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The aim of the questionnaire • To obtain information which will enable the development of three chosen Key Competences among adults, as well as creating a common educational programme to enhance integration and active membership in the EU.
Total amount of participants in Poland - 26 From who: Males: 11 Females: 15
Age of the participants 45 – 54: 20 participants 55 – 64: 4 participants 65 +: 2 participants
Marital Status Single: 2 Married: 18 Widowed: 2 Divorced: 4
Children None: 4 Yes:20 - 1 child: 3 - 2-3 children: 15 - 4-6 children: 2 2 participants don’t answer
Spoken Languages Main Spoken Language: - POLISH: 26 Other: - English: 6 - German: 6 - French: 5 - Russian: 20
Level of Education Lower Secondary Education: 1 Upper Secondary Education: 7 Tertiary Education: 8 Undergraduate Degree: 9 Postgraduate Degree: 1
Attendence at any kind of course 1-5 years ago: 12 6-10 years ago: 7 11-20 years ago: 4 More than 20 years ago: 3
Any work at the moment? Yes: 19 No: 7
Type of work Own business: 9 Administration: 3 Hotel Staff: 2 Office: 4 Waiter: 1
Satisfied with present job? Yes: 17 No: 2 Why?
Reasons why do not have a job at the moment I am retired: 2 I am unemployed: 5
Difficulties in finding a job Yes: 20 No: 6 Why?
‘Adult Learning’ In the contest of this project, ‘Adult Learning’ is defined as the process through which citizens over age of 17 acquire Key Competences as part either formal or informal education.
Consider education as a priority? Yes: 17 No: 9
Follow any Adult Education course at the moment? No: 19 Yes: 7
Adult education courses Which courses? Why?
Difficulties to follow your studies as an adult student Yes: 7 No: 1 Why?
Distance learning as an option Yes: 10 No: 11
Key Competences • A combination of skills, knowledge, aptitudes and attitudes, and they are crucial for the personal fulfilment and development throughout life, active citizenship, inclusion and employability. • The three Key Competences which will be dealt with in this questionnaire: • Interpesonal, Intercultural and Social Competences; • Civic Competences; • Entrepreneurship Competences.
I can communicate effectively in different social situations. • I find it easy to communicate in any situation.
I can create confidance and empathy with other people. • I find it easy to make friends.
I can express frustration in a positive way. • I always remain positive even when I have problems.
I can maintain a degree of separation between the personal and the professional spheres. • I forget my work problems when I am with my family and vice versa.
I am good at negotiating. • I find it easy to reach agreement.
I participate in activities in my community or my neighborhood.
I am aware that I can decide about matters at national or European level .
I can display solidarity in problems affecting the local or wider community . • I feel solidarity when I know about problems both near and far away.
I can interface effectively with institutions in the public domain. • I find it easy to solve problems when i have to deal with official institutions.
I am aware of the wide range of opportunities from which I can benefit by the EU. • I know that the EU offers me lots of possibilities for me to profit.
Likely to attend training/workshop programs to develop any of the mentioned competences Yes: 25 No: 1
Type of training/workshop program How to improve Social skills: 4 Increasing social involvment in my community: 1 Improving planning & organizing skills: 8 Improving relationship with official bodies: 6 How to communicate effectivley: 9 Self awarness, self esteem & acceptence:3 Languages: 7 Social studies: 1 *Participants could tick more than one answer Political science: 1 How to work in team: 9 How to deal with frustration: 10 Stress managment: 11 European studies: 3 How to face changes effectively: 7 The EU: 7