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The Lifelong Learning Context. JISC-CETIS clive.church@ntlworld.com. Levels of Achievement (England). 7. 6. HE. 5. 4. A Level. 3. 2. GCSE. 1. 0. Transition: UCAS. 7. 6. HE. 5. 4. A Level. 3. 2. GCSE. 1. 0. Transition: LSC 14-19 Prospectus. 7.
The Lifelong Learning Context JISC-CETIS clive.church@ntlworld.com
Levels of Achievement (England) 7 6 HE 5 4 A Level 3 2 GCSE 1 0
Transition: UCAS 7 6 HE 5 4 A Level 3 2 GCSE 1 0
Transition: LSC 14-19 Prospectus 7 Information and Guidance Services. Student Applications… 6 HE The 14-19 Gateway 5 4 A Level 3 2 GCSE 1 0
The Players HE FE Private Trainers Adult and Community Learning Private Trainers FE Schools
Academic Route (A levels, GCSEs, Degrees) HE FE Private Trainers Adult and Community Learning Private Trainers FE Schools eLearning Strategies Every Child Matters Building Schools for the Future
Adult Entry/ Basic Skills Qualifications (Literacy, Numeracy), ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) HE FE Private Trainers Adult and Community Learning Private Trainers FE Schools • e2e (Entry to Employment): 16 -18 year olds (NEETs) • Train to Gain • match any training needs identified with training providers • offer free impartial and independent advice to businesses • ensure that training is delivered to meet business needs
Work Based Learning Competency Based Qualifications (NVQs) HE FE Private Trainers Adult and Community Learning Private Trainers ? FE Schools • Train to Gain • offer free impartial and independent advice to businesses • match any training needs identified with training providers • ensure that training is delivered to meet business needs. • Modern Apprenticeships (up to age 25)
‘Academic’ Vocational Qualifications (BTECS, Professional Courses, Diplomas, Foundation Degrees, Computer Literacy) HE FE Private Trainers Adult and Community Learning Private Trainers FE Schools The Diploma ‘Academic Learning in a Vocational Context
NEED FORSTANDARDS ….the big challenge…… The Diploma Edexcel (a Diploma Awarding Body) 2010: part of GCSES DIPLOMA Functional Skills (Numeracy, Literacy, IT) Personal Learning and Thinking Project 10 days work experience Additional/ Specialist Learning. Units from framework for achievement Principal Learning (sector related) Skills development in work based environments Edexcel (a Component Awarding Body) AQA (a Component Awarding Body) Edexcel (a Component Awarding Body) Level 3 48% 33% 19% First Delivery of first phase September 2008
Standards Needed for 14-19 Diploma • Unique Learner Number • Repository for Achievements (Minerva) • National Database of Accredited Qualifications
Learning and Skills Council Funded Students (October 2006) FE: 1.84 million (down 8.5%) Work Based Learning : 276000 (down 8.5%) Adult and Community Learning: 315000 (down 12.3%)
The ‘Leitch’ Agenda ‘To raise our game on skills’….. (“our educational attainment ranks 15th out of 30 OECD countries for older workers and 22nd for younger workers;” ) • level focused and • demand led, • employer driven, • qualification captured
To support Leitch 1: existing Competency Based QualificationsNational Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) • Assessment by ‘verified’ evidence (principally form observation) of a ‘competency’ • What you must know • What you must do • What you must cover • Unit: Maintain the Reception Service • Element: Prepare the Reception Service • K7: What services are available to customers • Make sure you have sufficient staff with the necessary skills to maintain the reception service • ………. • Helping to develop and communicate procedures to cover the following: • Room allocation • Customer arrivals. • ……… Can the candidate prove he/ she can do something
To support Leitch 2:Vocational ‘unit’ specification (10 hours of study) Can the candidate prove he/ she knows how to do something
The new ‘Leitch World’ The Barratt Site Managers Diploma 10 hour QCA Credit 1203 10 hour QCA Credit 1223 10 hour QCA Credit 1221.8 10 hour QCA Credit 1227 Barratt Technical Barratt Materials Barratt Culture Recruitment Services Achievement Stored on Minerva
Foundation Degree Barratt Site Managers Diploma
2015 ?? Leitch 2020 ?? “The Interim Report (from Government) endorses the framework model and the definition of credit but equally highlights the need for further activity in technical and operational areas such as the IT system and the operation of the unit databank”.
The Vocational ‘Credit’ System Wants accreditation for an ‘achievement’ MIAP Database Student details including ULN Learner Achievement Record Repository Provider Selects a Unit UK Register of Lifelong Learning Providers National Database of Accredited Qualifications Approved vocational credits (10 hours of study): assessment method as appropriate Awarding Bodies (Edexcel etc.) Submit units for approval
MIAP Standard The Vocational ‘Credit’ System MIAP Database Student details including ULN Selects a Unit LSC/ Logica Standard Learner Achievement Record Repository LSC/ Logica Standard Provider UK Register of Lifelong Learning Providers LSC/ Logica Standard National Database of Accredited Qualifications Approved vocational credits (10 hours of study): assessment method as appropriate Awarding Bodies (Edexcel etc.) Submit units for approval
Client Caseload Information System IAG Services 14-19 Prospectus OFSTED Self Evaluation Common Application Process UCAS LA/ DCFS School Achievement Returns Qualification and Credit Framework Systems LSC Individual Learner Records Electronic Whiteboards Catering, library Transport etc. systems Individual Learning Space MIAP Unique Learner Number Database UK Register Of Learning Providers Schools MIS Systems National Database of Accredited Qualifications (Key Qualification Number) Minerva (14-19 Diploma Achievement) Learner Achievement Repository (Voc quals) School Learning Platforms Colleges MIS Systems
Client Caseload Information System IAG Services 14-19 Prospectus OFSTED Self Evaluation Common Application Process UCAS LA/ DCFS School Achievement Returns Qualification and Credit Framework Systems LSC Individual Learner Records Electronic Whiteboards Catering, library Transport etc. systems Individual Learning Space Common Transfer File, SIF, interactive whiteboard common file format, XCRI MIAP Unique Learner Number Database UK Register Of Learning Providers Schools MIS Systems Data Standards National Database of Accredited Qualifications (Key Qualification Number) Minerva (14-19 Diploma Achievement) Learner Achievement Repository (Voc quals) School Learning Platforms Colleges MIS Systems
Client Caseload Information System IAG Services 14-19 Prospectus OFSTED Self Evaluation Common Application Process UCAS IMS, BSI, IEEE, ADL/SCORM LA/ DCFS School Achievement Returns Qualification and Credit Framework Systems LSC Individual Learner Records Electronic Whiteboards Catering, library Transport etc. systems Individual Learning Space Common Transfer File, SIF, interactive whiteboard common file format, XCRI MIAP Unique Learner Number Database UK Register Of Learning Providers Schools MIS Systems National Database of Accredited Qualifications (Key Qualification Number) Minerva (14-19 Diploma Achievement) Learner Achievement Repository (Voc quals) School Learning Platforms Colleges MIS Systems
Client Caseload Information System IAG Services 14-19 Prospectus OFSTED Self Evaluation Common Application Process UCAS IMS, BSI, IEEE, ADL/SCORM LA/ DCFS School Achievement Returns Qualification and Credit Framework Systems LSC Individual Learner Records Electronic Whiteboards Catering, library Transport etc. systems Individual Learning Space Common Transfer File, SIF, interactive whiteboard common file format, XCRI MIAP Unique Learner Number Database UK Register Of Learning Providers Schools MIS Systems National Database of Accredited Qualifications (Key Qualification Number) IMS Mark 2 (Common Cartridge), BESA, SIF, LETSI….. Minerva (14-19 Diploma Achievement) Learner Achievement Repository (Voc quals) School Learning Platforms Colleges MIS Systems
Client Caseload Information System IAG Services 14-19 Prospectus OFSTED Self Evaluation Common Application Process UCAS Millions of Users LA/ DCFS School Achievement Returns Qualification and Credit Framework Systems LSC Individual Learner Records Electronic Whiteboards Catering, library Transport etc. systems Individual Learning Space Common Transfer File, SIF, interactive whiteboard common file format, XCRI MIAP Unique Learner Number Database UK Register Of Learning Providers Schools MIS Systems National Database of Accredited Qualifications (Key Qualification Number) Minerva (14-19 Diploma Achievement) Learner Achievement Repository (Voc quals) School Learning Platforms Colleges MIS Systems
Client Caseload Information System IAG Services 14-19 Prospectus OFSTED Self Evaluation Common Application Process UCAS Millions of Users LA/ DCFS School Achievement Returns Qualification and Credit Framework Systems LSC Individual Learner Records Electronic Whiteboards Catering, library Transport etc. systems Individual Learning Space Identity Management Trust and Security Data Protection Common Transfer File, SIF, interactive whiteboard common file format, XCRI MIAP Unique Learner Number Database UK Register Of Learning Providers Schools MIS Systems National Database of Accredited Qualifications (Key Qualification Number) Minerva (14-19 Diploma Achievement) Learner Achievement Repository (Voc quals) School Learning Platforms Colleges MIS Systems E-Framework?