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Introduction to land measurement, geodesy science, and making maps. Learn about measuring land, creating maps, and their benefits. Understand different types of maps and their purposes in geodesy work.
CONTAIN INTRODUCTION Beda HIGH Measure Measurement aft MAKE A MAP Situation
Geometry Land Science Who’s the most success??? By : SARJUDI
MAN SUKSES ALERTS • NOT EASY despair • ULET and diligent • Always be ON THE ROAD • BENAR • IstiqomahWITH PERJUANGANNYA
Do not be afraid of competition Facing an increasingly heavy
CHAPTER IINTRODUCTION DEFINITION AND MEANING: • Geometry is a small piece of land from a larger study, called the science of geodesy. • Science geodesy has 2 purpose / goal: • Scientific purpose, namely determining the form of pemukaan earth. • Practical purpose, namely to learn that most of the drawing or a small part of the earth's surface, called a map.
The purpose of land measuring • Determine the position any different in shape over the surface of the earth • Determine the location of the height (ELEVATION) different things over or under a field on the surface of a calm sea. • Determine the form of relief or surface and its width. • Determine the length, direction, and position (position) of a line that is located on the surface of the earth, which is the limit of a particular area.
Benefits of working the land measuring • Measurements for land • Measurements for the different high ground • Measurements to create a map • Measurement plan for building
MAP • One of the purposes of measurement of land is to create a map. • Map is the image of the surface of the earth, viewed vertically from the top on a flat field. • Mapping must satisfy the requirements as follows; • Have scale • Using the projection system • Have a legend • Mempuyaiany posts for a full description.
Miscellaneous maps • Agrarian Map: Created and measured by the National Land Agency (BPN) with the size of a large skalanya usually 1: 1000, or 1: 500. Above this map can be seen every situation persildengan building, used for land tax and technical work. • Map techniques: Made for technical work, for planning and making of buildings, roads, railway, irrigation, bridges and other purposes for development. • Topographic map is a map that depicts the details with a complete, have provisions e.g international projection that is used is based on projections polyder based on line-latitude and Meredian. Scale used is 1: 50,000 and 1; 35,000 each size of each map is 20 x 20 artinay 20 latitude and 20 longitude. With a 18 x 13 cm. Map created by the office Topography Forces. 4.Map hidrolgrafi; That is a map that depicts the beach, in the sea, and describes the particulars of dperluka in shipping. • Map special This map was created for a purpose so that it can not be used for other purposes, such as: Map statistics Road map Mapriver Map of irrigation Geological map Forest map Maptrianggualsi • World map: depicts continents and islands, its boundary limits of each country in the world with its content. This means the country roads, villages, and rivers to the flora and fauna
MAP SCALE • Linier is a comparison of the situation on the map (drawing paper) with the situation on earth. • For example, a map with scale 1: 10,000 means that 1 mm on the map with the same 10,000 mm (10 m) above the surface of the earth. • How to draw a scale: Straight distance measurements in the field: 15 m Scale map: 1: 10,000 But the image in the map distance = 15m = 1500cm1/10.000
CHAPTER IIMeasure Beda AIRCRAFT WITH HIGH PENYIPAT Plain • Tools used: A. Signs • There are 2 types of signs: • Negative signs Negative signs (-) signs is the number-number upside down (but still under nolnya). Signs for use with this aircraft have not yet penyipat the lens commutator. Example: wild, transit • Positive signs Positive signs (+): positive signs are signs that the number-number is not inverted (n0rmal) is used on a flat plane penyipat already have lenses commutator.
HOW TO READ THE SIGN • HOW reading a. ba = 0.875 • B. bt= 0.975 c. bb = 0.715 • Correction reading = Bt = ba + bb / 2 Or 2 = bt = ba + bb Distance = d = (ba-bb) x 100 Different high-Δt = btΔt = high tool
CHAPTER IV MAKE TOPOGRAPHY MAP OR Situation MAP • Topographic map: a map of the base can not be separated by geological work, because the map could be used to determine the distribution of rock, the planning for mining, building engineering plan for the areas from flooding, landslides, and other interests.
I. SIZE Situation • In building a plan is required with the map scale 1: 500, or 1: 1000, from areas that are built. At the top of the situation with the map scale 1: 500 or 1: 1000 can be planned way, the channel plans etc. mining. Work is done with the measurement tool measuring BTM (Bousole Tranche Montagne) or dg theodolit. • To map the dots are placed in the field and in the measuring point with a theodolite measuring tool. • After a point in the measure and so is known coordinates and the high, then conducted to measure the details of measurement situations. Which is measured in the: direction angle, vertical angle, distance optis.
1.1. Measurement Path • Measurements made with the road to make the measurement situation stasiunnya stand berloncatan one point. • Angle is the direction angle starting from the north / south magnit and rotates towards the east or west. • There are 4 types of Azimuth: • corner of the north direction - east • Corner of the Department of North - West • Corner of the Department of South - West • Corner of the Department of South-East
Besaran yang diukurdilapangan • Sudutjurusan • Sudut miring/vertikal/sudut Zenith. • Jarakoptis miring padarambuberdasarkanselisihpembacaanbenangatas (ba), benangbawah (bb) dikalikan 100. • Dibacajugabenangtengah (bt) yang dapatmengontrolbacaanbenangatas (ba), danbenangbawah (bb).Yaitu : 2 bt =(bb+ba) • Tinggipesawatdiukurdariataspiket (kalaupesawatdidirikandiataspiket) dankalaupesawatdidirikandiatastanahdiukurtinggipermukaantanah . Tinggialat = ta.
1.2. Situation Size Calculations • Dar everything that i have been measured and calculated dikantor and the horizontal distance is high and the next point is calculated based on the details. • The calculation is based on the picket over the placement, both for aircraft and for rambunya. Aircraft on the picket height measured from the top of the picket A = TPA. • Placement of signs on the picket B where high picket from the ground B = tpb. The required high ground in the A and B, to draw a line high, so high is also sought land from the point A and B.
Distance formula: d = 100 (ba-bb) ---- when α = 0 • Sloping distance formula: d = 100 (ba-bb) x Cos α • Even the distance formula: d '= 100 (ba-bb) x α Cos2 • The formula is high: t = d α Sin (if using distance italics) • Even when using the distance: t = d'xtgα
1.3 MAPPLANNING DEVELOPMENT • Explore the area to be measured with and learned to make the necessary sketches. • Plan for measurement framework. • Plan for measurement details • We have to really memorize the region will not be measured until later that there are areas terlewati • How many days the plan for measurement, the measurement results and finally drawing
1.4. Work StepMeasurement • Measure the framework of the map with the measurement of how open or closed polygon. • To a height of the polygon dots, measured with a measurement framework penyipat even • Calculate first order map coordinates, and then gambarkan according to the scale needed. • Include also a high-level point in the framework of the land in accordance with the results of the measurements even penyipat • Plan measurement detail (content frame). • Implement measurement detail how the measurement station spring-methode (measurement jump) on the plane, or BTM theodolit. With as much as possible the measurement kesamping details required for the map, namely: rivers, major roads, paths, ground relief, (for tranches) border villages, paddy fields, because, forests, and other information is then recorded detail detail and floppy disks.
Each measurement must be accompanied with detailed measurement framework map even better angle and height angle direction. • Distance measurement does not detail more than 150 m, because if more than the already determined ketepatannya doubt. • Then the search result is higher land measurement detail with reading slope angle (italic) in table B. • Each measurement was generated immediately drawn in order to draw a map with the protractor, so that immediately known where the measurement is taken. • Include the height of detail for detail's the point of measurement When the map is finished drawn, then immediately make lines with the height of the interval 1 / 2000 x scale map. • Complete the map page. with the legend that clearly fit the field • For controlling the map page should be brought emptiness in case that there has not been measured, or the legend that one of the observation • Bener-bener When is the new full drawn on paper to be kalkir.
1.5. DESCRIPTION HOW measurement and drawing frame MAP • Measure the dots with the order of measurement are required: that is with one of the measurements: • Measurement polygon is closed • Measurement polygon perfect bound • Measurement polygon bound • Polygon-free measurement • Calculate the size of the size of the corners and the polygon coordinates are calculated in accordance with the requirements of applicable • How to draw a map of the framework: • When drawing the map does not require calculation of the coordinates, use the protractor in determining the size of the corners in the polygon dots are. • When coordinates are used then the make-axis axis of coordinates.
1.6. Cara menggambar Tranches (garisketinggian) • Bilatitik-titik detail sudahdigambarkandidalamrangkatersebut , cantumkan pula ketinggiantanahnyadanmulailahmenarik-narikgaris –garisketinggian (tranches) yang sesuaidenganketentuanskalapeta. • Nilaikenaikantipagaristransches = 1/2000 x skalapeta • Contoh 1. : untukpetaskala 1 : 50.000 makatiapgaristranschesmempunyaikenaikan 1/2000 x 50.000 = 25 m. • Contoh 2. : untukpetaskala 1 : 10.000 makatipagaristranschesmempunyaikenaikan 1/2000 x 10.000 = 5 m.
Example 3. map that we created large-scale 1: 1000 then every line transches have increased every 1 / 2000 x 1000 = ½ m.
BILA location lines TRANCHESNYA JARANG, this means MEDAN sloping IS (NOT bold)
When the lines transches the compact steep-lying berimpit means. When the lines is a sharp corner and a meeting there is usually rainfall and river flow
Use lines tranches on the map: • To know the form of field (or steep land) • Facilitate planning for roads, irrigation, dam, mine planning process. • PLN plans in the electricity poles from the central and inter-city. • Plans another in civil engineering or construction.
Nature transches line (contours) • Line with the other one will not have the • Tranhessloping line indicates that the flat • The transches that meeting indicate that the steep • Transchesline shows the area a closed top of the hill • Transchesa closed line and combed the valley shows
Measurement with the transit situation • Measurements in detail, each point where the aircraft must be established at the point tied bunch before, and then directed to the point - the point details. • Egaircraft standing at point 1 then navigate to the first point P (point polygon order) as a starting point to the new ligament so that 2 point 1 point sudutnya known. • Also if the plane stood on the point 2, the first referring to point 1 as point angle setting new detail point a, b, c, d, and so tied to a new point 3. • Planes stand on the point 3 then directed first to point 2 as point and corner fastening setrusnya.
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