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PREDECISIONAL DRAFT. Comprehensive Approach to Building Partnerships for Steady-State Assessment and Planning. As of 14 March 2011. PREDECISIONAL DRAFT. PREDECISIONAL DRAFT. Steady-State Activities. Refers to cumulative day-to-day activities outside of major surge operations
PREDECISIONAL DRAFT Comprehensive Approach to Building Partnerships for Steady-State Assessment and Planning As of 14 March 2011 PREDECISIONAL DRAFT
PREDECISIONAL DRAFT Steady-State Activities • Refers to cumulative day-to-day activities outside of major surge operations • Encompass shaping activities (including Phase 0 elements of contingency plans) • Designed to • Build effective, legitimate, interoperable, and self-sustaining partners consistent with US foreign policy objectives • Promote acceptable international behavior by potential adversaries • Sustain peace & security under conditions that promote US interests • Set conditions for military success if a contingency cannot be prevented • Leverage capabilities of partners to help achieve end states • Strengthen alliances and partnerships “Steady-state operations are oriented toward conducting normal foreign relations activities not currently affected by crisis or serious conflict.” -- Ambassador (ret.) Edward Marks PREDECISIONAL DRAFT
PREDECISIONAL DRAFT Comprehensive Approach • An approach that integrates the cooperative efforts of the departments and agencies of the US Government, intergovernmental & nongovernmental organizations, multinational partners, and private sector entities to achieve unity of effort toward a shared goal “Development contributes to stability. It contributes to better governance. And if you are able to do those things and you’re able to do them in a focused and sustainable way, then it may be unnecessary for us to send soldiers…. But development and security are inextricably linked. You can’t have development without security, and you can’t have security without development.” -- Robert M. Gates Secretary of Defense PREDECISIONAL DRAFT
PREDECISIONAL DRAFT Challenge – Focus on Host Country • The primary responsibility for establishing and maintaining stability in any country remains with the host country government, its civil society, and its population -- they own the problem • Successful steady-state programs require host country buy-in with the goal being a self-sustaining host country security system responsive to its people The Comprehensive Approach, and by extension the assessment and planning processes of DOD and its partners, must focus on the host country within the context of USG interests Post Intervention (Phase VI) PREDECISIONAL DRAFT
PREDECISIONAL DRAFT Solution – Move Toward Greater Integration National Security Strategy • Develop & offer tools that provide consistent, repeatable procedures so that DOD planners can effectively plan and collaborate in a comprehensive manner with non-DOD counterparts. Consider: - National Security Strategy: Integrate Defense, Diplomacy, & Development (3D) components - DOS is USG lead for foreign policy & diplomacy - USAID focuses on country-level development - DOD focuses on defense sector Theater (Region) NSC IPCs OMB DOJ DHS DOT DOC CIA Congress Liaison DOD UN World Bank IOs NGOs Regional Orgs Neighbor States Coalition Partners DOS & USAID Country PREDECISIONAL DRAFT
PREDECISIONAL DRAFT Solution – Focus on Country-Level Planning • Security Cooperation programs provide the capacity and capability building activities that link DOD and non-DOD planners • USG national security goal is to develop host country institutions • Planning timeline extends beyond life of resourced activities • Qualitative & quantitative metrics to assess foreign assistance • Synchronize military objectives with other organizations • Recognize, understand non-DOD partners goals & objectives • Support shared goals, common outcomes, & obligations Most importantly, focus on the host country’s goals and objectives that align with US interests PREDECISIONAL DRAFT
PREDECISIONAL DRAFT Challenge –Getting to Integration Integration NSS Goal “We do tasks together” Collaboration JFC Challenge “We work together on our respective tasks” Cooperation “We help each other do our respective tasks” Where we are Coordination “We know what each other is doing” Competition • Concept for this slide from presentation by Dr Cathy Downes, NDU, National Security Professionals Symposium, August 4-5, 2010 “I’ll do it my way” No integrated peacetime country planning process exists PREDECISIONAL DRAFT
PREDECISIONAL DRAFT Solution – Focus on Steady-State Plans “Helping other countries better provide for their own security will be a key and enduring test of US global leadership and a critical part of protecting US security, as well. Improving the way the US government executes this vital mission must be an important national priority.” -- Secretary Robert M. Gates, Foreign Affairs, May/June 2010 DOS Bureau Strategic Resource Plan USAID Country Development Cooperation Strategy Mission Strategic & Resource Plan + Country Cooperation Plan Theater Campaign Plan DOD Host Country CABP solution is “Focus on Country Cooperation Plan synchronization with the Mission Strategic & Resource Plan” PREDECISIONAL DRAFT
PREDECISIONAL DRAFT CCP Development Handbook • Written for the CCP planner • Provides a common process to develop CCPs in coordination with USG interagency counterparts and other key actors with programs in, or that affect, the host country • Supplements existing doctrine for planning and coordination with non-DOD organizations • Provides fundamental concepts and planning guidance for the development of CCPs that provide operational guidance to the CCMD implementing components • Designed to be used in conjunction with CSSAP Reference Guide Assists the planner to produce a country-focused steady-state plan in a consistent, repeatable process according to policy & guidance PREDECISIONAL DRAFT
PREDECISIONAL DRAFT Using the CCP Development Handbook • Theater (CCMDs) - Identifies fundamental guidance, planning considerations, techniques & procedures for country planning of steady-state programs and activities in a comprehensive approach - Reinforces CCMD joint planning & coordination with non-DOD organizations used for contingencies, reconstruction and stability • Country (Country Team) - Provides CCMD planning, assessment, and coordination policies, lexicon, processes & perspectives regarding country planning in a comprehensive approach - Identifies the SCO as the focal point for CCMD coordination within the Country Team PREDECISIONAL DRAFT
PREDECISIONAL DRAFT CSSAP Reference Guide Consistent with current DOD policy and joint doctrine … • Describes key actors and processes at the national, regional, and country level for planning and implementing foreign assistance • Identifies sources for more in-depth understanding • Offers a process for planning steady-state activities in a comprehensive approach • Assists the planner in determining the most effective ways to engage Reference Guide is designed to introduce, educate, & train steady-state coordination/cooperation perspectives PREDECISIONAL DRAFT
PREDECISIONAL DRAFT Using the CSSAP Reference Guide • National level (OSD, DOS, USAID) - Establishes a baseline as departments & agencies develop new integrated approach to processes & policies - Provides OSD/JS with CCMD & country team perspectives on cooperation and coordination; enables improved DC-level guidance - Provides education and training on steady-state and comprehensive approach concepts • Theater level (CCMDs) - Provides CCMD Planners with the current, standardized national level guidance & policy development process - Describes repeatable country-focused planning processes / template • Country level (Country Team) - Highlights the SCO as the key participant in steady-state coordination, cooperation, collaboration & integration - Provides insight for the remainder of Country Team into current DOD planning, assessment, and coordination policies, processes & perspectives Reference Guide introduces, educates & trains standard, repeatable DOD coordination & cooperation perspectives PREDECISIONAL DRAFT