4. Jennifer, Leah, Alejandra, Kunita • 5. Mary, Dorsin, Dawit, Joe M., Froilan • 6. Isabella, Sandra, EhSo, Blake, Hugh • 7. Alejandra, Justin, Joe V. , Brianna
Groups: Period 7 • CTB: Jennifer, Siham, Lyric • 1. Marcus, Grant, Zach • 2. Kufto, Dennise, Nina • 3. Genesis, Hawa, Sarah, Nijah • 4. Miguel, Cooper, Tyler, Max • 5. Savoi, Elena, Joseph, Fernando • 6. Shawnie, Batoul, Mohamud • 7. Alexia, Jesus, Lauren