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We organize a wide Event explore the world with GUEST FOR HOME on 15-Nov-2014. This event is free for all members and non-member in-house counsel.
Dearfellowenthusiastfor travelanddiscoverer Nowadays, many peoplealloverthe worldwishand are able toshare their passion fortheir places oflivingorholiday’s destinations.Yourpersonalcommitment, regular and constantefforts ofyour writings through blog, network, magazine, e-letter… allowmanyinternetusersto benefitandto seedthecontent. With Guestfor Home,theworldisupto beaglobalvillage GuestforHome hasdecidednowtobeaccessiblefreeofcharge fortheprovidedservices,providing homeownersandtravelers with appropriate means to directlyexchange aboutthe future stay. GuestForHomewishestofederatecloselyaprofessionalcommunity,our“Consuls”inalargenumber of countries will enable tourists and travelers to make the most of their stay, thanks to their deep knowledge ofthe visitedarea. Crowdfunding campaign Weare currentlypreparingthe1stcampaigntoraise thefunds required to further develop thewebsite and onlineplatformtomakethesearcheasierforfindingastay,theinformationsharingaswellashighlights and land marks of the places encountered during the travel. The crowdfunding campaign will be launchedmid-novemberonwww.indiegogo.com. GuestFor Home community partnership Thanks tothe media campaign, whichis assistingthe launchingof the crowdfundingcampaign, and the further improvingof the website and platform, we expectmanyregistrations of members. Itisup to you tojointheGuestFor HomeGlobalcommunityso thatour future members willalsoparticipate toyour communityand to your followers. Weprojecttocreateaglobalmapon whichallthecommunitypartnershipswith geographicalcriteriaand specific filters. This tool must allow our members in experiencing your provision of service and accelerate your interaction much faster than other standard search or social networks. Clearly, our objective is to create a snowball effect, benefiting all! Therefore, your list of subscribers, members, likes… willgrowfaster. Join us for free onGuestFor Home! BecomingaGuestForHomecommunitypartnerisfree,andamutualbeneficialcooperationinsharing content and creating a global platform that will become one of the most efficient enriched by our members, on a rollingbasis, enablingthemto findthedesiredplace and toshare theirexperience… RewardswillbeofferedtoanycontributorstotheGuestForHome’scrowdfundingcampaignandyou, as part of the partnership, will share them with your relations. These rewards will be, for example,
overnightstaysinextra,pricediscountsfortouristactivities,annualfreeaccesstopremiumservicesof GuestForHome…Andanyotherrewardsyoucouldimagineinrelationwithyourareaandsupported byGuest ForHome. By co-operatingwithGuestFor Home, allofus willwin! We willspreadinformation and tipsregardingthecrowdfundingcampaignon ourFacebookpage, and we invite you tojoin us asowners,and/or professionalpartners ofthetourism. With kind regards, Marie H. Ray Communication&PRDirector MathieuBurthey CEO Contact crowd-fd@guestforhome.comwww.guestforhome.com