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The Scientific Revolutio n

The Scientific Revolutio n. Copernicus Challenges Ancient Astronomy. Nicolaus Copernicus On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres (1543) Proposed a heliocentric theory of the universe. sun-centered. This went against accepted belief of Ptolemy and Aristotle (geocentric)

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The Scientific Revolutio n

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  1. The Scientific Revolution

  2. Copernicus Challenges Ancient Astronomy Nicolaus Copernicus On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres (1543) Proposed a heliocentric theory of the universe. sun-centered. This went against accepted belief of Ptolemy and Aristotle (geocentric) Tycho Brahe set up observations to prove heliocentric theory.

  3. Johannes Kepler used Brahe’s data to calculate orbit around the sun. proved Copernicus’ theory (heliocentric) found planets moved not in circles, but ellipses (ovals).

  4. Galileo’s “Heresies” Made a telescope and discovered Earth moved around the sun. Scholars attacked him b/c he contradicted old beliefs. In 1633 he was tried before Inquisition. Put under house arrest and threatened death unless he recanted his statements. He recants publically (earth is motionless) (and yet, it moves)

  5. Bacon and Descartes: Revolutionary Thinkers both fought old ways of doing things. Challenged Aristotle’s beliefs and Church doctrine. Both stressed that truth is found at the end of long investigations.

  6. Differences Between Bacon & Descartes Bacon stressed experimentation and observation. He wanted discoveries to make life better for people. Descartes wanted to use human reason. Doubted everything to find one true premise. The only thing he knew for sure was that he existed. “I think therefore I am!”

  7. A Step by Step Process Scientific Method involves step by step process. Collect and analyze data. Create hypothesis and test. Used math. (State problem, gather info, form a hypothesis, experiment or test, analyze, draw conclusions, share data)

  8. Breakthroughs in Medicine and Chemistry 1500s and 1600s saw dramatic changes in many branches of science. Many new people experiment to learn about the body.

  9. Exploring the Human Body Physicians of the Middle Ages relied on Galen for information (ancient physician) He was wrong b/c of ignorance of anatomy. 1543 Vesalius (vuh SAY lee us) published On the Structure of the Human Body. Observed and performed many autopsies. Accurate depiction of human anatomy. William Harvey described circulation of the blood for 1st time. Leeuwenhoek (LAY wun hohk) perfected the microscope to see microorganisms for the first time. Ambroise Pare developed a new ointment to prevent infection, surgical techniques and artificial limbs

  10. Transforming Chemistry Were called alchemists Tried to transform ordinary medals to gold. Robert Boyle refined alchemists views. Introduced chemical compounds of elements and the effect of pressure and temperature on gases.

  11. Isaac Newton Links the Sciences Found a single force keeps planets in their orbits…Gravity. Argued that nature follows universal laws that can be found using mathematics He created calculus.

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