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11. Annual Meeting of the Baltic Sea Network on Occupational Health and Safety Oslo, 4.- 5. Nov. 2005

2. Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), Subdivision 3.3 "Mental Workload, Stress and Work Design" Berlin, Dresden Contact:pech.eberhard@baua.bund.de / ? 4930 - 515 48 4412 D-10317 Berlin, N

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11. Annual Meeting of the Baltic Sea Network on Occupational Health and Safety Oslo, 4.- 5. Nov. 2005

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Presentation Transcript

    1. 1 Musterseite: Titel/Logo + CD-FarbeMusterseite:Titel/Logo +CD-Farbe

    2. 2

    3. 3 11. Annual Meeting of the Baltic Sea Network on Occupational Health and Safety Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)

    4. 4 Social background of the topic “Stress at work” Social background of the topic “Stress at work” Social background of the topic “Stress at work”

    5. 5 Variation of sickness absence (days and cases) and rate of persons affected by psychic disorders (data source: Deutsche Angestellten Krankenkasse, AU-Daten 2004) Musterseite: Kurven- diagrammMusterseite:Kurven-diagramm

    6. 6 Variations of sickness absence in 2004 in relation to 1997 (in %) Musterseite: Säulen- diagrammMusterseite:Säulen-diagramm

    7. 7 Social background of the topic “Stress at work”

    8. 8 Early Retirement: Relative contributions of the tree most important groups of diagnoses (1985 to 2002) Musterseite: Kurven- diagrammMusterseite:Kurven-diagramm

    9. 9 Strategy to prevent stress - Europe

    10. Contact: Dr. Gabriele Freude; E-Mail: Freude.Gabriele@baua.bund.de 10 Strategy to prevent stress - Germany

    11. 11

    12. 12

    13. Contact: Eberhard Pech; E-Mail: Pech.Eberhard@baua.bund.de 13 BAuA - STRESS-Portal focuses on the following issues:

    14. Contact: Eberhard Pech; E-Mail: Pech.Eberhard@baua.bund.de 14 BAuA - STRESS-Portal focuses on the following target groups

    15. 15 Examples of established web pages (InterNet-Portals) Musterseite: Standard-Text, 1-spaltigMusterseite:Standard-Text,1-spaltig

    16. 16 Examples of established web pages (InterNet-Portals) Musterseite: Standard-Text, 1-spaltigMusterseite:Standard-Text,1-spaltig

    17. 17 Examples of established web pages (InterNet-Portals) Musterseite: Standard-Text, 1-spaltigMusterseite:Standard-Text,1-spaltig

    18. 18 Examples of established web pages (InterNet-Portals) Musterseite: Standard-Text, 1-spaltigMusterseite:Standard-Text,1-spaltig

    19. Contact: Michael Ertel; E-Mail: Ertel.Michael@baua.bund.de 19 Introduction of teleworking in a pension insurance fund. A qualitative study on success factors of alternative work arrangements A applied research project

    20. Contact: Michael Ertel; E-Mail: Ertel.Michael@baua.bund.de 20 Introduction of teleworking in a pension insurance fund. A qualitative study on success factors of alternative work arrangements A applied research project

    21. Contact: Michael Ertel; E-Mail: Ertel.Michael@baua.bund.de 21 Introduction of teleworking in a pension insurance fund. A qualitative study on success factors of alternative work arrangements A applied research project

    22. Contact: Michael Ertel; E-Mail: Ertel.Michael@baua.bund.de 22 Introduction of teleworking in a pension insurance fund. A qualitative study on success factors of alternative work arrangements A applied research project

    23. 23

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