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Learn about the Abilene Network improvements, research projects, community expansions, and upcoming security services through Internet2 and REN-ISAC collaboration.
Abilene Update Steve Cotter Director, Network Services Joint Techs – July 2006 Madison, WI
Short Section Title The Abilene Network • 10-Gbps ‘best effort’, over-provisioned IP network • Current normal load ~2+ Gbps; ~10 Gbps peak • Carrier provisioned backbone λ’s on Qwest footprint • Sunnyvale-Seattle and Seattle-Denver circuits are now provided by Qwest as result of Section 271 relief (were Level3 circuits) • Still a highly reliable IP network • ~4.8 9’s Juniper core node availability over past 12 months • SONET backhaul available to connectors • Dual stack IPv4/IPv6, native multicast, MPLS LSPs • Purchasing 10 Mbps of IPv6 transit at PAIX • IPv6: 56 Participants, 26 Connectors, 40 Peers (3 Federal, 27 International, 11 Experimental/Non-production) • Abilene continues to be widely used – it has the community’s traffic, the applications, the users, the peerings, and the experiments.
Short Section Title Abilene Community • 35 direct connections (OC-3c 10 Gbps) • 3 10 Gbps (10 GE) connections • OC-192c SONET also supported • 7 OC-48c connections & 5 GE connectors • 24 connected at OC-12c (622 Mbps) or higher • 246 Primary Participants – research universities and labs • Newest additions: C-SPAN, EBSCO Industries, United States Antarctic Program (USAP), • Expanded Access • 147 Sponsored Participants - Individual institutions, K-12 schools, museums, libraries, research institutes • 36 Sponsored Educational Group Participants - state-based education networks See: http://abilene.internet2.edu/
Network Research Facilitation Using Abilene for Network Research Research projects across the Abilene Observatory are organized into two types: • Projects using data collected by Abilene engineers using equipment located in the router nodes and operated by the Abilene NOC • Data collected by separate research projects using their own equipment collocated in the Abilene racks • Collocation Research Projects: • PlanetLab: A global overlay network for developing and accessing new network services. Larry Peterson, Princeton • The AMP Project: Performs site-to-site active measurements (path, round-trip-time, packet loss and on demand throughput tests) and analyses that enable network researchers and engineers to track problems and changes in HPC performance. Tony McGregor NLANR/MNA, Waikato University • Passive Measurement and Analysis: Objective is to deliver new insights into the operation, behavior, and health of the Internet, for the benefit of network users and operations. Joerg Micheel, NLANR/MNA, San Diego Supercomputer Center, UCSD
Network Research Facilitation Using Abilene for Network Research There are more than 33 other research projects currently using Abilene Observatory data. Some of the more recent additions are: • WAIL: The Wisconsin Advanced Internet Laboratory, Flow sampling and Anomaly Detection using Abilene flow data. Paul Barford; • Network Research Lab at Case Western Reserve, Project is to assess the presence and incidence of alpha flows in backbone links. Vincenzo Liberatore; • Kent State University Computer Science Department, Traffic Management and QoS Provisioning in IP Networks: The objective of this work is to investigate the impact of self-similar traffic on the performance of output buffers in switches and routers. Hassan Peyravi; • Boston University, Department of Computer Science and Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Spatio-Temporal Network Analysis: interested in the properties of traffic at an intermediate level -- the level of source-destination flows, ie, all traffic flowing from a given origin router to a given destination router; For a more comprehensive list, see: http://abilene.internet2.edu/observatory/research-projects.html
Network Security Internet2 & REN-ISAC Collaboration • New services provided to members: • BotNet Tracker Service: provides members with a rich list of known botnet command and control domain names and IP addresses. • Secure IRC: provides a means for members to securely communicate in real time. • Secure Wiki: provides a controlled access space for members to directly share information and documentation. • Pilot of a centralized Arbor Networks Peakflow service to Connectors beginning • Hardware is already installed. • If you're interested and/or want to participate see Doug Pearson, IU
Network Security Internet2 & REN-ISAC Collaboration • New services on immediate horizon • Malware Sites: list of known malware sites • Warez Sites: list of know warez sites • Working with SALSA CSI2 effort on • Shared Darknet Project • RENOIR: inter-institutional incident information sharing (led by WPI) • Since departure of Charles Yun, REN-ISAC is picking up role to coordinate Abilene Operational Security Exercise. • Planning for that will begin shortly and will probably involve some of the regionals and possibly international partners. Doug Pearson giving more detail on these, Wednesday 11:00a.
Asia-Pacific Americas AAIREP (Australia) APAN (Asia-Pacific) ANF (Korea) CERNET/CSTNET/ NSFCNET (China) ERNET/CDAC (India) JAIRC (Japan) JUCC (Hong Kong) NECTEC/UNINET (Thailand) REANNZ (New Zealand) SingAREN (Singapore) TANet2 (Taiwan) CANARIE (Canada) CEDIA (Ecuador)CLARA (Latin America & Caribbean) CNTI (Venezuela) CR2NET (Costa Rica) CUDI (Mexico) REUNA (Chile) RETINA (Argentina) RNP [FAPESP] (Brazil) SENACYT (Panama) International Connectivity 48 International Partnerships and Growing Europe Africa MCIT [EUN/ENSTIN] (Egypt) TENET (South Africa) ARNES (Slovenia) BELNET (Belgium) CARNET (Croatia) CESnet (Czech Republic) DANTE (Europe) DFN-Verein (Germany) FCCN (Portugal) GARR (Italy) GIP- RENATER (France) GRNET (Greece) HEAnet (Ireland) HUNGARNET (Hungary) NORDUnet (Nordic Countries) PSNC/PIONER (Poland) RedIRIS (Spain) RESTENA (Luxembourg) RIPN (Russia) SANET (Slovakia) Stichting SURF (Netherlands) SWITCH (Switzerland) TERENA (Europe) JISC, UKERNA (United Kingdom) Middle East Israel-IUCC (Israel) Qatar Foundation (Qatar) South Asia ERNET/CDAC (India)
International Connectivity 80+ Networks reachable via International Peerings Europe-Middle East Asia-Pacific Americas Austria (ACOnet) Belgium (BELNET) Croatia (CARNet) Czech Rep. (CESNET) Cyprus (CYNET) Denmark (Forskningsnettet) Estonia (EENet) Finland (Funet) France (Renater) Germany (G-WIN) Greece (GRNET) Hungary (HUNGARNET) Iceland (RHnet) Ireland (HEAnet) Israel (IUCC) Italy (GARR) Jordan (JUNET) Latvia (LATNET) Lithuania (LITNET) Luxembourg (RESTENA) Malta (Univ. Malta) Netherlands (SURFnet) Norway (UNINETT) Palestinian Territories (Gov’t Computing Center) Poland (POL34) Portugal (RCTS2) Qatar (Qatar FN) Romania (RoEduNet)Russia (RBnet) Slovakia (SANET) Slovenia (ARNES) Spain (RedIRIS) Sweden (SUNET) Switzerland (SWITCH) Syria (HIAST) United Kingdom (JANET) Turkey (ULAKBYM) *CERN Australia (AARNET) China (CERNET, CSTNET, NSFCNET) Fiji (USP-SUVA) Hong Kong (HARNET) Indonesia (INHERENT) Japan (SINET, WIDE, JGN2) Korea (KOREN, KREONET2) New Zealand (NGI-NZ) Philippines (PREGINET) Singapore (SingAREN) Taiwan (TANet2, ASNet) Thailand (UNINET, ThaiSARN) Vietnam (Vinaren) Argentina (RETINA) Brazil (RNP2/ANSP) Canada (CA*net) Chile (REUNA) Costa Rica (CR2Net) Mexico (Red-CUDI) United States (Abilene)Panama (RedCyT) Peru (RAAP) Uruguay (RAU2) Venezuela (REACCIUN2) Central Asia Africa Armenia (ARENA) Georgia (GRENA) Kazakhstan (KAZRENA) Tajikistan (TARENA) Uzbekistan (UZSCI) Algeria (CERIST) Egypt (EUN/ENSTIN) Morocco (CNRST) Tunisia (RFR) South Africa (TENET) http://abilene.internet2.edu/peernetworks/international.html
International Connectivity International Connectivity Updates • Point-to-Point service trial between Internet2 (HOPI) and Europe (GEANT) • GEANT2 services include switched, point-to-point GigE-based services, bundled as part of core subscription for NRENs • Internet2 to offer similar services • Currently via HOPI testbed • Ultimately via new network • Desire to trial technical and organization model for making these services available across both GEANT2 and Internet2 communities – still accepting pilot users. Coming Soon: • Peering with New Zealand’s REANNZ network • Partnership with MYREN: Malaysia’s R&E Network
Dynamic Services Development BRU-SCI: Current Work • Internet2's BRUW and ESnet's OSCARS merged into same codebase. Working name of collaboration is BRU-SCI (Bandwidth Reservation for Users of Science Applications) • Successful interdomain reservation established in each direction between Abilene and ESnet through Chicago peering point. Reservation consisted of: • A web page to schedule the reservation via a web service request • Two BRU-SCI servers (one on each domain) with a web service interface. Servers handle AAA, reservation data, path discovery and path setup • An exchange of X.509 certificates to authenticate the cross-domain request • Two MPLS tunnels (one on each domain) converged at the Chicago peering point. Each MPLS tunnel was established by its respective BRU-SCI server
Dynamic Services Development BRU-SCI: Future Work • Interface BRU-SCI to CANARIE's UCLP(User Controlled Lightpaths). • This will be BRU-SCI's first step toward providing capabilities beyond MPLS and an entrance into the circuit-switched realm • UCLP will act as backend for establishing End-to-End connections across a lightpath • Expand path discovery mechanism • Currently use IP dependent traceroute. Will explore other possibilities such as OSPF and BGP. • Further collaborate with similar projects such as DRAGON(MAX) • Work toward interoperability between various “Bandwidth on Demand” technologies. • Combine efforts where appropriate See Internet2’s Andrew Lake arl10@albion.edu for more information
Short Section Title The New Internet2 Network • Announced at the SMM, but details had to be withheld • Will be deployed nationally over 13,000 miles of dedicated fiber using Level3 fiber and Infinera optronics across the backbone • 100G capacity to start • Sustainable model with clear path forward to 40G & 100G • Network capable of supporting production and experimental services across the same infrastructure • Internet2 will have complete control of the optical layer and highly granular lightpath services that can be provisioned dynamically • The network will provide short-term and long-term waves, as well as on-demand or advanced reservation “lightpath” scheduling • Waves come with Service Level guarantees • The IP network, corresponding to the current Abilene footprint, will be built on the optical network
Architecture Detailed Layer 1 Topology PROVISIONAL TOPOLOGY
New Network Activities Community Design Workshop • Held 15-16 June in Indianapolis • Provided details of the new network and received input from the community • Attended by more than 120 Internet2 member technical and executive staff • Breakout sessions regional, connector and site specific details were discussed • Internet2 received valuable input on architecture, services and transition which is being integrated into the new network design and policies • Additional information is available at http://networks.internet2.edu/
New Network Activities Coming out of CDW • Focused on finalizing the architecture and costs • Already had calls with more than 1/3rd of the connectors • Gathering information necessary in determining costs for connections and rollout of services • Advisory Groups are being formed to provide technical and policy advice for the new network (Paul Schopis heading up this effort) • Working with Level3 and Infinera on deployment schedule • Deployment will begin this fall • First segments operational near end of year, completion by late Spring • Transition plans are being drawn up • Evaluation of the grooming boxes is underway and selection will be completed within 2 weeks • Business and membership models are being reviewed/finalized • Policies being written for commodity traffic and content exchange peerings based on community input
Short Section Title Internet2 - Infinera MoU • Commitment to technology collaboration with the Internet2 community on: • Service management and delivery leveraging GMPLS • VPN services including L1 VPNs and advanced network management solutions • Driving toward lower cost 40G interfaces using technologies such as X40 • Collaboration on development and test efforts of super-lambda services for high-capacity applications such as 100GbE • Utilization of the Internet2 network for network testing of new technologies
Additional Info Internet2’s New Network BoF: • Tuesday 12:30 – 1:50pm, Rm. 325/326 RONs/Connectors BoF: • Tuesday 6:00 – 8:00pm, Wisconsin Ballroom • Contact info: scotter @ internet2 . edu 248.379.1965 (cell)