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Welcome to Eastern Kentucky University. EKU Dual Credit Spring 2014. In Your Folder…. Approved Classes for EKU Dual Credit Students Calendar with Important Dates Steps for Online Registration General Regulations Concerning Student Behavior Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
Welcome toEastern Kentucky University EKU Dual Credit Spring 2014
In Your Folder…. • Approved Classes for EKU Dual Credit Students • Calendar with Important Dates • Steps for Online Registration • General Regulations Concerning Student Behavior • Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy • Student Right to Privacy • Steps to Withdraw/Drop a class • Course Eligibility and Tuition Rates • Web-4-Parent Instructions
Perks for EKU Dual Credit Students • Waived EKU application fee ($35 value) • Free access to EKU Library databases, over 80,000 ebooks and over 42,000 ejournals including full-text articles online to assist in course work • Free EKU email account • Free tutoring services (in person or via SKYPE) • Transferable credit (major courses may transfer as electives – refer to transfer.org)
What will EKU Dual Credit Students receive? Qualifying Juniors and Seniors: 2 courses per semester (fall and spring) at dual credit tuition rates (maximum of 8 courses total).
EKU Dual Credit Tuition EKU Dual Credit Tuition Fall 2013/Spring 2014 -$65 per credit hour Dual Credit Scholarships – Academically strong high school students may qualify for free dual credit tuition. All Dual Credit applications will be reviewed for scholarship qualification. EKU Now! Scholarship • Students must meet all EKU Dual Credit criteria, plus achieve an ACT Math sub-score of 19 or above. • These students will receive free dual credit tuition for one of the two allotted courses per semester. Whitlock Scholar Candidate • Students must meet all dual credit criteria, plus have attained an ACT Math sub-score of 19 or above, an ACT composite score of 24 or above, and a high school unweighted GPA of 3.5 or above. • These students will receive free dual credit tuition for the two allotted courses per semester.
Bookstore Information • You will be responsible for the cost of your textbook. • Take printable student schedule to bookstore to get your textbook (http://www.bookstore.eku.edu/). • Do not remove the shrink-wrap or open packaged text books.
What is required to continue participation in EKU Dual Credit? • Successful completion of courses • You are expected to maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA. • Students who earn a “D” or “F” may not continue their participation until they have repeated the course in which they made the “D” or “F”, earning at least a 2.0 term GPA. Students who elect to repeat a course should contact the Office of the Registrar for registration assistance. • Courses repeated by EKU Now! participants are subject to full dual credit tuition charge.* * $65 per credit hour = $195 per three hour class
Important EKU and EKU Dual Credit Policies • EKU students do not receive paper invoices. Students must check their EKU Direct accounts for invoice information. Accounts should be accurate, with scholarships applied, as of January 28, 2014. Please check your EKU Direct Account to make certain your account is accurate. • Unpaid accounts will accumulate late charges. Late charges begin to accumulate 90 days after the original due date in your EKU Direct Account. • Late fees will apply to EKU Dual Credit students. This includes “Late Registration Fees”. • You ARE responsible for the cost of textbooks, and any associated course fees. • You ARE responsible for Parking Passes (Richmond campus only). • FERPA Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 is in effect - regardless of age. Once a person is admitted as a student to a college or university, regardless of age, FERPA rights revert from parent to student. This means information can only be communicated to the student. • Juniors will need to reapply for their senior year.
Web-4-Parent A student can give written permission authorizing an individual(s) to have view only access to their EKU Direct information. • EKU Student Billing • Mid-terms Grades • Final Grades
First Day Attendance • First day of class – ATTENDANCE REQUIRED! • If you do not attend the first day of class, the instructor can drop you from the class for non-attendance. This policy also applies to online classes. • Students who know they will be absent should contact their instructor or the academic department office PRIOR TO THE FIRST CLASS to explain their absence and request that the instructor NOT drop them from the class. http://registrar.eku.edu/FirstDayOfAttendance
Withdrawing From orDropping a Classwww.registrar.eku.edu/Withdrawing/class • If you have to quit coming to class, you must WITHDRAW from or DROP your class. • Within the first 4 weeks this must be done by the student through EKU Direct account. After 4 weeks, consult your instructor and submit the correct form to the EKU Dual Credit administrative office. • Detailed directions for withdrawing from, or dropping a class, is in folder. • WARNING:If you do not withdraw or drop the class you will receive an F, this stays on your transcript and makes being admitted as a freshman difficult. This can also have a negative impact on receiving financial aid as an incoming freshman. • LAST DAY TO ADD/DROP = January 20, 2014 • LAST DAY TO WITHDRAW = April 4, 2014
Academic Success • Class Syllabus – Keep, read, and follow! An instructor may change syllabus at any time. • Focus – Prepare for class, complete assignments on time, and pay attention in class (take notes, turn off cell phones, participate, be courteous). • Disruptive Behavior in Class – This can prevent other students from learning. You can face disciplinary measures from the instructor and/or the university.
Academic Integrity • Cheating is defined as “an act or attempted act of deception by which a student seeks to misrepresent that he/she has mastered information on an academic exercise that he/she has not mastered.” • Cheating may occur on an exam, test, quiz, laboratory work report, theme, out of class assignment or any other work submitted by a student to fulfill course requirements and presented as solely the work of the student (this includes facilitation of academic dishonesty).
Academic Integrity • Plagiarism is defined as, “intentionally or knowingly representing the words of another, as one’s own in any academic exercise.” • Plagiarism is CHEATING and penalties range from simply affecting your grade to dismissal from the University. The Center for Academic Integrity: http://www.academicintegrity.org/index.asp
Class Attendance • Be there – Be on time! Most classes require 90% attendance (arriving late usually counts as ½ class absence; leaving early may count as a whole class absence). • Please check the course syllabus and speak to the instructor regarding the departmental attendance policy. It can vary by class and instructor. • You can fail a course even if you have a passing grade by not following the attendance policy. • You still have to attend your EKU Dual Credit class while on break at your high school. Please remember this before making vacation plans, etc…
Which classes may I take as an EKU Dual Credit Student? • EKU Dual Credit students can register for specified credit classes from among EKU’s general education requirements. This list is in your folder and also on the EKU Dual Credit website at dualcredit.eku.edu. • Some major introductory courses are now available. These courses may not be as transferrable as the general education requirements, but we invite you to explore different majors. • Class availability will vary according to semester and location. • Students must meet both EKU Dual Credit requirements and the usual course prerequisites including any additional ACT requirements. • Please tell your advisor if you are taking, or plan to take, any AP classes.
Classes with prerequisites beyond EKU Dual Credit requirements: • MAT 107-Minimum score of 22 needed on math portion of ACT • MAT 108- Completion of MAT 107 with a minimum grade of “C” or a minimum score of 22 on the math portion of the ACT • MAT 109 – Completion of MAT 107 with a minimum grade of “C” or a minimum score of 23 on the math portion of the ACT • MAT 124 – Completion of MAT 109 with a minimum grade of “C” or a minimum score of 25 on the math portion of the ACT • CHE 111/111L- Completion of MAT 107 with a minimum grade of “C” or a minimum score of 22 or higher on math portion of ACT • CHE 112/112L – Completion of CHE 111/111L with a grade of “C” or better • AST 135 – Completion of MAT 105 with a minimum grade of a “C” or better, or a minimum score of 20 on the math portion of the ACT.
Grade Reports • Midterm and Final grades are viewable online through your EKU Direct account • Midterm grades viewable March 9 (EKU Direct/Student Service/Midterm Grades – Student Records) • Final grades viewable May 13 (EKU Direct/Student Records/Official Grade Report) • Midterm and Final grades are not mailed out to students, but will be communicated to your high school.
Undergraduate Scholarships Presidential Scholarship Opportunities: Seniors with an unweighted high school GPA of 3.50 or above and an ACT composite of 23 or higher, who apply to EKU by February 1, qualify for EKU’s Presidential Scholarship upon high school graduation. Qualifying students will receive a scholarship of $1,750 per semester ($3,500 annually) for up to 8 semesters. For information on additional scholarships of greater value, go to: http://scholarships.eku.edu/instate-students.
EKU Direct • Registration, drop/add and withdrawal • View Address, change PIN • View mid-term and final grades • View Invoices • Online class schedule • Student Email
Resources Colonel’s Compass Located at the bottom of the home page. • Registering for classes • Deadlines to add, drop and/or withdraw from class • Registration errors • Calendar dates • Final exam schedule • Enrollment verification • dualcredit.eku.edu • Who qualifies • How to apply • Approved Courses • Advising Sessions